
Apple of my eyes

a girl who had lost her family goes in search for them... she meets many different people... learn about life... learns how to survive.... finds a way to enjoy life even with all the hardship she faces....

kida_bhoo9421 · Thanh xuân
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24 Chs



Lucy was sleeping on her bed ... Jack was sleeping sitting with lucy's head on his lap.... Lucy slowly woke up.... saw jack above her head.... smiled at him... she kept staring at him with a satisfied smile.... she slowly got up... very careful that she doesn't wake him up.... she slide away slowly.... covered him with her blanket... and slipped out...

when she went down she saw Damon waiting for her.... he was sitting on the couch.... Lucy went near him to see if he was sleeping or simply sitting....and he was up...

" Lucy!! good morning... are you ok now??"

"good morning Damon... yes I am as good as new... did you have a good sleep yesterday??"

"yes.. I did..."

"ok... can we head out now??"


"were you waiting for a long time??"

"no..no I just came and sat.."

"ok then...come on... let's go"

both of them went for a little jogging.... they were in their tracks..... earphones plugged... music on... towels around their neck.... they went for a long and a satisfying jog....

once they reached home... both of them went down to the gym.... did some stretching.... and Damon started exercising... Lucy guided him... helped him some times while she was doing her work out too....

suddenly they heard someone knocking the door...

"what time is it??"

Damon asked looking at the clock

"7 uh!!"

"why is mann knocking the door... he never does that!!" Damon was sure because he knows that mann knows except for Damon the others will be sleeping... so he never knocked.... he will just barge in

"or is it someone else??"

"who could it be?? at this time of the day??"

"well we have to see it for ourselves... come on.."


both of them went up wondering who it could be....

the knocking continued....

"coming coming...."

Lucy ran to the door and opened it....

there was a man and a woman standing there.... both of them seemed a little upset about something...

"may I know who you are??" lucy did not know who that was...

"who is it lucy??" Damon came right behind her...

"Is Jeremy there??" asked the woman...

Damon came to the door and saw who that was...

"Aunty!! uncle!! come on in..."

"uh! Damon.. where is Jeremy??"

The lady's face was clearly showing signs of disgust...

"he must be sleeping aunty.... i will go get him.. you guys please come on in and have aunty a seat...."

both the man and the woman went in and got settled.... Lucy brought them some water to drink.... Damon sat with them to give them company....

"lucy can you go and get Jeremy please" asked damon...


lucy went to Jeremy's room .... jeremy was sleeping like a baby.... pillows completely surrounding him... a leg sticking out of the bed.... drooling all over his face... hair totally messy...he was just like a baby....

Lucy went near him.... slowly called him.... there was no response.... she slowly shook him and called his name....


"mmmm" he slowly woke up... he was surprised and shocked to see Lucy in his room... he got up and wiped his face... corrected his hair in a hurry....

"what brings you here Lucy?? are you alright now??"

"i am extremely well... you have someone waiting for you downstairs.... i think it is your parents... come on hurry up"

Jeremy's face suddenly shrunk....

"my parents??"

" i am not sure if they are your parents... but they were looking for you..."

"ok Lucy...i will be down in a minute.."

Lucy went down....and Jeremy followed back...

when he realised it was his parents his temper suddenly changed.... he was a little angry...

"what do you guys want?? why are you here??"

Lucy did not understand the situation... so she decided to stay out of it....

"you insolent brat... is this how you talk to your parents??" The man stood up in anger

"uncle cool down... Jeremy did not mean it that way" Damon tried to resolve the situation...

"Why are you guys here ?? you could have called me..." Jeremy started again...

"Why should we not see you here....??"

"why bother talking about it... you guys are already here..."

Damon signalled Lucy to get Stephen...Lucy went to his room.... when she was just about to open the door... Stephen opened it .... Lucy gave a small jump....

"aghh Stephen you startled me..."

"oh! Lucy... what happened... what is with all the commotion??"

"umm.. Jeremy's parents are here... and they started fighting right after Jeremy came down... Damon asked me to wake you up.... but you are already up..."

"Jeremy's parents are here??how?? when did they come??"

"they too just came here...I think you should go down too... Damon is struggling to keep them from fighting..."

Stephen rushed down....

"Aunty... uncle how are you??"

both the lady and the man ignored him...this made Jeremy even angry...

"this is why I don't allow you guys to come here... see for yourself."

All the members gathered down.... Jeremy felt embarrassed... so he took his parents out.....

"what do you guys want now??"

"quit the group..."

"quit the group?? are you kidding me!! "

" we are really serious this time..... we want you to quit the group..."

"i won't..."

" allowing you for all these days has been enough... we can't tolerate this anymore... come back home..."

"i said I won't.... i am not disturbing you guys.... so i hope you don't disturb me too.."

"if you don't quit the group we are going to think you committed suicide.... and then you can continue..... you cannot be in this group untill you are our son.... either you quit the group or cut your relationship with us and then continue with this hope less group.."

"i don't care what you do.... just leave me alone.."

Jeremy was super angry... that he told them to leave him alone even after they said they were going to abandon him.....

he left the place super angry... but his parents were heart broken to hear him speak like that.... his mother started crying and his father was broken into a million pieces...

The members were waiting for him to come back.... all of them were sitting on the couch.....Jack too woke up and came down.... since Lucy knew nothing about what was happening ... Damon and Stephen explained about everything...

"As you heard... they are Jeremy's parents.... actually they never supported him playing music... every time they came here... they insisted on him quitting the group... but Jeremy refused it every time... they don't like us too... that is why Jeremy was a little angry they are here...."

"Jeremy has always been cheerful.... he learned playing drums all by himself.... he has always been self supported.... but his parents did not approve him playing in our band.... i think that is the reason they came here this time too!!"

"oh God i feel sad for him.... i hope they work things out....i think they will understand if they talk it out.." lucy was concerned...

"we too have tried it a lot of times.... but it is hopeless..."

"no problem is unsolvable... it is just they way you handle it....they will also understand if he talks to them... politely..."

"mmmm... let's see"

the members were sitting talking about Jeremy.... and he came in..... all them went to him... standing around him and started asking questions....