
Gaining antidote.....

Aranyani patience ran out........

She galred at yash with anger......

You man, don't spouse nonsense, the one who is afraid of showing his face is talking about love and all, rubbish........

Let this lizards crawl on you, no i will make them bite you hard........

Regret it later for not giving me the antidote, yelled aranyani in anger........

yash felt wrongly accused by he words........

He surrendered........

He took the medium size proclein bottle from his sleeves.......

Hey gorgeous.......

This is the antidote.......

Just mix this liquid in fifty litres of water and feed each victim with ten drops and they will not only be awake but stand healthy without any harm innerly and out within ten days........

Aranyani soon ordered the lizards to stop and her eyes which were cold like an ice brightly brighten.......

But beautiful, i have only one request, you come forward and take the antidote by yourself..........