
apocalypse: I will become disaster to this world

It has been several years since the start of the zombie apocalypse. I am Lance Crownwell a SSS rank assassin I have kill in my prime time I am now 48 years old I see the erased of humanity between humans We have to live while killing zombies and humans The food and agriculture is ended Humans has become carnival who eat humans They can compare to be zombies I am the person who was betrayed by him comrades for just a mere food My blood from wound is leaking and the smell diffuse to every place In the city where am I? I don't know I will keep running and take revenge The people who betray me than the sudden earth shaking the mutant zombie lion is standing infront of me He is everywhere taller than the elephant I can see the bloodlust from his eyes The saliva is dropping on the ground His skin is turn dull His red eyes can even fear the gods He is slowly identifying his prey and with the sudden roar he tries to catch me with his big hands I slowly moves backwards and uses blade shadow first move Lion dodge it Hundred of zombies has fear the Lion who is fighting me The last move which I burn all my blood and kill enemy in one strike while your life should be ended i use dagger shadow final move than the blood from his body is vaporizing His face looks pale and he is try to final blow with the sudden roar mutated lion was killed My body fell on ground I can see the death of mine infront of me hundreds of zombies are running towards me I didn't care I take my body in comfortable position and from eyes a drop of water comes out and I say why you have to go this far that none of us can't save you and why do you save me His body is tearing apart and his skin is tearing he didn't shout and say what have I done this far Nothing I am just a killer who will cry for me No one He died at the movement when his neck is tear by zombies Zombies are drinking his spilled blood that had fallen on the ground. Lance can see the darkness all around but the light ray tear apart the darkness Lance can feel good while reincarnation He thinks that he wants to live a life like a normal person I don't want to become assassin

swordmen · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

mask fighter

I catch his hand and twisted his elbow and punch the brother of him

Those both are lying on the ground and I said if you dare to mock me I am going to kill you

Those two are trembling due to my killing intent

Those two sad you are not Lance

Who are you ?

I am the one who defeats the death

They was too scared they leave the place in an instant

I said to myself first I have to gain strength to protect grandma

Than I said first I want to see if I eat the core of zombie what power should I gain

I take out black flame and see that the flame has his own ego but his ego is slowly developing

I put my black flame back

My eyes color is green but it colour changes to yellow for a short time I didn't see it

I see my body was too weak and fragile I said first I want to earn some money for better improvement in financial problems

I said to myself at the age of 24 I have to go for a zombie hunt that will take place in island

Island is halfly covered with zombies and halfly control by humans

My birthday is on 23 rd October and today is 8 th October

So atleast 15 days are left ,

After 10 days finally my weak and fragile body has some strength

I run atleast 15km per day , 30 push up two set per day , 10 squats per day

My sweat is flowing like a water I will become river I few days

My body curves can be seen from far away now my weak and fragile body is some kind of healthy

For some time I practice my blade shadow

My body is like tearing apart

Now my body can handle the burden of atleast 1st move of blade shadow

My height is 5 foot 10 inch and 5 days are left to my birthday

I go to a black market that is situated underneath the ground where people can sell anything

For rich people it is the best place to spend money

Here you can find zombie, women,wine whatever you want but the most famous thing I the black market is the prison fight here you can bet on your player

If you win you will gain the double of money you invested

Money is something important that every person wants here

The sound of people cheering

The sound of shaking the iron bars of prison every thing is on hype

I can see two people are fighting with the swords

Sometime the winner is fixed by the owner of the black market

But I didn't care

I go to reception and ask I want to join the fight

My face was covered with black mask

Sir you have to pay first for entering the ring

It's the scheme to ask fighter for money and it is just a fake scheme

I said I know the schemes of black market better than you

When the receptionist see that the person Is regular in black market she said ok sir fill your form

Name note (pen name )

Fighting type ( dragger)

rank na

Ok sir than she see and said sir you are

registered now you can wait for next turn

Excuse me i want to fight the strongest person on this ring

Ok sir but you have to wait too long

Your fight will be after fourteen turns


Than I sit at the seat and thinks this world has many bases in which this island is D rank base and where the assassin guild is S rank base

Note your chance has come

Come to prison ring

I go and see my opponent is a big body builder whose pen name is golden mask

I take dagger from where all the weapons are placed

I say that I will never use dagger shadow technique in crowd area

The fighter is quietly observing me

I can tell that he has so much experience in fighting

I starts moving my body than tries vertical and horizontal slashes

he Is using hammer

He is moving to the edge of the ring

He says in his mind his body is not responding to his mind if his body can continue He surely kill me in just a second but I will not forfeit aganist a child who is in his 20s

He starts rotating his hammer and his hammer has covered in a mana

Everything that it is in universe is created with mana even humans

His murderous intent starts leaking from his body

He said child forfeit otherwise you have to be kill

You dare to threaten a person who is much stronger than you with the sudden shrill sound his dagger has coated in mana still mana is covering his body

Now his mana is acting like a shield

It's a normal skill for A rank bases

How much strong the base

How much they get resources for developing their skills

Golden mask said you are an interesting guy than I said thanks for increasing some balance between mind and body than I use vertical slash and cut his throat

The blood is leaking from wound

The monsters which are for sale starts shouting because the smell of blood diffuse everywhere

note ! Note ! Note !

You are the best Note

Than I quietly leave the place and go to reception and ask where is my money

Because I kill the person is the king of prison fight

Sir the leader of black market is asking that he can accompany you

ok but I don't have too much time

Only 10 minutes

Ok sir

What are you doing Note

You can become the king of prison ring

Become my loyal pet

Sorry sir but I don't live here

I am just a mere traveller

I am from a A rank base

Ok nothing can go in a right way

Sure you can leave but you will don't take any money from here

Are you trying to mock me Black market leader

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