
Chapter 7: Paralyzed Medical System

After staring at the illuminated screen of his phone for a long time, Li Tianran pressed the end call button.

Regardless of whatever happened between them before, when Zhong Ling mentioned sending Hanhan away, all the ties between them were severed. There was no going back.

After ending the call, Li Tianran put on his padded jacket and pushed open the door, stepping outside. He was going to check on the growth of the radiation-resistant vegetables in the cultivation area.

Although the data presentation mentioned that the radiation-resistant seeds could grow and mature in the current environment, it was still the first time they were being cultivated. No one knew if any unexpected situations would arise.

These vegetables and rice were important resources that Li Tianran had prepared, and there couldn't be any mistakes!


Li Tianran entered the greenhouse and felt a warm, humid air greet him. A fist-sized luminescent object floated in the air, providing precious light source for the greenhouse, enabling chlorophyll in the plants to undergo photosynthesis and absorb energy from the light.

This was the "Virtual Sun" obtained from the beginner's package.

It could provide 300 days of light energy for crops occupying an area of 100 square meters.

In fact, the Virtual Sun did not have a physical form; it was an "energy."

"Name: Virtual Sun"

"Energy: 300"

"Provides necessary ultraviolet radiation for life"

"Energy item (can be split into multiple light sources)"

The data provided a detailed introduction to the Virtual Sun, stating that its function was to replace the sun.

The explanation in parentheses indicated that the Virtual Sun could appear not only as an individual entity but could also be split into multiple energy sources. For example, a Virtual Sun with an energy of 300, which could provide light for 100 square meters, could be split into two Virtual Suns with an energy of 150 each. In this way, the two split Virtual Suns could simultaneously provide light for 200 square meters, but the duration of energy supply would be reduced to 150 days. It was essentially diluting the energy source.

Considering the reasons for the growth cycle of these new crops and the degree of dispersion in the greenhouse, Li Tianran decided to split it into twenty portions. Although this would result in a significant increase in energy loss, it would greatly accelerate the harvest speed of the crops. Once the first batch of crops was harvested, he could finally relax a bit.

Squatting in front of the seedbed, Li Tianran turned on the flashlight in his hand.

The seeds that were sown this afternoon had already sprouted tender green shoots from the ground by evening.

"Radiation-resistant vegetable sprouts

Growth length: 9%

Growth status: Good

Time to maturity: 65 hours

Explanation: It is still delicate at this stage, requiring eight hours of light exposure, sufficient water supply, and careful nurturing from the owner every day!"

He stood up and saw dense green sprouts poking out from the distant seedbed, lush and vibrant, like a painting!


Good condition, successful germination!

Li Tianran couldn't help but clench his fist in excitement.

Seeing this scene, Li Tianran's heart, which had been tense since the Age of Destruction, suddenly relaxed a lot.

Although these vegetables were still tender, their significance was extraordinary.

In this desolate land, this insignificant bit of green represented hope!

"Oh, I still have something..." Li Tianran slapped his forehead and took out a bottle of blue liquid from the backpack provided by the system.

"Name: Primary Crop Accelerator

Usage: Dilute by a hundred times and use for irrigation

Acceleration Effects: Radiation-resistant (10x), Ancient Medicine-grade (3x),

Divine-level Power (cannot be used)"

Li Tianran looked at the liquid in his hand and pondered for a moment. He fetched a bucket of water and diluted it according to a 1:100 ratio. Then, he carefully poured the diluted solution onto a tender sprout and observed its growth.

A sudden mutation occurred.

After the liquid was absorbed by the soil, within a few seconds, the sprout, wetted by the liquid, began to visibly grow at an accelerated rate.

"Radiation-resistant vegetable sprout

Growth level: 10% (10x accelerated)

Time to maturity: Approximately 6 hours!"

Li Tianran felt his mouth dry and couldn't help but exclaim how amazing the system was!

Instantly reducing the growth cycle by ten times meant that he could harvest the first batch of crops early tomorrow morning.

Unable to contain his excitement, Li Tianran, as if suddenly remembering something, opened the system's store and used his remaining tens of thousands of points to exchange for one kilogram of Ancient Medicine-grade crop seeds.

Li Tianran didn't mind getting dirty and tired. He used his fingers and an iron shovel to plant the Ancient Medicine-grade seeds, watering them with the accelerator as well.

It wasn't a sudden whim; it was a plan he had come up with during his meal. Before the Age of Destruction, he thought he had prepared everything, but when the calamity actually arrived, he realized that his preparations were far from sufficient. He hadn't had time to buy many essential items for daily life, such as medication.

Now that the entire medical system in Nan City was paralyzed, if he and Hanhan were to suddenly contract an illness, there would be no one to treat them.

The Ancient Medicine-grade crops, with the word "ancient medicine" in their name, might play a crucial role at certain moments.

Being prepared would bring no harm!

"Ancient Medicine-grade seeds

Growth level: 1% (5x accelerated)

Time to maturity: 48 hours!"

After planting all the Ancient Medicine-grade seeds, Li Tianran stood up and looked at the land beneath his feet.

In the midst of the apocalypse, with this plot of land before him, he could live more comfortably than anyone else!

He clenched his fist and raised it to the sky, unable to suppress his laughter. "Those who have left me, watch this! I not only want to survive in the apocalypse, but I also want to live a more exciting and content life than anyone else!"

At that moment, Li Tianran, covered in mud and filled with joy, felt a sense of fulfillment.

Nan City.

Tianrun Pharmaceutical Company.

The door of the general manager's office was forcefully pushed open.

A young man sitting in front of the computer screen frowned when he saw this. He had a handsome appearance, but his eyes carried a touch of arrogance and cunning, reminiscent of a certain cunning animal. Upon seeing the woman who entered, he lowered his head, pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, successfully concealing a hint of anger deep within his eyes. When he raised his head again, a trademark warm smile appeared on his lips.

"Assistant Manager Ren, do you need something?" The young man stood up, casually adjusting the slightly wrinkled cuff of his suit, and asked with a smile.

The woman who entered was only around twenty-five years old. She had a stunning appearance and was dressed in professional attire. Her black and white eyes radiated a cold light that kept people at a distance. Her features seemed to have been carved from jade, and her fair skin was delicate and flawless. A sense of pride called "heroic spirit" surrounded her, and her cherry lips were alluring and plump.

Now, she walked up to the young man's desk without hesitation and pointed at him, scolding, "Liang Tianyu, what on earth is going through your pig brain? The world is in chaos, and the entire medical system in Nan City is paralyzed. As a healthcare company, what you should be doing now is leading the company's employees to actively cooperate with the hospitals, donating equipment and medication, and jointly combating the disaster! Instead, you have your employees sitting in the office, endlessly searching for that so-called doomsday prophet!"

Liang Tianyu furrowed his brow as he looked at the woman, then fell silent for a moment before asking, "Has the world been destroyed? Are all the people dead?"

The woman was momentarily taken aback by his words.

"I am a businessman, and businessmen act based on their interests!" Liang Tianyu said indifferently. "Since the world has not been destroyed and humanity has not gone extinct, I will continue to pursue my interests and find opportunities for profit in every sudden event!"

"As for the current plague that has spread throughout Nan City and the world, I don't believe that our current medical means can make any difference. Our task now is... to find the person who posted that original thread! This sudden mutation came too abruptly, and I am increasingly convinced that the post I occasionally saw back then was not a hoax!

The poster who predicted the arrival of doomsday must know something or be able to do something about the current situation."

"You are also a shareholder of the company, entitled to dividends." After Liang Tianyu said this, he paused for a moment, then smiled and looked at Assistant Manager Ren. "Can you imagine... in the face of such a catastrophe that has swept through Nan City and the entire medical system, how substantial the rewards would be if we could come up with a solution?"

At this moment, the computer screen in front of Liang Tianyu displayed the interface of a recently posted thread.

The title read:

"Continued request for help from all-knowing friends in the forum. Does anyone remember a post that was published in the forum approximately ten hours ago, titled 'Disaster is Approaching, Be Prepared!'? Those who provide clues will be greatly rewarded!"