

The thrill-seeker Wil was out at night for his daily dose of adrenaline, hopping from one building to another when he stumbled upon a crime. Keen on knowing who the murderer was, Wil fell to his demise and later found himself in a suburb.

Neitherite · Khoa huyễn
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66 Chs

Chapter 16

Prosper in the most efficient way.


[Skill: Visual Guidance (Level 1)]

[Visual Guidance (Level 1): Users gain the ability to receive basic visual cues or markers directly into their field of vision. These cues provide simple directions or indicate the location of nearby resources, helping users navigate unfamiliar environments or locate essential items with ease.]

"Wow! So much information is being displayed right now about Wil!"

Mary could not hide her excitement and confusion. None of it made sense but because she was not trying to understand any of it.

"Several changes have been added to my ATech's features, and I'm given a skill, which sounds related to my... Useful Eyeglasses..."

[Correct! Skills second chancers receive are relevant to the ATech they possess. Therefore, having multiple ATech would give you multiple possibilities of skills you can use for defense, offense, or neutral aspects.]

The second to know their evaluation was Berret Idalgo, who had done an amazing job, infiltrating the cabin and showing reluctance against death.

[Name: Berret Idalgo]

[Level: 4]

[Value: F+]

[EXP: 183/700]

[You have leveled up, Berret Idalgo! Congratulations on becoming level 4! For this, we have also given you lots of improvement! That means your first skill!]

[ATech: from Varnishing Mask to Phasecloak]

[Time limit: from 5 minutes now 8 minutes]

[Description: The Phasecloak is an advanced mask that grants the wearer the ability to become invisible at will. Using cutting-edge technology, it manipulates light to render the user unseen, allowing for stealthy movement and covert operations in any environment.]

[Skill: Shadowmeld (Level 1): The user with the Shadowmeld skill gains the ability to further enhance their invisibility and camouflage while wearing the Phasecloak. By attuning their movements and body language to mimic the surrounding shadows and textures, they can effectively disappear into their environment, making them virtually undetectable even to advanced sensors and surveillance systems. This skill enhances their ability to move unseen and conduct covert operations with unparalleled stealth and efficiency.]

"Well, ain't that awesome? Fine-tuning yourself to surroundings, which advanced sensors and cameras can't even detect you, so cool man! I just hope you ain't using this to peep!"

[Oh, worry not! If Berret uses his ATech to go to the women's bathroom and peep, the system will automatically detect it, immediately deactivating his cloak.]

"So much for "lots of improvement," huh?"

Berret sounded so disappointed because he knew that there really wasn't that much difference between him and Wil. He got there first, thus he should be superior to everyone in terms of experience, ATech, and skills. Plus, he was exposing himself more on the front line. That's why he should be receiving more rewards than anyone else.

No one could leave the Room while the survivors' evaluations were still ongoing. Berret did not say much after his turn and completely turned invisible for the rest of the time that Baron and Mary were being graded.

Mary tried to lighten the mood after Berret but she guessed that everyone was really tired after that. The three of them were mentally exhausted and needed immediate rest.

Like two arrows coming from the opposite direction, they met. Weren't meant to stay, only meant to know each other.


"It's my turn. I'm kinda excited and not at the same time."

As a realist, Mary was struck by her own realistic thoughts that brought down and destroyed her hopes about her results. She totally knew what she had done, and Mary knew she did not do much unlike the rest of the second chancers who put their lives on the line just to survive.

"Now, now, whatever the results will be, know that you've helped us a lot!"

Baron, who acted all rude and quarrelsome at the beginning, was cheering Mary up. Contrary to what they initially thought of him and how he expressed himself in the beginning, they could see a brighter light in Baron. That soft side and kind part of him.

"Thank you, mister."

Look here, everyone. It is that easy to be kind and to say thank you. However, not all of us can do that. Why? If only you could, this world would be a much better place. Also, plant trees.

[Beginning evaluation of second chancer, Mary Antoine.]

[Name: Mary Antoine]

[Level: 2]

[Rank: F]

[Remarkable and easily adaptable to her environment and what's happening around her. She has a lot of potential and can be very important to the team. Don't let her die, morons!]

[ATech: Microdrone]

[Upgrades: increased usage of Techfly from 3 to 4 times. Usage time still remains from 5 minutes.]

[Added feature: Vile Release]

[Can only be used once. Release a decaying acid that quickly turns anything into goo. Dissolve anyone that gets in your way. Be careful of how you use this, for it can be used against your co-second chancers!]

[Skills: none]

[I guess you can try to work your best next time! Have a fun night and good night to you, beautiful!]

"Is it flirting with her?"

"Just so you know, Mary's already in a relationship with a chump," Wil remarked, vividly laughing when Mary was not looking, and once she did, Wil went back to his usual expression. A gloomy one.

"I know that Neil can be quite the bad guy, but he's trying to change."

"By trying to beat me up earlier. If that was trying to change, I don't know what is not."

"Hey, hey, hey, Wil. You should not bully the young lady. Try to look at the other side of the coin. She's with him for a reason. Maybe she saw something in him that only she was able to discover!"

[ATech: Microdrone]

[Description: Microdrone could be used for reconnaissance missions, gathering data in hard-to-reach or dangerous areas. As it levels up, it could become more adept at surveillance, equipped with enhanced sensors for detecting various environmental factors or even biological signatures. Additionally, it could gain agility and speed upgrades, making it suitable for tasks such as search and rescue or delivery missions in urban environments. Its communication capabilities might also improve, allowing it to relay information more effectively back to its operators. 20 meters is the range, and 10 meters is the height it can fly.]
