
Heartbroken zywie.....

After dinner aranyani went to zywie and thanked her for taking care of her mother and insisted her to have dinner and gave assurance not to worry as she will keep an eye on mother iris in sign language.........

Zywie just nodded her head and gave a smile and she went back to have dinner but she didn't had dinner at all, she ran far away from the cave and cried till her heart fill...........

She closed her eyes and rerewinded all the scence she just saw today, the way eco hugged aranyani from back, the way he consoled her, the way he encouraged her and the way he talked with her , so gently, the gentke appereance which she never saw before made her feel even worst...........

she waited so long to read his lip, waited for so many years to see his lips moving she saw today his moving lips and understood his all words but she is not happy at all but sad, sadness spread all over he body .........