
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

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25 Chs

Chapter Nine: Three Gifts (Part Two)


"The storage space is a dimension existing in another world. Once opened, the host can store anything they wish inside," the Aeon System understood Carter Hayes's expressions perfectly within its internal workings.


Before Carter could even ask, the Aeon System had already provided an answer.

"There's something like this too?" Carter almost exclaimed, "Oh, that's fantastic!"

Once again, these extra-dimensional concepts exceeded his comprehension. However, without any cost and with something that could provide significant assistance, Carter was more than willing to accept it.


"The existence of extradimensional space can only be developed by civilizations of level five or above," feeling Carter's confusion, the Aeon System explained again.


Feeling a bit numb, Carter had encountered too many astonishing things today.

"Is there something else in there that's beyond my comprehension?" Carter looked at the last remaining box and slowly began to unpack it.

"A machete." The contents of the final box were not particularly extraordinary, but rather a machete about a meter long, five or six centimeters wide. The entire blade was pitch black, its material indistinguishable, but it emitted a strange glow, giving Carter the initial impression of being incredibly sharp, like those legendary swords in martial arts novels?

"Silent Annihilation." It wasn't until Carter lifted the machete that he realized it was far more complex than he had imagined. 'Heavy' was the first impression, capable of making Carter feel its weight, probably weighing tens of kilograms at least. However, the words 'Silent Annihilation' engraved on the handle caught Carter's attention.


"The name of the machete, 'Silent Annihilation,' is a black alloy blade, incredibly sharp, capable of slicing through the armor of creatures below level twenty," the Aeon System introduced.


"So, cutting down zombies would be like cutting cabbage?" Carter listened to the Aeon System's description, already interested in such a machete, and now even more reluctant to let it go.

Today seemed to be lucky after all. Every time he ambushed a zombie, it was only successful because he could swiftly decapitate them while they were pouncing. Otherwise, relying on those two flimsy kitchen knives, it would have been impossible to sever a zombie's head in one go.

Even so, the kitchen knives had accumulated many small nicks, and sometimes when he tried to chop off a zombie's head, they would just break.

But now, with 'Silent Annihilation,' Carter no longer had to worry about weapons.

With a thought of leaving, Carter left the internal workings of the Aeon System, wearing a satisfied expression.

"Where is the machete, survival manual, and storage space?" When Carter's consciousness returned to the warehouse, he was astonished to find that both the manual and the storage space were missing.


"If the host wishes to view the contents of the survival manual, they just need to focus," the Aeon System, now seamlessly integrated with Carter's thoughts, knew almost everything he wanted to ask.


"And the storage space is even more convenient. It opens with a silent thought, but it belongs only to you."

"Open storage space." Now knowing how to use it, Carter immediately tried it out.

Just as the Aeon System had described, with a silent thought, a space of about one cubic meter appeared in front of him.

Staring at the space that appeared out of nowhere, Carter couldn't help but feel amazed and shocked. However, with the end of the world already upon them, Carter had accepted all these miraculous things.

"Close." After Carter snapped out of his astonishment, he closed the space. After a few more attempts, Carter was satisfied with how it worked. This was a secret that absolutely couldn't be shared with anyone else.

"Haha, it seems like the end of the world isn't as depressing as one might think?" Carter thought as he nibbled on biscuits and jerky. With three gifts received today, Carter's mood had improved significantly.

With these things, as long as he wasn't careless, there was no need to worry too much about survival.

"Staying in the mall for too long isn't safe or reliable." After dinner, Carter sat in the dark warehouse, contemplating. Survival was the top priority.

Now it was the second day, and while hiding in the warehouse was safe for now, if he stayed too long, the zombies would start to evolve. Their vision, sense of smell, hearing, speed, strength, and other aspects would increase, making it dangerous for him.

"No matter what, I need to raise my level to that of ten men," after some thought, Carter believed that strength was the greatest guarantee for survival.

Now with the strength of three men and 'Silent Annihilation,' even if facing attacks from three or four zombies simultaneously, as long as he wasn't careless, safety wasn't an issue.

Moreover, Carter still remembered what the Aeon System had said before: within the first ten levels, every ten zombies killed would increase his level by one.

Today, he had already killed over twenty zombies. Level advancement was only a matter of time.

"First, store the food in the space." Carter decided to focus on increasing his physical strength first, so he couldn't stay in the warehouse anymore. Carter knew that food would be the scarcest commodity in the apocalypse. Now that he had a place to store it, not using it would be foolish.

"Chocolate, jerky, and these things have high nutritional value, as well as sugar, which contains a lot of calories." Carter checked the food in the warehouse with the light from his phone screen, analyzing which items were most beneficial. A cubic meter of space wasn't large, and if he wasn't careful, it would fill up quickly.

Carter packed the items he knew had high nutritional value and relatively small volume into the space, excluding items like biscuits and bread, which had large volumes and relatively low nutritional value.

Soon, just as Carter had expected, the one cubic meter space was filled up. Removing the outer packaging of items like chocolate and candy created more space to store more items.

"I should have enough food for two months by myself." After stuffing a few bottles and boxes of milk into the space, Carter closed it up.

Although two months sounded like a long time, in the apocalypse, it could pass in the blink of an eye.

As for what to eat in the future, Carter could only leave it up to fate.

"At least I still have the survival manual." Carter chuckled, trying to console himself.

But after completing these tasks, it was already late. Carter had no intention of looking at what the survival manual said. Tomorrow, he still had to kill zombies, and conserving energy was the top priority.

After a busy day, Carter curled up in a corner of the warehouse and fell into a deep sleep, automatically blocking out the sounds of zombie activity outside.