
Chapter 13: Jaune Arc vs Stone Warrior: Round 2.

Chapter 13: Jaune Arc vs Stone Warrior: Round 2


The Warrior slowly got onto one knee watching jaune arc with widened eyes as the blonde man stepped past his former friends, all of which was staring at him with shocked looks.

"...hehehe...welcome back Gaki, I thought I killed you over the cliff" it said as it slowly rose back up to its full height however the creature placed its right hand onto the swords grip which got the Ace Ops to flinch though mostly out of pride as Jaunes very appearance got the creature to go close to unsheathing its weapon.

Jaune slowly nodded his head stopping just in front of the Hunters in Training "yeah, you nearly did but I went into a state of near death-" Jaune started explaining only to hear a gasp from Pyrrha interrupting the story "-I've decided to look into myself and I've made a realization..."

The Blonde man exclaimed slowly raising his golden gauntlet and a brilliant stable flash of red "that I will cast out my fear of myself and the world, when I have the stones embedded into my gauntlet then I should have no reason to fear anything." He exclaimed as the flash of red brighten which the ground underneath jaune started crackling red with the earth "but I have questions and you are the only one who has the answers I seek"

"Is that so Gaki? Hmmm, how about this...I'll answer one question now and the rest if you can defeat me" the warrior offered which it's eyes slowly landed on the ground underneath the blonde man to find it shifting almost like water.

"Why do you have a piece of the Planispheric Disk?" Jaune asked quickly, hitting the subject of the Warriors Job for the last few thousand years. The warriors eyes hardened immediately at the question "....how do you know Gaki? Not many in the current age know what that is so how do you know?" "I still don't know even after I researched it, the Planispheric Disk is highly rare even as ancient artifacts. Now answer me" the blonde man exclaimed as the ground started shifting more violently.

The Stone Man chuckled as he slowly entered the advanced Kenjutsu Battle Stance "very well, I did say one question...my platoon, the Eternal Dragon of the Mantles Imperial Demon Army has been stationed in Vacuo for a maximum of 10 Years until we met Diego de la Vega." The Warrior started to explain but stopped momentarily to look at the very intrigued faces of everyone aside from the blonde man who looked a bit bored.

"Diego had told my people that he was a member of a fallen order known as the Spanish Inquisition after his people had died mysteriously, then handed my commanding officer General, Takeo Satoshi, the piece of the disk and told us to hide it and never let it fall into anyone's hands if we value the world and it's future so we carved into the underground caverns underneath Vacuo and placed my platoon to guard the disk.

Inquisitor Vega has informed us that if we do this then Nibiru can never return and such the world will continue to spin, to grow, to evolve! Now why do you seek the disks gaki? Is it the wealth? The power? Or do you just seek the danger that the cursed treasure represents?" The warrior explained why it was doing in the caverns watching jaune who looked more intrigued then worried "I seek to challenge myself and this 'Nibiru' seems like something worth fighting against" Jaune informed as he really did believe that this mysterious cursed monster could match jaune in both power and intelligence.

The Warrior nodded at this as not many would charge at a creature unknown to the world "...you're quite something Gaki, most would run from the unknown but not you. No you'd run AT the unknown" it said before breaking down in a fit of giggles just as the very ground underneath the blonde started to rise and spiral around himself almost looking like a liquid earth shield.

"But enough of talking, us WARRIORS don't need words. Tell me what is on your mind before we fight hmm?" The Stone Man exclaimed, gripping his sword as it fully entered its preferred sword stance.

The Liquid Earth shifted quickly and became a solid earthly serpentine dragon as it slowly rose upwards hissing out a deep growl, its very form caused everyone aside the two warriors to gasp then down at jaune who looked extremely serious "...The hardest choices require the strongest will. For what I'm going to do in the future..." Jaune said as the flash of red was seen.

'ROARRR!' The stone dragon let out its monstrous roar as it charged at the Stone Warrior, making contact with the warriors sword sending it skidding backwards and pushing it back even more with its stone head.

The Warrior grits it's teeth underneath the stone mask then gripping the sword as a green like energy starts exuding from its arms, tapping into a power the warrior hasn't used ever since the time of ancient mantle "ARRRRRGHHHHHH!" It shouted slashing through the stone dragon crushing it by the magic infused force breaking it down then caused a minor shockwave to occur.

Jaune watched the green exuding warrior with an emotionless mask 'so it possesses leftover magic? If I'm a betting man then I can assume that is the very energy that it's using to sustain itself for all this time? But how much longer before it runs out? It obviously had used far too much just keeping itself alive for this long. So I DO have a chance, I just need this creature to forcefully use more energy until it can't sustain itself' Jaune thought to himself before raising his hand as a ball of fire is formed over his palm.

The Warrior looked up to find a large fireball streaking towards it so it raised its sword and slashed at it causing it to explode and force it backwards more before sidestepping to fight as an Earthly Arrow was shot to where it was before, the Warrior covered itself with its green energy before charging.

Jaune clenched his fist at his side with a flash of red shifting and molding the earth beneath his feet into hundreds of needle-like senbons though to those who were watching the fight didn't know what jaune was thinking with the spikes "uhh, jaune right?" Someone called out prompting the blonde to look over to see the blue haired huntsmen call out "listen, I'm pretty confused but you saw what you're...dragon just did, what makes you think Senbon Needles would do what a massive earth construct can't?"

The blonde man snorted in amusement even if he didn't know who the blue man was, it was fun seeing the reactions of people like him "during my first fight with this warrior, even if it was brief. I've figured out the creatures material composition and I'm capable of altering the earth's density and atom composition that is capable of piercing it" Jaune explained his meaning before ignoring Neptune's next question which was cut off with a flash of red is seen along with hundreds of needles is shot into the air driving towards the Stone Warrior.

The Senbon hits the Stone Warrior and unlike most weapons that the creature ranked on bounced off its material skin, the needles pierced the stone like surface which caused the creature to go wide eyed as pain filled its senses until raising its sword to twirl its grip which blocked the remaining thrown needles causing them to hit the ground.

The Warrior panted as he looked at its body to see the damage to find a dozen pikes penetrated its torso then looked at jaune curiously "how did you?-" "it took me a while during our first encounter so I was thinking about your stone shell then I made a connection" Jaune starts explaining as he starts walking towards the Stone Warrior.

"you're stone shell has to be hard, light and strong and there's only a few Stone Materials are like that but two of them such as Diamonds and Carbons are impossible to manipulate over the body completely so that leaves one. Wurtzite Boron Nitride, a material found after volcanic eruptions. This material is said to be 14% Harder than Diamonds but unlike the gem, Wurtzite can only maintain its form for so long before its atom composition starts giving out especially since you're body has been around since the time of the Spanish Inquisition" Jaune finished explaining with a smirk causing almost everyone in the cave to have slack jaws to first hand witness Jaune Arc's intelligence at work.

The Warrior remained shocked at the boy who discovered his stone material body so easily and pierced through it with the same ease, it chuckled to itself before charging at the blonde man at an increased rate which was faster than before then raising its sword to twirl again to block another storm of senbons, it launched itself into the air towards jaune to slash downwards at the blonde man but the ground surged up and it's look reshaped on a crack of red lightning then forged what looked like liquid steel.

The sword crashed against the metal shield in a loud clank from the contact before being pushed back by the shapeless steel weapon then ducked under the metal pike that formed after the stone man then slashed towards jaune only to be defended by the metal liquid, the creature growled before jumping backwards to throw a senbon which was embedded into its chest towards the Gauntlet User.

The Senbon bounced off the liquid metal then surged forward setting off pellets that can be similar to gunshots however the creature landed and dodged the bullets before rolling behind a high dense semi large boulder allowing the natural material to block the bullets.

Moments later when the rain of fire stopped allowed the creature to get up and kick the massive rock towards jaune only for said rock to be slashed in half by the metal mixture only to see the sight of the Stone Warrior just on the other side of the split boulder whose sword is in the stabbing position, the warrior stabbed its sword towards jaune while bypassing the liquid metals near indestructible defense and cutting Jaunes cheek which seemed like a very good feat for a creature that barely got close.

Jaune eyes widened a bit after feeling his cheek get sliced by the warriors sharp sword before the metal mixture pushed the warrior back again sending it crashing on the ground while on its feet 'even with using reality at a far greater rate than our first encounter, it still managed to bypass my Metal Manipulation Absolute Defense...awesome' Jaune thought before a flash of red appears again signaling realities use.

The Metallic Liquid started shifting and changing color into a Metallic Black then surged forward towards the Stone Soldier who blocked the charge with its sword creating sparks from the clash while skidding backwards before using its sword to push the mixture to the side then starts running at jaune then slashing at the blonde man.

However when the sword struck Jaunes bare chest was blacked by a black looking skin that appeared on the man's chest "WHAT!?" The warrior shouted as it was like hitting a man sized shield though only a portion was seen covering against the sword "did you know that humans and faunus possess around 21 Pounds of Carbon? A semblance I added into my reality Stone allows me to manipulate the carbon in my body as well as outside of the body, essentially creating a near impenetrable shield on my body" Jaune explained his ability which caught the Stone Warrior off balance then was struck on the side of its head by jaune by his gauntlet hand.

The warrior groaned as it was sent flying to Jaunes right after being hit and when it hits the ground, it's hat fell off rolling away from its owner "ughh....good hit gaki...you're the first to do this much damage to me for as long as I was stationed here hehe.." it said while slowly getting onto its knees from the ground.

Clover watched the whole fight go down between both the Stone Warrior and the Infinity Gauntlet user and to say he was beyond shocked, worried and frankly, a blow to his pride were all understatements as a boy wielding such power expertly was putting himself and his team's effort down the crapper 'no no no! This can't be possible! He's just a trainee! He couldn't have pushed this creature back so much that he'd make everyone here look like chumps! That thing didn't move in the slightest against the teams from beacon and mistral and only did one sword slash on elm but this kid not only forced to use its own aura but punched it on the ground!'

Everyone else was beyond shocked about what was happening though Team SSSN didn't know much about the blonde man but to beacon, to find their former and abandoned friend is not only going toe to toe with a creature THEY couldn't even budge let alone thrash around like a stone rag doll.

Which to Yang and Weiss was basically a blow to their pride as huntresses and warriors, Yang was growling to herself as her semblance was starting to lose control basically causing her hair to start lighting up in rage while Weiss was glaring at jaune so coldly that a talentless hack like him was one upping her.

Blake didn't get that much into a fight with the Stone Statue but she saw enough from it did to the rest of her team so felt glad that she didn't do much besides use her semblance, Blake also felt glad that jaune was proving to everyone that he wasn't as weak as they thought he was

Ruby was opened mouth as she was one of the more vocals that outed jaune as a weakling with a pointless non mechashifting weapon only to be shown months later that jaune can change the very environment and partially destroy an indestructible stone warrior...well the short cookie loving girl now felt foolish for outing what could possibly be the strongest huntsmen she ever saw

Nora Felt very angry at herself that she not only alienated her fearless leader for faking his way into beacon academy but also angry that he was such a beast on the field outside of his apparent intelligence.

Ren was extremely sad that his non blood brother not only had to suffer alone after being the subject of torment but didn't do anything to help nor did he allow Nora to help even if she was stopped by two decisions of either help or hurt jaune then decided to stay behind.

Pyrrha out of everyone was the angriest at herself that she was pressured by ozpin to go against the intelligent prodigy as a way to test herself as a real huntress, as espionage was a very useful tactic in groups that go against beacon but to turn against and hurt her love interest was unbearable but she had to do it if she wanted to prove herself as a huntress only to watch jaune do what she and others couldn't.

Jaune panted as he raised his gauntlet arm to wipe off the blood that was pouring down his cheek after the sword stab through his crafted absolute defense 'damn...I'm almost out of aura! If this keeps going then I'm gonna die before I get out of here argh...what to do, what to do...Blood Manipulation? No, a Toddler could figure out this thing doesn't HAVE blood...Matter Manipulation? No, that's the first thing I tried when I fought it before...I can't use Weather Manipulation because I need a large open space...what about Inner World Projection? Well it is my strongest ability in the stone...' Jaune finished his thoughts to watch the stone warrior get up to wield its sword.

"Alright Gaki! I'm ready for more!" The warrior shouted as it prepared the high advanced kendo two handed style, one that's next to impossible to master but to those that do use it shows incredible power and precision.

Jaune nodded as he lowered himself onto one knee "just know Stone Man...you managed to force me to do this and I commend that! My Powerful Stone still managed to be forced to use its full capabilities, you have my respect and admiration...I would be honored to learn your name" Jaune said to the creature which caught it off guard as the blonde man was the only person to ever ask its name "...Sakanoue no Tamuramaro" it answered honestly even nearly forgetting its own name "Thanks Tamura. Names Jaune Arc" Jaune introduced himself after he thanked the man for his name.

"You are a strange man, Jaune Arc. None has ever asked for my name before so you continue to surprise me in our small amount of time" The Warrior said with full honesty which the blonde man nodded before raising his gauntlet showing the Crimson Gem to Tamura then it glowed brightly.

"I am the bone of my sword.

Steel is my body, Fire is my Blood.

I have created over a thousand blades.

Unknown to Death.

Nor known to Life.

I have withstood pain to create so many weapons.

Yet these hands will never hold anything.

So as I pray,

Unlimited Blade Works!"

Jaune spoke an incantation which did partially confuse everyone but the glow of the gem grew brighter and brighter as jaune continued the incantation until it glowed so bright that it blinded nearly everyone.

The warrior opened its eyes again to have the widened heavily then looked around to find itself with everyone else from their position before but they weren't in the caverns underneath the Great Bronco Desert, but they were in an Empty Waste Land with hundreds of varied Swords, Lances, Scythes, Axes, Speed and More stabbed into the very ground as to represent something.

Then it looked at jaune who stood up like a badass that he is while glaring down from the sandy dune he was standing on "Be honored that you're the first to have pushed my Reality Stone this far Tamura! Because in this world! In my Unlimited Blade Works...I. Am. King!" Jaune shouted at the creature ready to finish this final encounter between powerful warriors


Don't hit me, Wurtzite Boron Nitride is a real stone material but I've decided to add my own thoughts as to help the story aka hurt the creature.

Also sorry if this wasn't as good as I promised, I did my best!

Also someone talked about Fates Unlimited Blade Works and I've decided that the Unlimited Blade Works Reality Marble will be used for Jaunes 'Inner World Projection' ability.

Sakanoue no Tamuramaro (758–811) was one of the first shogun of the early Heian period. This is an actual person I used for the stone warriors name, there you go Doods! Your monthly history lesson

Oh question, Should Jaune Forgive Nora and Ren? I mean, it's up to you guys but it's a random thought that came across my mind.


Infinity Gauntlet-


-Matter Manipulation: the user can shape and manipulate in organic matter within the boundaries within remnant i.e. anything that has substance and mass starting from Molecules and Atoms.

-Elemental Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate all basic elements from Solid(Earth), Liquid(Water), Gas(Air), and Plasma(Fire) though the user can mix two or more of these elements to form new elementals to be controlled

-Blood Manipulation: the user can create, shape and manipulate blood from themselves, others and from their surroundings.

-Illusion Manipulation: The User can Create, Shape and Manipulate illusions causing their targets to see, feel, taste, hear or smell things that aren't actually there.

-Inner World Projection: The strongest ability of the reality Stone, The user is able to shift and bend reality around them to project a world which does not truly exist and its reality can be bent much to the users will.

-Illusion Negation: the used can negate illusions that had been placed on him or hallucinations

-Carbon Manipulation: the user can move, shape and manipulate all forms of carbon, a naturally abundant non metallic element.

-Weather Manipulation: the user can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, this allows the user to create powerful natural disasters in concentrated areas.

-Pocket Dimension: the user is in control of a personalized dimension set in a separate plane which the user can control at will however this isn't Inner World Projection which shapes reality around the user, the pocket dimension is in a place where only the user can reach.