
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

DaoistS6gi2f · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter Twenty: Hunt


"Carter Hayes, how did I perform today?" After entering the Aeon System, Carter Hayes' biggest concern was whether he would receive any rewards for killing so many zombies today.

"Killed thirty zombies. The system rewards two level points." The Aeon System didn't need to think much before stating the numbers. "Two level points will increase the host's physical fitness, and one point will be automatically stored."


"With an additional two points, my body will reach level seven. Then even if I encounter two 'Green Zombie People' at the same time, I won't have to worry."

Carter Hayes remembered clearly that when he first arrived here, the entire mall was teeming with hundreds of zombies wandering around.

Considering the proportion of evolution into Green Zombie People, there was no guarantee that some wouldn't appear among them.

"Then do I get no reward for killing the mutated lizard?" Carter Hayes paused, not hearing the Aeon System continue. He asked with some confusion.


"The mutated lizard is a level ten mutant creature. The host completed the killing task five days in advance, so the system automatically rewards a gift package. Host, please check." After Carter Hayes' question, the Aeon System remained silent for a moment before displaying a series of data on the screen.


"A gift package as well, I really hit the jackpot today." Seeing the red gift package appearing out of thin air in the room, Carter Hayes' eyes lit up. The contents of the gift package couldn't be anything but good.


"Additionally, the host peeled off the scales of the mutated lizard, and the skill level is increased by five."

"The host chopped off the tail of the mutated lizard, self-made weapon, level fifteen. The system automatically rewards a 'Great Sword,' capable of cutting through the scales and fur of any creature below level twenty."


"Darn, darn, darn."

Carter Hayes looked at the series of rewards announced by the Aeon System in succession, feeling quite surprised and overwhelmed by the favor he was receiving. His luck was just too good. After coming back to his senses, Carter Hayes' gaze still lingered on the red gift package. He hoped to be surprised once again.

"Strength Gene Potion." Carter Hayes opened the gift package, finding only one red bottle inside, with six simple words on it.

"Strength Gene Potion, can stimulate human potential and accelerate level advancement." As Carter Hayes picked up the gene potion, a piece of instruction suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Can increase strength to that of five men." Carter Hayes had originally planned to drink it directly, but after hearing the instructions, he felt that the potion might not be very effective for him. With his current strength equivalent to that of seven men, drinking such a gene potion would be a waste.

Just as he was about to curse the system for sending him such a 'useless' potion, he suddenly thought that he was no longer alone now. And who would be more suitable than Tone?

With Tone's physique and character, it would be awkward for him to evolve into a speed or agility type of revolver.

"Alright, give it to Tone." Carter Hayes made up his mind.

"Aeon System, is it okay to give this potion to someone else?" After making up his mind, Carter Hayes realized another problem. Previously, things like the survival manual were absolutely forbidden to be shown or known by others. Now, he didn't know if gene potions could be shared.


"No problem." The Aeon System nodded.


"That's good." Carter Hayes breathed a sigh of relief after getting the Aeon System's confirmation.

Then he left the Aeon System and returned to reality. Tone had already fallen asleep.

The silvery moonlight still poured in through the window, quietly illuminating the room.

"Rest early, and don't be careless tomorrow."

After comforting himself with these thoughts, Carter Hayes fell asleep.

The second floor of the mall was still safe, and Carter Hayes hadn't encountered any zombies there until today.

After a night's rest, Tone seemed much better, with a better complexion and appetite. He ate just as much as Carter Hayes.

"Tone, we'll be going down later. Remember, don't let the zombies scratch your body." Carter Hayes reminded Tone. Although the powerful virus in the air no longer affected humans after today, the virus carried by the zombies was different.

"I know." After spending a night and seeing Carter Hayes' calm demeanor, Tone had to accept the reality of the apocalypse, just like Carter Hayes did. They couldn't stay in the mall forever. Food would eventually run out. Only by going out could they survive better.

Living had become their only goal now.

"Carry the axe with you at all times, and use this giant sword to chop down zombies. Remember, don't lose it."

After checking the weapons they had now, Carter Hayes handed the "Great Sword" rewarded by the system to Tone. The over-a-meter-long giant sword was indeed worthy of its name. It should look quite majestic when wielded by Tone.

Before last night, Carter Hayes was worried about what weapon to give to Tone, but now it was different.

The "Great Sword" had blades as sharp as Carter Hayes' "Silent Annihilation." Dealing with level five zombies would be child's play.

The only other weapons they had were the tail of the mutated lizard, two fire axes over a foot long, and an unused kitchen knife.

After distributing the weapons, Carter Hayes and Tone crossed the zombie wall and slowly descended the stairs.

Although Carter Hayes had killed many zombies, the upper floors were still quite terrifying in terms of numbers.

In the early morning, everything was particularly quiet. Although Carter Hayes and Tone deliberately stepped lightly, everything was still clearly visible.

"Hiss~" Bending down, Carter Hayes and Tone crouched at the stairwell and looked outside.

Seeing zombies wandering everywhere, Tone took a deep breath.

If he weren't afraid of attracting zombies by making noise, he might have screamed out loud.

"Let's keep quiet and split up to kill the zombies. Try not to make too much noise." Carter Hayes was quite satisfied with Tone's performance of not screaming.

There was no tactical plan for killing zombies; the only thing was to try to avoid making too much noise.

"Yeah." Tone nodded earnestly, still gripping the "Great Sword" with trembling hands.

"The zombies' weak spot is the head. Try to chop off their heads as much as possible." Before they went out, Carter Hayes was afraid that Tone might forget, so he reminded him once again of the zombies' weakness.

"Yeah." Tone nodded seriously. Carter Hayes' calmness so far had convinced Tone a lot, and the determined look in Carter Hayes' eyes had also given Tone a lot of confidence.

"On the left passage, there are only three zombies. Let's start from there." Carter Hayes pointed to a relatively secluded corner. It was the wisest choice to start from the less crowded areas to avoid being surrounded.

"Remember, be quick, accurate, and ruthless."

Carter Hayes was afraid that Tone hadn't adapted yet, so when they encountered the first zombie, he acted quickly.

"Swish." A head

 was chopped off by Carter Hayes in an instant.