
Journey to ru dynasty...

The journey to ru dyansty begin, everyone boarded the ship expect eco and elowen......

Rocher ru informed eco that they may not welcome him as iris ru is not yet ready to accept him.....

eco didn't make a fuss and nodded his head that he understood mother iris.......

Aranyani was disappointed knowing eco won't be accompanying her in the ship......

She slept wholeday like a pig in the ship......

Mother iris was stunned seeing aranyani sleep in the day like a pig.......

In the forest she never slept in a day and was very active and energetic that she use to do all mischevious things and spent lot of time out of the cave and never liked to take nap in the day, she was worried that she might be sick or sad.........

Rocher ru comforted her that his babygirl had feeling safe after so many days being away from.us and she was now having a peacful sleep after meeting us so let her sleep and you don't worry about her.......