
I will cry, cry ,cry till my tears turn into a big river.

Aranyani had breakfast half heartedly as she was upset with daisy's unconsciousness.......

Why the trick I play on mom worked on the beasty monster, I use to pretend in front of mom so she use to be get tricked easily as she loves me a lot, ofcourse iam her darling daughter, but that monster was worried,why????

He is a monster, he is cruel but was tricked by a small act, what a foolish monster is he???

A small act like that can trick him, great!!!

Aranyani, now it's the show time ,I will cry ,cry, cry till I turn my tears into a big river , even a stone should melt away with my sobs, than that foolish monster is nothing........

I will act so so pity that he will melt away and say me all the things which I need to know , aranyani your great!!! thought aranyani feeling so proud of her idea.......

with high spirits she went out of her room........