
my love my ru, my life aranyani ru

Seeing aranyani so pitiful eco's naughty side got awake so he playfully said, Aru, if you want me too forgive you than you need to kiss me orelse you will be punished according to the rules of our dynasty...........

Aranyani eyes hined brightly, she didn't wait for a second and kissed eco on his cheeks with too much big sound of muhaaaaaa!!!!

Eco was so happy but only for a half a second what happened next made him flabbergasted...........

Following the same dedd what aranyani did humpty to smacked it's trunk on eco's cheeks, and ran away just like aranyani than dumpty followed the same and ran speedily than blacky did the same and ran off followed by snowy she too ran off not giving any time for eco to react, belly did the same jumped on eco shoulders and touch the cheek of eco with its closed mouth and ran away this was followed by molly, holly, and lolly too...........

Eco cheek turned red with all the smooches he received from all .........