

Eco pov (point of view)

Eco never saw aranyani observing him so keenly, he was habituated with many women who get attracted to his looks, but aranyani was diffrent,she never saw him with that look, she was the first ever woman who didn't got attracted by his looks..........

He was feed up with the infactuated looks of many women sometimes even men see him with such looks, so he felt disgusted by them........

When she was seeing me so keenly, i was out of this world, i will be definitely lying if i say that i didn't get affected of her lack of attention,i really felt bad that she didn't get attracted to my looks, but when she said that my most attractive part is my eyes,i felt very proud, i really didn't felt disgusted at all with her keen look and infactuated eyes..............

I liked the name blueeeyyy so much but i wantedly didn't responded to see what other name she will choose for me...........