
Apocalypse Rebirth: Having Many Beauties

Eugene was betrayed and killed by his wife's family during the apocalypse, only to find himself reincarnated three months earlier. Endowed with powers from another dimension, he resolves to alter his fate, divorcing decisively and actively preparing for the apocalypse. Through winning the lottery and astute investments, Eugene amasses wealth, stockpiles resources, builds a refuge, and plans revenge against his former wife's family. The novel revolves around Eugene's quest for revenge and self-redemption, depicting his growth and transformation amidst the backdrop of doomsday.

MystiqueMuse · Khoa huyễn
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70 Chs

Money is waste paper

That evening, he finished up the leftovers from lunch. Even though he had enough supplies to last him several lifetimes, Eugene had absolutely no habit of wasting. Waste was shameful.


After dinner, he put on thick clothes, took the dog—whom he named "Leopard"—and went to the basement. There was an iron door here. Eugene checked with the surveillance camera before opening it and going out to walk the dog.


The basement connected to the community garage. After passing through a narrow passage, they arrived. It was bustling here. The elderly had nowhere to stroll, so they started dancing, dog owners walked their pets around the garage, and young people played soccer.


But the garage was only so big. It looked empty most of the time, but now it was suddenly crowded, and it couldn't handle the crush.


It quickly turned into a commotion. It started with a dog running over and urinating on a dancing old lady's foot, leading to a quarrel between the dog owner and the lady. Each side blamed the other—one accused the other of not keeping to their area for dancing, while the other criticized the dog owner for not leashing their pet, which not only urinated on people but also caused a ruckus.


Eugene saw a group of four people approaching. Wasn't that his ex-wife's family? Claire was at the front, with Chris and their son flanking her like bodyguards, wearing ingratiating smiles.


Just thinking about it, Eugene understood—they wanted compensation from Claire.


After spending four years together, Eugene was well aware of this family's greed and opportunism. But what they didn't know was that Claire had already gone bankrupt.


Well, let me "help" you understand the truth. After all, I can't stand deceit!


At that moment, Claire and her group drew closer.


"Eugene!" Claire gritted her teeth, her hatred palpable.


Feeling her strong hostility, Leopard immediately growled and bared his teeth at Claire. If Eugene hadn't held the leash, it might have lunged at her.




Eugene didn't want a pet dog. He smiled slightly.


Hehe, I made you bankrupt before, and now I'm going to slap you in the face. But in a couple of days, you'll still have to lower your face and beg me!


He pretended to be surprised and said, "Where did you get your plastic surgery and breast enhancement? I heard these procedures aren't cheap nowadays. The surgery alone costs tens of thousands, not to mention post-operative care, which would be at least several hundred thousand, right?"


Eugene didn't know the exact prices, but he deliberately exaggerated.


Chris immediately became anxious upon hearing this. He knew exactly how much money was in his daughter's hands. If she had really spent several hundred thousand on her face and chest, not only would there be no subsidies for his son, they might even end up losing money.


"Jenny, is this guy telling the truth?" The old man asked aggressively.


What a pig teammate!


Claire thought in her heart. Shouldn't the family present a united front? Why was he questioning me based on Eugene's words alone? Isn't this like a family feud? But who made the Walker family so greedy and money-minded? They were the ones who kicked their daughter and grandson out for money in the first place. Now they're just asking their daughter a question. What's so strange about it?


Claire had to explain, "Dad, don't listen to his nonsense. He just doesn't want our family to live in peace! I didn't spend much money on cosmetic surgery; you can rest assured."


After hearing this, Chris became suspicious but at least didn't continue questioning.


But would the old man give up so easily? After he left, he would definitely check Claire's accounts. Trouble was brewing.


Claire also knew this, so she felt even more resentful towards Eugene. With a cursed tone, she said, "It's best if this hailstorm lasts longer. Then your four billion can only lie in the bank. You can only look at it but not buy anything!"


Wow, your mouth seems to have been sharpened, quite sharp. Indeed, this natural disaster was far more terrifying than everyone had imagined. It wasn't something that could be endured or endured for a while and then pass. Soon, there would be a power outage. Just the severe cold would be enough to take a life. Add to that the shortage of food and lack of clean water, and in just over ten days, who knows how many people would die of thirst, hunger, or cold!




Cash is just waste paper, too rough to even wipe your butt with, and the funds in banks and the stock market are just a string of numbers, which can never be withdrawn. And even if you could withdraw them, wouldn't it just be waste paper as well?


Eugene just smiled.


How could Claire possibly know that she was reincarnated? His money did not become waste paper, but became a commodity.


Now, he was definitely the richest person in the world, surpassing the second place by who knows how many tens of thousands of times, or even billions of times!


"You are such a selfish person. Just to make my money useless, you eagerly anticipate this kind of natural disaster to continue?" Eugene deliberately spoke loudly, "Are you trying to make the neighbors, elders, and relatives all suffer?"


In fact, when Eugene confronted Claire's family, there were busybodies who came over to watch the excitement. Eugene's words made it clear to them, and they nodded in agreement, some even got angry and pointed fingers at Claire, and some even scolded her directly.


This woman is not virtuous, she got pregnant before marriage, deceived people as a takeover expert, her character is seriously flawed, and now she hopes this hailstorm continues. How malicious is her heart?


You should know that many people are just going to work normally, but now they are trapped in their units. Do you really want the hail to continue falling, causing families to break up?


Despicable woman!


Claire realized she had said the wrong thing, her face turned pale, and she quickly ran away.


As she rushed out of the crowd, she ran towards her own building.


Seeing this, the crowd turned to Chris and his wife again, cursing them, "How did you raise such a daughter?"


Although Chris and his wife were shameless and arrogant, facing the accusations of the crowd, they dared not fight back and slunk away.


Most importantly, they needed to check their daughter's account, how much money did she still have!


Eugene continued walking his dog. The leopard really didn't want to walk anymore, so he took the dog home.


This was only the first day. People hadn't realized the horror of this natural disaster yet, but with the hail continuing and no rescue forces appearing, people would soon panic.


Eugene returned home. He slept on the second floor and looked out through the window. He could see that the ground was already covered with a thick layer of ice, and hail was falling, and the fog was getting thicker.


How could one travel in such conditions?


The country had dispatched troops to transport supplies, but multiple trucks carrying supplies had accidents in a row, some even exploded, sacrificing many soldiers. They could only slow down for now.


A soldier's life is not life?


If it were just difficulties, the soldiers would try their best to solve them, but encountering problems that could not be solved root cause, how could they let soldiers sacrifice in vain?


The fog was thick, with a visibility of only about 1 meter. Even if it was just that, transportation of supplies purely by manpower would be possible. But add in this toxic hail... it made rescue impossible.


Don't think about it too much, let's go exercise again.


He exercised, and the dog also stretched beside him.


After the workout, he checked his phone and received messages from Dorothy and Nora, first complaining about the weather, and then reminding him to be careful, after all, where there's a natural disaster, there's usually human disaster accompanying it.


The key is, can the police be alerted in this weather?


If this situation continues for a few more days... it's unimaginable!


Eugene also told them to be careful themselves, especially to make sure to close the doors and windows tightly, so that no bad guys could break in.


Nora promised to do so, and Dorothy said that their sister's fortress was very reliable. The hail couldn't break the glass, and there were generators and plenty of diesel in the fortress, enough food and drink to last for months, no problem at all.


Eugene put down his phone, took another shower, and went to bed.


Clang clang clang, all night long there were sounds of hail falling, making it hard to fall asleep, but Eugene had prepared earplugs, and now that the disaster had come, he no longer fretted and soon fell asleep.


One night passed.


Eugene looked at the dawn outside the window, then checked the time. It was already 7:30, but at this time, the sky should be bright, how could it be like this now?