
Apocalyptic Era of Floods

Earth is suddenly surrounded by an unexplained tsunami, powerful and relentless floods causing mountains to tremble amidst the surging waves, and the land groaning amid colossal transformations... The floods roar with thunderous might, rushing towards the land, swallowing cities, valleys, and all living creatures on Earth.

sealys_van · Khoa huyễn
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132 Chs

Battle with the Overlord Crab

She then noticed that the low-level zombies did not pursue them but instead diverted their attention, feasting on the corpses of the Water Rat Beasts slain by Simon and Long. 

It was unclear whether they were too frightened to approach the Overlord Crab or simply attracted by the blood and flesh of the Water Rat Beasts. As level-two creatures, consuming their flesh would greatly benefit these low-level zombies, giving them hope for evolution into higher-level zombies.

On the rooftop, aside from the piled-up corpses of zombies and the sea monitor lizard, the Overlord Crab was the only remaining monster. Simon stepped forward, wielding his iron rod, his muscles trembling as he entered the "Muscle Enhancement II" state. His muscles swelled, and veins bulged on his right hand as he gripped the iron rod, his entire focus on the formidable enemy before him.

The Overlord Crab was an elite among level-three beasts, far more terrifying than ordinary level-three creatures like the sea monitor lizard. 

After being knocked over, the Overlord Crab righted itself with a push of its claws, emitting a strange "squeak" in its expression of anger. It began moving sideways with surprising speed, targeting the closer Long.

The distance between them quickly closed to less than four meters. The Overlord Crab raised its massive claw and struck forward at Long.

"Its entire body is covered in a hard shell, except for its underbelly, which is soft. We need to target its abdomen," Simon, using the "Perception Rune," identified the Overlord Crab's weakness and hurriedly relayed it to Long. He began maneuvering to the crab's rear to attack and distract it.

"Got it!" Long growled, not retreating. He gripped his steel shovel with both hands and struck at the incoming claw. Despite knowing the crab's shell was hard and its abdomen was the weak spot, Long aimed for its head instead. He intended to get close enough to use his unique ability, "Soul Eater," which could invade and destroy from within. He doubted the crab's shell, no matter how hard, could withstand this mystical energy.

While the shell could fend off physical attacks, "Soul Eater" was unlike any physical assault; it was a mysterious, penetrating energy.

The steel shovel struck the crab's claw with pinpoint accuracy, producing a metallic clang. Simultaneously, Simon, having circled to the rear, swung his iron rod, targeting the crab's slender legs as he couldn't reach its underbelly from his angle. With its two massive claws at the front, a direct attack on its abdomen seemed nearly impossible. Simon resolved to first incapacitate its legs.

Sensing Simon's assault from behind, the Overlord Crab swiftly pivoted, its claws flashing toward him. "Aim for the legs!" Simon dodged and retreated, urging Long to seize the moment to break the crab's fragile limbs. 

With the crab now besieged from both sides, it struggled to defend against their coordinated attack. Despite Simon's strategy, Long had his own plan. Ignoring Simon's advice, he advanced in a bold stride, steel shovel in his left hand, and reached out with his right, aiming for the crab's head. He activated "Soul Eater," intending to strike while the crab was distracted by Simon.

This close-quarters approach was perilous, given the crab's other claw poised to strike. But Long had calculated the risk, ready to block any counterattack with his shovel, ensuring his "Soul Eater" would hit its mark. Unexpectedly, instead of using its claw, the crab propelled itself with its eight legs, launching its massive, armored body at Long.

Covered in a hard shell like a suit of impenetrable armor, the crab's body slam was devastating. Caught off guard, Long let out a cry of agony, blood spurting from his mouth as he was flung through the air, landing hard with a thud. His chest collapsed slightly, with three ribs fractured.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, Simon was horrified. He hadn't anticipated Long's risky maneuver, nor the crab's brutal response. "Long!" Simon shouted, watching the crab knock Long aside and advance menacingly. The claws extended, ready to crush Long in an instant.

Realizing the imminent danger, Simon knew that if those claws clamped down, even divine intervention wouldn't save Long.

Simon roared in fury, launching himself forward with a powerful push, intent on halting the crab. However, he was a moment too late. The crab's claw extended toward Long, who lay on the ground, incapacitated from being hurled through the air moments earlier. Three ribs broken, head spinning, Long was defenseless as the crab closed in.

Just as the crab's claw was about to clamp down on him, Long's body slid along the ground, narrowly evading the attack. It was Lily who rushed forward, grabbing Long by the leg and dragging him to safety, narrowly avoiding the crab's assault.

Simon had resigned himself to Long's imminent demise, but seeing Lily's intervention, he breathed a sigh of relief. The crab pivoted towards Lily, preparing to strike. Simon charged forward with a fierce shout, his iron rod descending upon the crab's four slender legs.

Predictably, the crab quickly maneuvered to avoid the blows, aware that its legs were vulnerable. Its claw shot out towards Simon in retaliation. Simon stepped back slightly, his iron rod intercepting the incoming claw.

In a sudden move, Simon noticed the crab's eight legs twitching at its sides. Sensing danger, he swiftly sidestepped, swinging his iron rod at the same time. The crab attempted to repeat its previous tactic, using its legs to propel its massive body towards Simon for a devastating blow. However, Simon, having anticipated the move from witnessing Long's plight, evaded just in time. The crab missed by a hairbreadth, its eight legs grazing Simon's body as he deftly dodged. Simultaneously, Simon's iron rod struck with precision, smashing two of the crab's slender legs.

Though protected by a tough shell, the crab's thin legs were no match for Simon's iron rod, which delivered a forceful blow that immediately fractured the legs, causing white fluid to ooze from the ruptured joints.