
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

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25 Chs

Chapter 11: Evolutionary Zombies

"What's the feeling?" Carter Hayes had a reason for charging out; he couldn't let the zombies surround him, or he would be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. That was not a situation Carter wanted to face.

Now, he dared to confront these zombies head-on, his biggest reliance being not only the "Silent Annihilation" blade but also the slow movement of the zombies. However, as soon as Carter charged out, he realized that danger was approaching.

"Is that..." Carter sliced open the heads of two zombies in front of him, and as he turned his head, he saw a green figure rushing over at an incredibly fast speed.

By the time Carter noticed the figure, it was too late to swing his blade for a chop. Instinctively, driven by a survival instinct, Carter shielded his chest with "Silent Annihilation."


The moment Carter held the blade to his chest, the green figure was right in front of him. With a "bang," the green body collided with Carter, and he was pushed back several steps, knocking over several racks of clothes before finally stopping against the wall.

"Such immense strength," Carter felt a burning sensation in his chest and an unbearable pain in his back. He almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but knowing the danger was not over, he didn't dare to check his injuries. His gaze remained locked on the green figure in front of him.

The figure that had just collided with him was not a zombie, or rather, it didn't look like a zombie with its rotting skin. Instead, its skin was a strange light green, as if it had been poisoned.

Carter watched the figure warily, and it stared back at him motionless, occasionally turning its head as if thinking about something.

"Human, no, not a human," Carter observed. The figure that had knocked him flying was not a zombie, or at least not like the typical ones with decaying skin. Its skin was a light green, looking quite bizarre, as if it had been poisoned.


As Carter was pondering this strange creature, the Aeon System's voice sounded in his mind, "Discovered an evolved zombie, Green Corpse."


"Evolved zombie? Green Corpse?" Carter hadn't heard the Aeon System mention such a type of zombie before.


"The Post-Apocalyptic Survival Manual has information on it," the Aeon System reminded Carter again, providing him with details about the Green Corpse: "Speed is its greatest advantage."


"Damn, I haven't even had a chance to look at it, and now I'm facing such a monster," Carter thought, frustrated that he hadn't read the survival manual first.

However, while Carter was conversing with the Aeon System, the Green Corpse began to move.

"Speed, huh? I'll make you unable to run," Carter said, no longer as worried as before. After learning about the Green Corpse from the Aeon System, he had a strategy in mind.

The Green Corpse was an evolved form of a regular zombie, classified as a level two zombie by the Aeon System.

Compared to regular zombies, it was significantly stronger, with the strength of eight men and a speed more than double that of a regular human, which was quite a headache. It also had a certain ability to think, equivalent to the intelligence of a three-year-old child.

"Roar." Perhaps the disdainful look in Carter's eyes enraged the Green Corpse, which let out a roar and charged at him at a speed of 100 meters in 5 seconds.

Seeing the Green Corpse getting closer, Carter's expression became very serious. Although he was confident in killing it, not taking it seriously could lead to a different outcome.

Just as the Green Corpse was about to collide with him, Carter quickly squatted down and swept his blade horizontally at its legs.


The sound of the blade slicing through flesh. With the sharpness of "Silent Annihilation" and Carter's strength of over 300 pounds, even the Green Corpse, which had reached level eight, couldn't withstand the blow.

Carter cleanly cut off the Green Corpse's two legs.


The Green Corpse didn't expect Carter to squat down, and due to its speed and the loss of its legs, it couldn't adjust. Its upper body, driven by inertia, slammed into the wall.

The powerful impact caused several significant cracks in the otherwise sturdy wall. A few more hits like that, and the wall would likely collapse.


The Green Corpse fell from the wall, emitting continuous, painful hisses.

Seeing this, Carter walked out from the side.

Before the Green Corpse hit the wall, Carter had rolled to one side, avoiding the unpleasant feeling of being hit by the Green Corpse's body.

Fortunately, he had dodged quickly, and the Green Corpse's upper body had landed right where he had squatted.

With its legs severed, the Green Corpse posed little threat to Carter. However, seeing it still struggling, Carter showed no mercy. The blade of "Silent Annihilation" sliced through its neck, and a round head rolled off the body.

Having successfully killed the Green Corpse, Carter didn't let his guard down. The time spent facing the Green Corpse was enough for all the zombies to close in on him.

Seeing the crescent-shaped circle of zombies surrounding him, Carter's expression remained as calm as a lake. For zombies, the word "fear" simply didn't exist.

Even the gruesome roar of the Green Corpse earlier hadn't changed their movements.

"Eleven," Carter slowly stepped back, counting the number of zombies surrounding him.

The number wasn't large, but for Carter, who had just been attacked by the Green Corpse, it was a significant threat.

"Ah!" Carter knew he couldn't just stand there. If the zombie's encirclement shrank, even if he could kill all the zombies, he would inevitably be injured.

With the sharpness of a zombie's claws, cutting open Carter's skin would be no challenge at all.

And that was not a situation Carter wanted to see. An injury meant infection and turning into a zombie.

Carter roared like a zombie, not only to boost his courage but also to distract the zombies.

As he roared, Carter stepped on the wall and, with a burst of strength, charged at the zombie in front of him.

"Chik, chik." Leveraging the sudden burst of power, Carter successfully knocked one zombie flying and broke through the encirclement.

Then, using his speed advantage, Carter one by one killed the remaining ten zombies.

However, after cutting off the last zombie's head, Carter himself was not in good shape. He had been holding on until now, driven by the will to survive. Once he knew there was no danger, he collapsed, half-kneeling on the ground.

The pain in his chest became even more intense, and a sweet taste in his throat caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood.