

I’m rewriting this novel the title is Apocalypse Online: I became over powered thanks to my clones ================================== Alice is a girl who won a VR headset and a new game called 'Apocalypse online' she didn't know what to do with it so she played it. While playing she will do some crazy thing that she thought others can do too. the rest of the players what the heck this is hacking? 'thought of the other players' While others still thinking about how to survive, she was already selling supplies and items and living a leisurely life. Watch as Alice or Carmilla create a legend in the gaming world without knowing it. ------------------------------------------------------ This is my first time writing a story if there is wrong grammar or spelling please inform me by commenting I will try to change it as fast as possible thanks. Chapter release will be 1 chapter per day on weekdays. I will change this if there is a sudden change so you guys and gals I will know if I'm planning to release more chapters per day or if I will change my schedule currently I'm posting every day.

D_Rich_13 · Khoa huyễn
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85 Chs

Chapter 20 Magic Test Part 4/???


I forgot to tell you guys that I will be using " " when taking aloud and ' ' when thinking.


After hearing that I go outside of the arena and cast 20 [Clone]. I remember that clones also can help me learn faster.

[-2000 MP]

"You guys help learn magic then dispel yourselves if you learned any"

"Yes Madam"

I still feel weird talking to myself but ignore it and sit and try to regain my lost mana. I regain my mana quickly so I go back to the arena along with my 20 clones. I saw that the Vampire Progenitor was slightly smiling when he saw the 20 clones.

'Why was the Vampire Progenitor smiling'

But Alice did not know why was the Vampire Progenitor smiling so she tilted her head with a look of confusion on her face.

I Ignore why was he smiling and ask a question.

"Can my clone help me learn magic!?"

"Yes, they can I was slightly confused at first that you didn't use them to help you learn [Fire Magic] and [Water Magic]"

"Ahh that I forgot"

After saying that Alice tilts and hits her head and shows her tongue. (AN: I don't know how to explain this scene hehe)

Hearing an honest answer from Alice makes a smile on the Vampire Progenitor twitch.

'I don't know whether to scold her for not remembering her skills or be happy that she has a great affinity with magic'

"I will demonstrate how to cast a [Wind Magic] so pay attention"

After hearing that I back off a few meters and focus on what will the Vampire Progenitor do.

Seeing that Alice walks back a few meters the Vampire Progenitor starts casting wind magic you can see a magic circle appears with a light green color.

"[Wind Ball]"


After I walk back a few meters I saw the Vampire progenitor start casting and a light green magic circle appears I start feeling the mana of the [Wind Magic] it had a free feeling like someone was just going with the flow not long after I heard the Vampire Progenitor whisper.

"[Air Ball]"

After that, I saw a ball made of air that appears it has an appearance of a ninjutsu in an anime about ninjas and a will of something if I remember that ninjutsu is called 'rasenball' or something, that my classmate always recommends me to watch

(AN: just for fun I put naruto Jutsu in but not as op 🤪🤪)

"I will now cast another spell so stop daydreaming and pay attention because this is the last time I'm demonstrating [Wind Magic]"

Being reprimanded for daydreaming my face started to turn red. So I slap my face to help me focus.



You can hear the slap echoing for a while. I waited for the pain to subside and look at the Vampire Progenitor and nodded to indicate I'm prepared to observe how he cast [Wind Magic].

Seeing Alice was now paying attention again the Vampire Progenitor start casting. You can see a magic circle with a light green color glowing.

"[Wind Wall]"

Hearing the Vampire progenitor say the name of the Wind spell. I saw a wall of wind being formed I don't know if it can stop an attack. Seeing my confused look the Vampire Progenitor chuckled and began explaining my questioning look.

"Yes it can block an attack it can also deflect attacks. Every spell has different effects you can experience it yourself when you finish the Magic Test"

When I heard that it can block attacks I backed off a few meters and start cast a weak fireball to test the reaction of the [Wild Wall].

"[Fire Ball]"

[-75 MP]

I throw the [Fire Ball] at the [Wind Wall] I expect it to e deflected but it was absorbed and turned the [Wind Wall] to a powerful [Fire Wall], not expecting my [Fire Ball] to be absorbed look at the direction where the Vampire Progenitor was standing and gave him a look of 'are you lying to me' and pout a little bit.

"Chuckle" "Ok stop looking at me with an expression that I lied to you. What were you expecting"

"That my [Fire Ball] will bounce back or something"

"Remember when I told you that there will be different effects on different spells well wind absorbs fire and fire will absorb wild. But everything is the difference in your power when someone cast a wind spell and a fire spell at each other if the wind caster was more powerful than the fire caster the wind spell will be powered by the fire spell and will fly to the fire caster and vise versa, but if both casters have the same power the spell will just cancel each other. Remember that each element has an advantage and disadvantage"

"So if the threw a [Water Ball] at the [Wind Wall] my [Water Ball] will bounce back but if I cast a [Water Ball] at a weaker [Wind Wall] it will break the [Wind Wall]"

"Your correct but sometimes everything will be solved with power even if you cast a spell with an advantage you still can't harm me for example you use [Water Magic] and I use [Fire magic] normally water beats fire right but because I was more powerful than you, your [Water Magic] will be evaporated before it got near my spell so having advantage and disadvantage between elements only work with someone with the same power with you. Now lets us continue your test it's now your turn to cast [Wind Magic]"

After hearing about elements having advantage and disadvantage for different elements and but it will only work when the two people fighting has the same level of power. I put everything at the back of my mind and starts to dispel clones one by one while checking on what they observed while the Vampire Progenitor was casting a spell.


AN: I don't know if the conversation was stiff or not so please comment if there is something I need to change.

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