
Eco's volcanic anger, arayani's daring and dashing power.

Eco grenville reached near to aranyani, his whole face was flushed red with anger..........

He stood infront of aranyani , his eyes staring at pluffy angrily.......

Pluffy was rather busy in his own world, eating guava delightedly.......

Even aranyani was so into pluffy, nustling it adorably, no one among the group noticed eco, all of them, humpty, 4 daring and dashing darlings of her, the little bunnies, mintu and pintu all were so into aranyani and pluffy.....

This ignorance of pluffy, made eco turn mad , he acted as if he was coughing, cough cough.......

All of them turned their head at once at eco......

Aranyani was startled by the cough and starting scolding eco......

you ugly, stupid, idiotic, beasty monster!!!!

what are you doing here, ha you had frightened my family.......

While talking with eco with anger, aranyani didn't left nustling pluffy at all........