
Secret between me and my little charmer......

The whole secret passage was very narraow and fulled with darkness, it was hard to pass .........

Aranyani frowned thinking how difficult it was to carry her in unconscious state in such a narrow path with no light but he not only carried her but all others but it's was not that simple....

Coco, how did you carried gajja and all others on such a narrow path ,asked aranyani with curiosity filled tone.........

I only carried you remaning all were treated at your home and travelled all the way from ru Dynasty to Greenville dynasty by my secret and faithful subordinates with a talented medical head..........

ho, how many days will it take to travel from ru ru dynasty to greenville dynasty asked aranyani further........

It will take twelve days without taking rest in night.......

Hoo, by this narrow secret path how much time it will take.......

Only thirty minutes aru.......

Really, wow how mysterious and awesome nature secrets are........