
Something Was Wrong

Biên tập viên: Henyee Translations

You couldn't say that Qiu Chen and his friends won the fight or that Qiao Lingxiang lost. After all, they were injured but they still beat up Qiao Lingxiang quite badly.

In the end, the three of them limped as they walked off with bruises all over their faces. Qiao Lingxiang's bloody scratches were visible all over their bodies. Their clothes were torn and tattered. Qiu Chen even lost one of his front teeth.

As for Qiao Lingxiang, she was lying on the ground. She lost track of how many kicks and punches she received from them.

Her body was burning in pain and she felt like she couldn't breathe properly. She looked at Qiu Chen and his friends as they spat their bloody saliva at her one by one. Then, they staggered off and walked away.

Her hatred towards Qiu Chen, Xiong Yangbo, and Zhong Tie had risen to extreme heights.

In her life filled with so much misery, these three people were honestly probably the only three people she could take her hatred out on.

Other people laughed, mocked, disregarded, and discriminated against her verbally. They never harmed her physically though.

She couldn't use her fists to respond to verbal abuse.

But Qiu Chen and his friends were different. They actually hit her. Hence, it was logical that she hit them back.

The school bell rang. Qiao Lingxiang rested for a few seconds. She felt that she was much better. She was afraid that others would see her current state and tell Cen Yi.

She promised that she wouldn't complain to Cen Yi. She hated Qiu Chen and his friends but she still kept her promise.

Hence, Qiao Lingxiang got up and limped her way to the janitor's washroom.

When she was just about to reach the washroom entrance, it felt like her leg didn't hurt anymore. A few minutes ago, Qiu Chen kicked the bone on her calf, causing her to burst into a cold sweat because of the pain. It felt like her bone was broken.

But after some time passed, she was able to walk like a normal person. She didn't feel any pain at all.

She entered the washroom and cleaned up the blood and saliva on her school uniform. While she washed her face, she noticed that there weren't any injuries on her face or hands at all.

This time, Qiao Lingxiang felt like there was a problem.

She leaned closer to the mirror and fiddled with her hair. She looked at the spot where Xiong Yangbo hit her with the brick earlier that afternoon. It was totally fine. Aside from the blood clots in her hair, there was nothing wrong with her skin.

Qiao Lingxiang inspected her eyes. When Xiong Yangbo punched her earlier, he hit the corner of her eye. She couldn't open her eye and it hurt like crazy.

However, now, when she looked at it again, her eye wasn't hurting anymore. There wasn't even the slightest swelling there. It seemed exceptionally fine. She felt that her vision had never been so clear before.

Qiao Lingxiang inspected her body again. Besides the tight school uniform that felt a little loose now, there wasn't any swelling on her body.

What happened?

With this question in mind, she washed her face and hands and walked to the cafeteria for dinner in deep thought.

Dinner in the cafeteria contained a few more grains of rice compared to lunch. Many people couldn't stomach the watery and tasteless porridge during lunch, so they queued up voluntarily to buy food coupons at the cafeteria window for dinner.

Qiao Lingxiang didn't have any energy coupons to trade for food coupons so she kept eating their watery and tasteless food.

She sat alone in a corner of the huge cafeteria and silently finished her two bowls of water. When she was about to leave, she saw a group of noisy people entering the cafeteria from the main entrance. They were carrying a football and were laughing and talking loudly.

They seemed unrestrained and they stuck out.