
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Khoa huyễn
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369 Chs


The most pressing matter now was to understand the function of the World Traverse System that had appeared in Seth's mind.

Moreover, he needed to find a suitable weapon. The wooden stick in his hand was not enough to protect himself in this apocalyptic world.

Thinking of Philip-Harris's arrogant and disdainful gaze, along with the fire axe in his hand, Seth felt an inexplicable discomfort.

Although the couple was very polite in their behavior towards him, the inherent haughtiness and distant wariness always made Seth feel inferior.

Additionally, seeing Nicole-Todd's red underwear had momentarily dazed Seth, stirring a wicked impulse in him.

Seeing their superior demeanor, Seth felt an unwarranted irritation.

In the peaceful times of his past life, Seth admitted that he might only be fit to serve as a servant to such international celebrities, or even unworthy of that.

But now, it was the apocalypse!

Seth's eyes gradually turned cold, and he began to feel a hint of disgust towards the couple.

"System, can you hear me?" Back in his bedroom and after locking the door, Seth tried to communicate with the system.

[Yes, my master, you can call me Noah.]

A gentle female voice echoed in Seth's mind.

Looking around and seeing no one, Seth was now certain that the voice was coming from his own mind.

This made Seth extremely excited!

Owning a powerful system, ruling and dominating in this apocalyptic world wouldn't be difficult!

"Noah, introduce your functions to me," Seth spoke into the air.

[Information missing~~~zzz~~~Please host kill more zombies to complete charging~~zzz~~~]

"It seems this system might be damaged... I must immediately charge it..." Seth muttered somewhat disappointedly, recalling the moment after killing a zombie when a white energy seemed to enter his body. He couldn't help but want to go out and kill a few more zombies to test it.

According to the system's prompt, killing zombies should yield energy.

And based on the fact that killing one zombie completed 10% of the charge, it seemed that killing around ten zombies would fully charge the system.

This didn't seem too difficult.

"Now, the primary task is to kill zombies to charge the system and see what this system can actually do!" Seth stood up eagerly, pacing back and forth in excitement.

Without the system's help, it was incredibly difficult for an ordinary person to survive in the apocalypse.

Seth needed to quickly understand the system's functions and use it to gain a greater advantage in this apocalyptic world, increasing his chances of survival.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Philip-Harris and Nicole-Todd, rummaging through the fridge, embraced each other excitedly.

"This fridge full of food should be enough for the two of us to wait here for military rescue! The military has established a refuge in Los Angeles, with ample food and water, and the army guarantees the safety of survivors. I think it won't be long before the military stabilizes the situation and sends out rescue teams!" Philip-Harris said excitedly, looking at the fully stocked fridge.

He subconsciously did not include Seth in his share of the food.

For Philip-Harris, someone of Seth's race simply did not deserve to share their survival supplies.

"Philip, don't you find that Asian man a bit strange? I always feel there's something odd in the way he looks at me!" Nicole-Todd recalled the way Seth looked at her legs and felt an inexplicable disgust.

She was an international superstar, a true elite!

She couldn't tolerate living with a lower-class loser, who might even peek at her now and then.

She even started to imagine if Seth might take advantage of their unguarded moments to violate her noble and beautiful body.

"Dear, it's the apocalypse now, anything can happen. I can't stand the idea of living with a strange man, sharing our food and water!"

Nicole-Todd spoke worriedly: "If he harbors any ill intentions towards us, we can't be on guard against him all the time. What if he attacks us when we're unprepared?"

"Moreover, he's an uneducated person of color. These low-quality people can do anything in a lawless and immoral situation!"

Philip-Harris was also deep in thought, his eyes growing colder.

"Don't worry, my dear. If he dares to harm you, I'll chop him down with an axe right away! A lowly and insignificant Asian won't cause any trouble," Philip-Harris said menacingly, flipping the fire axe in his hand: "As long as I'm here, no one can harm you, my dear Nicole!"

Hearing Philip-Harris's words, Nicole-Todd felt much more relieved. Being a powerless woman in such an apocalypse, she needed the protection of a man. Having her husband by her side to protect her made her feel much safer and fortunate.

Nicole-Todd took out two vacuum-sealed steaks and a bottle of red wine from the fridge, excitedly saying, "Thank God, these steaks are vacuum-packed and haven't spoiled! Dear, let's enjoy a long-awaited candlelight lunch together!"

Saying this, Nicole-Todd skillfully turned on the gas and started cooking the steaks in a frying pan.

Before long, each of them prepared a steak and opened a bottle of red wine. They lit a few candles and enjoyed their steak and wine in the dining room, occasionally kissing romantically and caressing each other's bodies.

Being newlyweds, the romantic atmosphere soon ignited their desires, and their heated bodies involuntarily entwined.

"Dear Philip, it's been several days since we've made love!" Nicole-Todd said with a flushed face, gazing at Philip-Harris's handsome features with a dreamy look in her eyes.

During this period, the couple had been struggling between life and death for survival. The immense pressure to stay alive and physical hunger had overwhelmed them.

In such circumstances, they had little desire for intimacy.

But now, having found a safe haven and plenty of food and water, they relaxed completely. Well-fed and slightly tipsy, they soon began to feel amorous.

Philip-Harris looked at Nicole-Todd's shapely buttocks, which outlined a beautiful curve under her wine-red skirt, and her snowy, voluptuous chest. He was already burning with desire. As they kissed, his hands slowly glided along Nicole-Todd's fair legs, moving towards her thighs.

As Philip-Harris's palm covered Nicole-Todd's red lace underwear, she was already overwhelmed with desire. Even through the thin lace, Philip could feel the sticky moisture.

With Philip's caresses, Nicole-Todd began to moan unrestrainedly. The two embraced tightly, kissing passionately, and started to hastily remove each other's clothes, their breathing growing rapid.

Just then, a noise from upstairs suddenly interrupted them.

Nicole-Todd seemed to sober up considerably.

"It's such a mood killer! Just thinking that this despicable Asian man is living under the same roof as us, sharing our food, makes me uncomfortable!" Philip-Harris glared towards the stairs, worried that Seth might see a glimpse of his beautiful wife's body.

He was like a selfish child, treasuring his gorgeous wife as his most beloved toy, not allowing any other child even the slightest profanity.

"We can't do this here. If he comes down and sees my wife's beautiful body, it would be a desecration!" Philip said uneasily, still caressing Nicole-Todd.

Nicole, already overwhelmed with desire, felt disappointed when Philip stopped. "Then let's find a way to drive him out! Sharing food and water with one more person adds more danger! And the way he looks at me, it's just disgusting!"