
Apotheosis of a "Dead" Man

Cain is suddenly given the news of his imminent death. Fortunately, a being beyond him proposes an offer. He can simply die and allow his soul to go where it might want to go or he can embark on an adventure of once in death. Another world! Filled with adventurous energy, Cain decides on the latter. What awaits him in this mystery, action and adventure-filled new world? (Read the comment I posted.)

Samuel_Brancaglion · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Meeting with a god

At the known name, I could only look at the god in front of me dumbfounded, Janus god of beginnings, doorways duality, and passages from the Roman pantheon of deities, also known as the Two-Faced God. I was dumbfounded because in every reading I had of this personage, he was represented as a man with two faces, one a young man and the other as an old man representing the passage of time.

However, the being in front of me was just a tall around 2-meter-tall Italian man with black hair and black eyes, the skin was tanned and seemed as if had spent a long time at a beach. You couldn't exactly tell if he was athletic or not due to him wearing a white complete suit and red tie, but due to his height, he seemed more athletic than he first gave away. Looks can really be deceiving. His nose was more pronounced on his face but other than that he was just beautiful.

"Ahahhahahah!! I've met a lot of people throughout my lengthy existence, but I don't think I've ever been called beautiful. And I apologize two heads normally scare you humans so I refrain from staying in my divine form."

With a hearty laugh from the god, I remember that he can read my mind as I get flustered from my thoughts about his appearance.

"Don't worry about it, getting a different compliment reserved for those show-off beauty gods is a good change of pace."

"Can we try to have a more normal conversation, please? Is kinda strange with you reading my mind all the time." I say with a little more concern in my voice. Don't want to think the wrong thing and get suddenly smitted out of existence.

"Sure, it also works better for me I'm not exactly known for my mental abilities you know. Besides, I can only read your immediate thoughts if you actually tried you probably could hide a few secrets from me." He gives a little smile with the corner of his mouth.

I sigh in relief as I thought that my question would make him angry or offended. But he definitely realized that I was a bit afraid.

"Thank you, by the way, I'm Cain a little late with my introduction, still hope it satisfies you."

"I know who you are. I'm a god, remember? But let's change locations to a more desirable place, a much better place than this boring glorified dentist waiting room ."

He then snapped his fingers and the light once again shone bright but this time I could block the blinding effect closing my eyes and putting up my arms instead of taking all straight at my face. When I opened them I found myself in… THE COLISEUM???!!! Yep, I am right now in Italy in front of me, the Coliseum and around me streets filled with people walking and riding scooters also several cafes are open filling the air with the smell of coffee and pastries.

"Wha- what? When? How?" I was disoriented from the sudden travel. I always wanted to visit Italy. Never expected to be teleported there though.

"Cain over here!!!", I hear the familiar voice of the deity I just met a few minutes ago.

I turn around, I see Janus at a coffee table at a nearby café. I look at the sign and it is in Italian written Caffè Cuore, I don't know what exactly is written so better just reunite with the man that sent me here and try to get ahold of what is happening.

"Take a seat please," he speaks calmly with a light smile on his face while showing me a chair opposite to his with a glass table between us.

I take my seat while the man in front of me goes through the menu looking for what he is going to order.

"It's been a while since I came here, I recommend their Amica Mocaccino, is an incredibly delicious drink if you don't want a proper coffee … What's wrong? You look a bit weird."

He puts down the menu when addressing me and I must be making a rather stupid face unable to understand my situation as he also stopped showing his comforting smile.

"N-no is nothing, I'm just overwhelmed by….." I swing my open arms around" All this"

"Yes, teleportation is a little overwhelming, I suppose."

A little he says, but I kind of feel that is more than just a 'little overwhelming' but I digress, better continues a calm conversation instead of arguing about the logistics of teleporting.

"Indeed, you'll have more answers conversing instead of arguing." He says, then turns around towards the waiter and calls for him "Scusi!!"

He read my mind again. I'll probably never get used to someone probing around my mind, but this is a god, so better stay clear from any smiting by complaining.

"Buongiourno! Vorrei un cannoli e da bere duo Amica Mocaccina. Grazie." The waiter arrived shortly after being called. I assume Janus spoke in Italian. "I took the liberty to ask you a mocaccino, hope you don't mind."

He turns to me after ordering with a rather playful smile on his face. Is a bit unsettling seeing a god, a being worthy of worship, act like a friend of old times.

"While we wait for the food let's start. What do you remember before that little white room?"

I think he read my mind again since he suddenly started acting more serious out of nowhere. That talk of being better for him is bullshit he is doing all this as natural as breathing. Wait is that a smile? He is doing it again! Try to at least hide what you are doing then!

"My mind being read is really weird, you know?" I say with a sigh.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop now. It's a lot of fun seeing you humans act flustered. But you have to answer my questions honestly."

"Fine, before that room you say?" I have to actually think. It seems losing my body made my memories a bit fuzzy. "I-I got home after a long day at work, had dinner with the old man, practiced with the bow at the range, and went to sleep. That's all I did at night. But I might be wrong."

"Don't worry. Dying makes one's memory a little bit weary I'm afraid. " He says as the waiter arrives with his order. A plate with a pastry that looks like a straw with a creamy filling and two cups of coffee that seemed to have something more creamy, maybe chocolate. "Grazie."

Seems like he talked about something quite outlandish there. Doesn't it? I probably just heard it wrong I'm sure. Because otherwise, it means I'm dead.