

What happens when, a sleep deprived, caffeine high teen decides to sent an application for adoption to a rich, but kind man with a serious adoption problem, after reading a post titled "APPLY NOW FOR FREE ADOPTION", made as a joke by some unrelated person? Will the sleep deprived. not so good plan end well... Set before Ladybug... I have no rights to the characters in this story, and they belong to their respective creators..

Ray_9195 · Khác
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5 Chs


Chapter 4

Within the elegant confines of Wayne Manor, a family meeting was underway, led by Bruce, Richard, and Tim. The room hummed with intrigue as Bruce delivered the surprising news of his inadvertent adoption of Marinette, a young designer from Paris. His admission lingered in the air, leaving the group momentarily spellbound.

"I... I seem to have inadvertently adopted a young designer from Paris named Marinette," Bruce confessed, a blend of perplexity and amusement lacing his voice. "I can't quite recall the specifics, but I have a suspicion it might have occurred during one of my less lucid moments."

Alfred, the epitome of warm hospitality, couldn't contain a subtle twinkle in his eye. "We must prepare a warm welcome for her, Master Bruce. What are her interests? I'll ensure her favorites are taken care of."

Cassandra, her eyes alight with excitement, communicated with quick, expressive sign language. "Dance? Spar? Cook?" she asked, her gestures filled with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Jason, his tone tinged with sympathy, spoke next. "Poor girl's getting sucked into this madness. I hope she survives. Does she have any cooking skills, or is she a disaster like you, Bruce?"

Duke, ever the mature presence, contributed thoughtfully, "I hope she brings positive energy to the house. It'll be interesting to have her around."

Stephanie, brimming with anticipation, chimed in. "Another creative mind! I can't wait to see her work. We'll have plenty to discuss and share. Oh, and I wonder if she's up for a few harmless pranks as well."

Damian, maintaining his composed demeanor, added with a touch of formality, "I trust she will adhere to the house rules and respect each individual's personal space. It would be most beneficial for everyone involved."

As the conversation wove between the impending arrival of Marinette and the family's excitement, Jason's curiosity took a turn. "Does she have an eye for firearms, too? I'm curious," he mused, eliciting a few amused smiles from those around the room.

"I delved deeper into the situation in Paris," Tim began, his tone laced with empathy. "It seems Marinette has been dealing with an insurmountable amount of pressure from all sides. Lila's relentless lies have tarnished her reputation, leaving her isolated and alone. On top of that, her parents seem to have placed their trust in Lila, seeing her as the sweet, innocent victim, and they seem to think Marinette is the one at fault."

Alferd nodded, his expression reflecting a mix of concern and understanding. "That's a difficult position for her to be in, especially when her own family doesn't fully understand the truth."

Richard sighed, "It must be incredibly challenging for her to navigate such a situation, especially when the people she should be able to rely on are on the wrong side of things."

Tim's brows furrowed as he recounted the information. "It's as if her parents have inadvertently added to the strain on Marinette by putting their faith in Lila and not giving her the benefit of the doubt. It's a precarious situation to be in when those closest to you fail to see the truth."

Stephanie's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's a lot for anyone to handle, let alone someone her age. We need to make sure she knows she's not alone and that she has our support."

Damian, still maintaining a cautious distance, interjected with a hint of interest. "I've taken the liberty to check her social media accounts. Despite the barrage of malicious comments, her feed is filled with drawings, nature pictures, and images of animals. It seems she finds solace in these things."

Cassandra's expressive gestures underscored her concern as she signed, She needs a place of respite, away from the chaos, where she can find solace and understanding.

Jason's hands clenched into fists, his eyes flashing with barely contained fury. "That little witch, I swear, if I ever get my hands on her..."

Richard placed a calming hand on Jason's shoulder, urging him to take a deep breath. "I understand you're angry, Jason. We all are, but violence won't solve anything."

Jason's jaw tightened as he forced himself to relax. "I know, but seeing someone as despicable as Lila preying on innocent people like Marinette... It just makes my blood boil."

Stephanie chimed in, her voice tinged with frustration. "We'll find a way to help Marinette, and we'll make sure Lila faces the consequences of her actions. She can't keep getting away with this."

Alfred, his expression reflecting a mixture of concern and disapproval, interjected, "Master Jason, I implore you to find a more constructive outlet for your anger. We must handle this situation with caution and wisdom."

Damian, normally reserved, couldn't help but agree with Jason's sentiments. "If she has harmed Marinette, she must be brought to justice. No one should be allowed to spread such falsehoods and cause such harm without facing the consequences."

Bruce, maintaining his characteristic calm, added, "We'll find a way to address this situation, but we must proceed carefully. Marinette needs our support, not further chaos."