
apocalypse revenge system

While he was losing everything in apocalypse including his life , Krom got a system that provided him with hope of surviving the apocalypse and have a revenge on those responsible for it to happen. tag along on his journey join Discord for interaction with writer and recieve future updates regarding novel link : https://discord.gg/GZHuegCwwf

Devil_Dragon785 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

fighting a god !

{ clap..clap..clap..}

"wow! what a awesome display, you are really an extraordinary person, mr. Krom gaining so much power in such short time that you are standing in front of me, a god"

a man dressed in white Armor having white wings was flying under moonlight glowing in the power of divinity was saying this to another man who was standing in front of him above thousand of dead bodies of soldiers or should it be called thousands of angels as they had white wings and halos above their head a symbol of angels in the world

"oh thank you for your praise mr. god, I also hope to show you more of this power while I kill you using it" said the other man looking up at the God with his glowing red and black and red aura erupting from him, giving him the looks of death god standing among those dead bodies lying around him as far as ones eyes could look

" oh what a sinister aura you have there, quite devilish and I guess it is my duty as a god to clean that aura from the face of this world "

"many have tried doing that before you, but no one was able to do that let's see how far you can go with those words of yours "

"oh you are really patient aren't you, well as a gentleman I am I also don't want to be with someone so sinister of an aura so let's get on with it and finish the matter already"

"oh what a coincidence, I also do not want to talk anymore with a bastard like you and other gods are also waiting in the line to die after you so let's finish it fast "

having said that both of them flew toward each other at a speed that was almost impossible to see even for most of gods

"this time has finally come, now I am going to make every single one of these bastards pay for what they did, all that pain and suffering I'll return it to them with interest..."




{ thump }

blindly running through the streets Krom stumbled upon a piece of debris and fell down, he stood up again and started running again not worrying about else

"why the hell is this happening? where did all these creatures suddenly came from? why are they doing this? what do they want from us ? "

Krom was scared and confused of all the destruction that was happening around, some unknown monsters suddenly invaded the city he was living in from God knows where and now they were wreaking havoc in all the city, most of the cities was already destroyed by them and huge number of people had already fallen prey to them

confused and scared he was running throught all the destruction toward his home, where his mother was alone

"just please be safe, mom " he was doing the only thing he could do at the moment and that was to pray to god to keep his mother safe

after running for some more time he stopped in shock, the place which he used to call his home was buried in the ground, while place had been to nothing and everything was on fire

"no this cannot be true, mom is not dead she must have gotten out of here before this happened, yes that must be it nothing wrong have happened to her, I just need to find out where she is "

Krom was not ready to accept that something happened to his mother, he started running around the streets while shooting out for his mom but he did not get any reply after running for as long as he could, finally tired from all the running he was now on his knees

tired both mentally and physically he was still thinking of what to do and where to find his mother, when he started to hear footsteps and based on the sound Krom was sure that it was definitely not a human

he stood up and started running in the direction away from the footsteps but before he could run far the money from whom the footsteps were coming noticed Krom, it let out a loud cry and started chatting after him

Krom kept running without looking back with all his strength but the footsteps were getting closer and closer and with each step Krom could feel death inching onto him

Krom was taking sharp turns at each possible chance to shake the thing off him, even though it slowed the monster down and it was not approaching Krom at the speed like before but it still was chasing him and was also not showing any signs of leaving

he took one more turn to increase the gap but damm there was another one of those creature, sensing Krom presence there it turned around to look at him when it turned around Krom also looked at it more clearly

they were somewhat like humans but their back was bent and hands and legs have been turned to claws, their skin was dry and was pale in colour they were around 8 get tall after bending and their hands were much longer comparatively to their size,

there was also a purple colored stone like thing shining a little from its chest, they were bald and had sharp teeth, looking at this one Krom saw something in his mouth which made him feel disgusted, it was a hand from a human child of around 10-12 years and it was eating it just like a beast it was

seeing this Krom was even more scared and was thinking of ways to save himself but nothing was striking his mind

while he was thinking both of them started to walk toward Krom and with each of their steps Krom was getting closer to death, but then suddenly a sound rang in Krom's head
