
Lake designed by eco for aranyani's bath

Olivia grenville was suprised listening the name of iris as iris ru was her best friend in the past later she found her missing and many people believed that she was dead but she believed that she was still alive.........

she anxiously asked aranyani,hey sweetheart may i know your surname or your mother surname..........

What's surname mother olivia, asked aranyani innocently.........

Like mine is greenville,like everyone will have a surname and iris too will have ,said olivia greenville eagerly.......

ho,but my mother don't have it ,said aranyani in a daze...........

Olivia observed aranyani keenly,somewhere she found many similarities between her friend iris ru and aranyani,at first glance she really felt connected with aranyani a lot,which was rare, as a queen she meets so many people but this feel was very diffrent..........