
First morning of eco as a father

The day dawned crisp and clear,the light of dawn seeped into the room.......

The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky,golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene......

The warm sun glow kissed the family of five......

Eco was the first to open his eyes and what welcomed him is the three pair of curious eyes blinking and blinking lovingly gazing eco now and than.........

Eco felt thrilled seeing the three cutiepies as soon as he opened his eyes,the first morning as a father suprised him pleasantly.........

Eco mood immediately lit up seeing such enthusiastic curious three pair of eyes.......

He with lot of care and love touched the cheeks of his three sons, in response the three babies wanted to grab his hand as if the hand is some rare treasure and the eagerness to catch his hands was so funny......