
Apocalypse in Mega Techno Era with System

It's year 2105. Artificial Intelligence is talking over the world.

Areej_K_9705 · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Hooded Figure Sightings

Waking up from my deep slumber never feels good. It's been a long since I slept and woke up active. Life had become dull. I gradually opened my eyes only seeing long black hair swept over my face.

"What the heck!", I groaned pushing myself up from the bed slightly and moving away the hair from my face using only one hand as my other hand couldn't seemed to be moving by some burden of soft milky white skin of the naked woman I spent my day with. Her hair were long that reached below her wide hips. She was like wild fox ready to savour me all at once. I don't remember passing out at one moment when she was bouncing on me.

She was still snoring while I had to leave to attend my friends birthday party.

"BEEP BEEP", A vibration sound coming from inside my wrist creating a Red spot caught my attention. It was alarm that I had set. Mobile phones were long gone since my great grand father's era.

"Dylan...you're up", she murmured after the beep woke her up.

The woman's curvy body was highly admirable. We met on top of a well illuminated building when I waited for my hover convertible car. She slided beside me and purred to take her home. I couldn't resist her charms. But I wasn't less handsome as well.

I was leaning against the reflective surface of the sleek, modern building, casting a confident gaze upon my own reflection. The city lights danced in my captivating eyes.

As I take a moment to appreciate my reflection, I can't help but acknowledge the undeniable allure that defines me.

"Fuck...Li Dylan, You're hot!". I couldn't help but praise myself.

My chiseled jawline, sculpted by genetics and a meticulous grooming routine. The strands of my hair, effortlessly tousled yet meticulously styled. Clothed in attire that effortlessly combines fashion with comfort, I walk with the assurance of someone who understands the language of style.

"Yes, I'm aware of the undeniable handsomeness that defines me".

It was year 2150, I lived in the the city of NeoPlasma which emerged as a marvel of unimaginable technological advancements along with the rest of world.

Skyscrapers stretched high into the clouds, adorned with shimmering holographic displays that painted the sky with vibrant colors. Neon lights pulsated along futuristic walkways, creating a mesmerizing dance of illumination.

The city's heartbeat was synchronized with an intricate network of artificial intelligence, seamlessly managing every aspect of daily life. Autonomous drones gracefully patrolled the skies, ensuring safety and providing a breathtaking aerial ballet. It was a utopian vision, blending nature and technology in a harmonious dance.

Flying cars, a ubiquitous mode of transportation, zipped through translucent skyways that crisscrossed the city like a luminous spider's web. These sleek vehicles glided effortlessly, propelled by anti-gravity technology, leaving trails of shimmering stardust in their wake. Commuters enjoyed a seamless journey, their flying cars guided by an intelligent traffic control system that orchestrated an intricate symphony in the air.

People experienced life in a realm where smart homes anticipated their every need. Walls transformed into interactive displays, offering personalized virtual landscapes. A touch of a button summoned robotic assistants, seamlessly blending into the environment to perform household tasks.

Beneath the city's surface, an intricate network of subterranean tunnels housed maglev trains, hurtling passengers to distant destinations at mind-boggling speeds. The underground world buzzed with life, serving as the beating heart of commerce, innovation, and cultural exchange.

Artificial ecosystems mimicked the beauty of nature, while advanced climate control systems ensured a temperate environment year-round. The citizens enjoyed the surreal experience of strolling through floating gardens and marveling at holographic wildlife.

Luckily I inherited three artificial intelligence designed parks with literally every kind of weather installed. People paid millions to experience their favourite environments. So I didn't have to go to work or anything. Life was ordinary but passing. I didn't have any siblings so I was the only one inheriting them. At 25 years of age, me, Li Dylan, was living a pretty comfortable life. But I wished for some action, some twist, some destruction.

My body urged to have another rough round with her but leaving it for tommorow might be a good option. I couldn't made up my mind giving up the delicious food at the party. My cat would be waiting for me at home.

As my convertible car glided down infront of the building, I could see my robot servant standing with my cat, Kit, waiting for me. My darling white furball, Kit couldn't live without me. She was my emotional support and I was hers. She only ate if I was around her.

My Robot servant, Laura was beautiful and intelligent robot. She was a the limited edition. Only five robots including her were made. I had bought her of few billion dollars. She wore a little white skirt that only covered her hips and a pair of tall white heels. She was curvy, with huge breasts, thin waist line, wide hips and tall height. But she was a robot and looked like one in appearance so I couldn't bring myself to feel anything for her.

"Yes...Master". Laura, my Robot, obeys me no matter what. This is what she mostly answers me back. She was designed to obey her master.

Laura could do anything, cleaning, cooking, shopping and even recharging herself. She was my best friend and assistant but robots were robots. They couldn't feel human emotions and that was the only thing she lacked. She was my personal assistant. But she lacked human skin texture and actally looked like a robot.

"MEOW", my cat, Kit, ran towards my and immediately climbed up my shoulders. I ran my hand over her white furs. She purred and rubbed her head with my face.

Hugging her I entered my building to reach my penthouse with river view. Laura, my servant robot, pushed the elevator buttons and we got inside. While we waited to reach the 25th floor, Kit played with Laura's red hair. Laura never minded it Ofcourse. As if she could feel any pain.

Getting out of the elevator, my eyes caught a tall hooded figure of Man, wearing a long black cape coming out of the other elevator and it walked past my and got into one of the doors of penthouse. He walked strangely and was a little too tall for a normal height. Who wore clothes like this? He looked like a ghost.

"I never knew he lived there", I felt suspicious. I was living in this building for three years and never saw him. Hooded Figure was very tall. I was 6 feet and he would be 6'5.

"Maybe he just moved in", I murmured and made my way to my house while Laura got back in to the elevator. She had to visit her developer for maintenance.

"Her maintaince would take 12 hours in total. I will have to wait until morning for her to return".

Entering my house, Kit, my cat, got down from my arms and begin to play with the electric mouse I had bought for her. It looked just like a real one.

"That feels nice", warm water relaxed my tensed muscles after I got into the shower.

Coming out of the bathroom, the house was a complete mess. Kit was chasing the mouse with full swing. But no worries, Laura will be back in no time.

The venue itself was a marvel of architectural ingenuity, featuring levitating platforms that served as dance floors, lounge areas with anti-gravity furniture, and floating orbs emitting soft, ambient light. In one corner, a holographic DJ spun tunes that seamlessly blended genres from different eras, catering to the diverse tastes of the guests. Birthday party of my friend, Ling Xian had just started.

After only few drinks, I was fully drunk.

"Li Dylan! Don't you dare leave the party! We still have to cut the cake. And these beauties still want to taste you!", my friend Ling Xian pointed at the hot girls eyeing me up and down hungrily.

"Yeah Yeah whatever!", I was on the verge of throwing up. My drinking capacity was really low. However I really wanted to spend night with those girls but them seeing me in this condition wasn't a brilliant idea. I would never afford to become a living joke for them.


My wrist beeped again informing me about my worsening health and increased heart beat. What was wrong with me! Several voices seemed to yell at me in my head.

"SYSTEM ACTIVATION WILL START IN 2 HOURS". Some voice in my head addressed to me.

"Wait, What! Who is this!??", I panicked. Maybe I wasn't in my right mind.

"Haha System Activation? It only happens in fictions, nothing real!", I tought.

Somehow, I managed to walk towards the door. The robot gaurd opened the door for me, that is when I saw the same Hooded Figure of a Man wearing a black cape, brushing past me and entering the party.

Was I hallucinating!

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