
Iris Ru entry into the market

Iris Ru wore a mask as the village market belongs to Ru dynasty, as she was near to the village she saw many soldiers guarding the entrance of the village......

she was sure that the soldiers belong to Ru dynasty now she was afraid of entering the village but as she remembered at her escape from palace this village didn't had any guard or soldiers at entrance ..........

she thought of returning back to the forest but stopped as she wanted to know the condition of Rocher Ru her husband......

Meanwhile she saw a cart coming towards her, she stopped the cart and explained to the cart driver that she is a village girl who want to sell some vegetables and garlands in the village market......

The cart driver seems to be a old farmer and the cart was filled with full of vegetables and one old women was inside the cart.......

As old farmer observed iris Ru up and down for a while and asked her,' why haven't you sold the vegetables in your village......

There are so many farmers in our village and no one is buying my vegetables iam really in need of some coins so I decided to come here and sell........

As I heard this village market get good amount of coins and my vegetables are really fresh and good even my Garland are of attractive flowers and full of fragrance.......

By saying this she removed the cotton cloth with which covered her basket.......

Seeing the garlands old farmer got excited and old women eyes lit up........

They thought if such Garland are sold they would get more coins so they thought of buying it......

Thus old farmer and women asked iris Ru that they will buy the garlands and vegetables ......

Iris Ru thought for a while if I sold this to them I can save my time by which I will reach the forest early, she was worried of aranyani and Gajja too who is waiting at the entrance of the forest if she won't show up early gajja may enter the village which may cause huge trouble ......

She said okay to old farmer and sold the items for few coins which were enough to buy required items from the market........

Compare to the items she have given the old farmer the coins were less but she didn't mind it and requested them to take her to the market as she is in a need to buy few items in the market........

Listening to her request old woman frowned and said we can't help you in this matter......

Iris Ru was confused and asked the reason for there refusal.....

For that old woman and old man in serious tone said,'you haven't heard of princess Iris Ru'???

By hearing her own name a chill ran through her spine she immediately covered her nervousness as she belong to royal family she was quite cool at handling matters with ease.....

Then with puzzled expression she said, As I belong to very remote village iam not much aware of such things.......

Ho ,Actually our princess is missing and she was pregnant, our king Rocky ru and prince Rocher Ru are in search of the princess and the baby in her womb.....

That the reason they are soldiers at the entrance of the village they are checking each and every cart for princess and the baby......

Listening to the old women and old man she was stunned for a while and was happy that her husband was safe and alive......

She started thinking of the way as how to buy the items from the market but she found it difficult to find a way to escape from the soldiers.......

she said thank you to the old woman and old man and they went towards the village.....

she waited there patiently as expecting some other people may also cross through this path and she may find some one carrying salt and spices.....

After some time she really saw a cart with spices and salt and even some small spoons and vessels in it......

she stopped the cart immediately and brought all required items and returned to the forest happily......

At the entrance Gajja was waiting for her and seeing her coming Gajja triumphed happily.....

Iris Ru ran towards Gajja and scolded her,'Ssshhhhhhh ssshhhhh, ssshhhhhh we are near to a village please don't make such sound people may come towards us'...........

As if understood everything Gajja shake her head in agreement and immediately bent down signaling Iris Ru to get on her back......

Iris Ru got on Gajja's back and sat on her and started thinking deeply as for now iam safe but Ru dynasty is in search of me and my daughter,why why are they searching for me......

As per Rocher ru behaviour he doesn't like me than why are they searching for me....

Ho might be my father in law rocky Ru is searching for me under his influence my husband might be acting that he care for me and my baby.....

They didn't know that I have given birth to daughter and may be thinking that I have given birth to a son their heir that might be the reason they are searching for me.......

To Rocher Ru and rocky Ru abilities they can search for another princess and get married to her and have as many babies they want than why why are they searching for me.......

My mother she might be so worried regarding me and might have forced Ru dynasty to search for her , as she was thinking of her mother some tears were filled in her eyes and rolled down to her cheeks......

For a second she thought of returning to her mother but her father memory made her more determined that she will never allow her daughter suffer like her she strongly believed that her daughter will lead a carefree and joyful life in forest which is their home now......