

What happens when, a sleep deprived, caffeine high teen decides to sent an application for adoption to a rich, but kind man with a serious adoption problem, after reading a post titled "APPLY NOW FOR FREE ADOPTION", made as a joke by some unrelated person? Will the sleep deprived. not so good plan end well... Set before Ladybug... I have no rights to the characters in this story, and they belong to their respective creators..

Ray_9195 · Khác
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5 Chs


Marinette's day began like any other, with the routine of preparing for school and mustering the courage to face the mounting hostility from her former friends. Alya's threats loomed over her, a constant reminder of the dwindling support she had once cherished. As she entered the school gates, the whispers and glares followed her every step, creating an isolating bubble around her.

During lunch break, Chloe and Sabrina approached her, the hesitant sincerity in Chloe's eyes belying her usual haughty demeanor. "Marinette, I wanted to talk to you. I've been... terrible to you. I apologize," Chloe stammered, her voice barely audible above the cacophony of the bustling cafeteria.

Sabrina, nodding in agreement, added, "We've been wrong about you. I promise I'll make up for all the times I stood by and did nothing. You deserve better."

Marinette, taken aback by their unexpected overtures of reconciliation, found herself at a loss for words. The raw vulnerability in Chloe's voice spoke volumes, stirring a sense of cautious hope within her heart.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of unkind glances and harsh words, amplifying the mounting pressure that seemed to close in on her from all sides. As she stepped through the threshold of her home, the familiar warmth of her family's love was replaced by a palpable tension that hung in the air. Her parents' disappointed expressions spoke volumes, their once-adoring gazes now clouded with doubt and mistrust.

In the midst of this emotional turmoil, an unexpected email from Wayne Manor landed in her inbox, altering the trajectory of her tumultuous day. Before she could process the contents of the message, her parents beckoned her for a conversation that would change the course of her life.

"We can't have you causing trouble for us anymore, Marinette. Lila is such a nice girl, and you've been nothing but a bully to her," her father, Tom, stated with a stern finality that pierced through her heart.

Her mother, Sabine, echoed his sentiment, her voice laced with disappointment. "We don't know what's gotten into you, but we can't condone your behavior any longer. We're disowning you, Marinette. You're on your own."

Stunned and speechless, Marinette retreated to her room, her emotions in disarray as she sought solace in the comforting presence of Tikki. As the tears threatened to spill over, she clutched onto her kwami, finding a glimmer of solace in the unwavering support of her tiny, yet steadfast, companion.

With her world crumbling around her, Marinette clung to the fragile hope that perhaps there was still a glimmer of light waiting for her beyond the encroaching darkness.

Marinette's heart sank as her parents' words registered in her mind, each syllable cutting deeper than the last. "Pack your things, Marinette. We can't have you causing trouble for us anymore," her father's voice rang out, resonating with a finality that sent a chill down her spine.

"We're giving you this apartment. We can't have you stay here anymore, but at least we're not leaving you completely high and dry."

In a daze, Marinette mechanically began packing her belongings, her hands moving through the motions while her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. As she gathered her most essential possessions, memories of happier times flooded her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the family she had once held so dear. With each item she packed, she couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss, a gaping hole in her heart that echoed the ache of her shattered familial bonds.

Marinette, her voice quivering with emotion, made a final attempt to explain, her words pleading for understanding. "Please, Mom, Dad, you have to believe me. I would never hurt anyone. Lila's been spreading lies, manipulating everyone around her. Can't you see that? Please, just listen to me."

But her parents remained unmoved, their eyes hardened with disapproval. "Enough of your lies, Marinette," her mother snapped. "Take the keys and go. We don't want to see you here anymore. You've brought enough shame to this family."

With a heavy heart, Marinette gathered her belongings, her hands trembling as she clutched the keys to the apartment, the symbol of her new reality. As she left the house, she felt the weight of her parents' rejection like a physical burden, her mind racing with uncertainty about what the future held. Tikki, her tiny form radiating warmth and comfort, sat in her purse with the another kwamis who came out, offering silent support in the face of Marinette's shattered world.
