
What a unique first kiss he got!!!

Hey beasty monster ,just now what i did is harmful ,is the person who is facing such thing is in trouble say me ........

what,why are you staring at me like this common answer me first and we really need to protect mother olivia grenville so speak up............

Hoo,yeah the one who did this that means what i just did with you ,was done by one gigantic beasty monster ,what puzzlingly me more is he is like you ,same eyes,same nose,same face.........

Ho God,beasty monster hurry we need to protect mother Olivia, you know how swollen her lips were,iam very good to you that i didn't hurt your lips like that,ho that gigantic beasty monster holded her hands very tightly ,he grabbed her waist and dragged her mercilessly..........

We can't waste a second,common hurry up.........

Now eco grenville curiosity died instantly...............

Everything was crystal clear to him.........