

MisterJ88 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


Everybody keeps going on and on about how great love is, but it's not, in fact, Love is a sickness that can lead to heartache if you're not careful. Love has no place for certain people. Jessica thought as she lay in a bed of a run-down one-bedroom apartment. She was completely nude only having the cover covering her lower body. Her long red hair splayed out over the pillow her head is laying on. She has the back of her right hand lay on her forehead and her left holding a lit cigarette, which she brought up to her lips as she took a drag from it, and as she exhales the smoke blew out of her mouth. Her blue eyes look at the ceiling as she thinking about her life, as in what is she doing with it. She looks over at the man she just got done fucking and she scrunched her nose in disgust, what in the hell came over her that she had to sleep with him, and then it hit her. Her sexual urges are the only thing she can never get satisfied. Well after all she is a nymphomaniac, she's always thinking about sex, and this man however did not satisfy her hunger. She kicks the man hard.

"Hey, it time for you to go, what you think you're going to stay here?" She said as the man woke up angrily as he got up and got his clothes and left. She looks back at the ceiling as she took another drag from the cigarette. She had a good life, but everything spiraled out of control when her boyfriend caught her cheating, it's not like she wanted to do it, but these urges are so strong and powerful, and the release is so easy to get addicted to, She did love Justin, but her urges get the better of her every time. She sighs as she took a final drag of the cigarette and then she dab it a couple of times in the ashtray that sits on the nightstand beside the bed. She sits up and then stands up as she stretches. She didn't bother to get dress as she was going to take a shower, and maybe scratch an itch that idiot couldn't even scratch. She walks to her door to lock the five locks on the door three deadbolts and two chain locks, This building had been known for unsavory people breaking into the apartments to steal whatever they can get their hands on, hell there even been cases of rape and murder.

If you the readers are curious what **** is it r a p e webnovel censored it. However there will be no r a p e in this story it might mention it, but there will be no room for it to be in my story. that is all and thank you for reading it and I hope you enjoy it.

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