
Iris Ru visit to the market

Iris Ru informed mother elephant and tigress to take care of Aranyani and started walking .........

Mother elephant too started walking along with her Iris got surprised and asked the mother elephant to be at the cave but mother elephant stated trumpeting............

Iris Ru not able to understand why the elephant is trumpeting stood there with a blank face but suddenly mother elephant sat in front of iris signaling her to sit on her back and place the basket she was carrying to sell in the market........

Iris Ru was shocked seeing through its intentions and said,' no no you can't come to the market people will be frightened and may try to kill you and and I can manage everything please please go away be at the cave...

As if understood everything mother elephant started shaking her head not getting convinced by mother Iris request.......

Iris with pleasing look as if coaxing a little child started rubbing elephant trunk and said ,'Iam an adult you know iam 20 years old and I have faced many hardships like this before be good and go back it's just so easy for me to go and sell the things and get the things I want..........

Iris Ru got married at 17 years at that time early marriages were common and within two years of her marriage at the beginning till one and a half year it was like a dream rocher ru use to love iris a lot and use to care about her later don't know why he started behaving rude.......

Thinking of those days iris smiled bitterly she thought 'why am I so unlucky woman........

Mother Elephant trumpeting made iris back to the present and she started her journey inspite of her coaxing mother elephant didn't stop following her.......

Seeing the stubborn mother elephant uncompromisingly following her Iris Ru with lot of anger in her tone said, ' I will be okay and I will return safe you just go to the cave........

Mother elephant was shocked with the tone as it was first time Iris Ru have been angry .......

Listening to iris Ru mother elephant made a pity face as if in next second tears would be dropped from her eyes.......

seeing such a heart wrenching scence Iris Ru was about to cry but mother elephant safety was prior so with lot of difficulty iris said okay you carry me till the end of the forest and wait for me there I will go just like that and return is that okay.......

Mother elephant as if it hadn't understood anything made her face even more pity iris helplessly went near mother elephant and again touching its trunk gently said with very gentle tone that ,' be good Gajja, listen to me will you not listen to me........

Iris have named mother elephant as Gajja and without any option it signalled Gajja to sit........

This made Gajja happy and with sudden change in its face it started to sit in front of iris Ru and with lot of ease iris sat on gajja with her basket ......

she was not a bit afraid of gajja anymore and smiled sweetly and started her journey.......

Iris was unconcious when she entered the forest due to her labour pain and really don't know the way to reach village market and through her journey she was mesmerize by the beauty of forest..........

They y were wild flowers with different colors and two to three waterfalls were also present in the forest they were coconut trees near by the waterfalls and banana plants and many exotic fruits.......

Now she understood why baby elephant was bringing so many flowers for aranyani........

It nearly took one hour to reach the entrance of the forest .......

After realizing that they reached entrance of the forest she ordered Gajja to stop......

Gajja stops walking and was sitting down as if it wanted iris to get down from it's back and without any effort iris Ru got down from Gajja......

As if informing her parents iris said to Gajja ,'please wait here for me I will go in a while and return as soon as possible.......

As if understanding everything Gajja shakes her head in acceptance.......

(a sound made by elephant is called trumpeting)