
power system 1

First let's talk about the power system. My story will have a power called Kyoten this power is the only truth of reality where as everything that's exist in reality be it in past, present, and future is only lies created by this power that said doesn't mean the existence is predetermined because of it's essence as only lies they still independent as this power doesn't have consciousness to control everything it only created the reality because of it's mere presence in existence before the creation. This power can be used to achieve power beyond humanity this because when a mortal touch and use this power they're themselves and how they use it is becoming the fundamental truth that exist in existence alongside Kyoten this can be achieved in two ways one is called Shisho and the other is called Kaishaku. Shisho is working by creating a path using a specific words that the most resonated with the individual and after sometime they can add another words to the first words untill they form a full sentences that the user most resonated with, this can be achieved by turning the chosen word into the undeniable truth of reality using Kyoten, in which it's makes the words turn into something akin of concept but the true concept because it's created directly by turning it using Kyoten, where as the concept that's exist before an individual create a path is only lies because it's not directly created by Kyoten but more of byproduct of Kyoten existence. The second ways is different from the first ways as the user will using the already existing path from past kyoten user, but still the new user will be starting from the first words and gradually adding they're own words because the user just need the path so it doesn't clash with the shisho user this is because, once a shisho user creating a path using a word that word cannot be used again to create another path unless the user that's using the words dies it's because they created new path and not using an already existing path that's make the words becomes unable to be use to create another path, but if you using the second ways there's will be no clash as Kyoten will simply consider the path used in second way is different from the one used by the first ways that's because when a new path is created the new path will exist alongside kyoten and exist as the same energy but different in nature but after a shisho user dies they're path will be absorbed by kyoten because it doesn't have a user that's control it to exist outside of kyoten that are the reason why two or more same words can be used when one can only exist if the word already used by shisho user. The other difference between Shisho and Kaishaku is that Kaishaku reuse the already existing path that's has absorbed by Kyoten and control it when the path already inside Kyoten where Shisho is controlling the path alongside Kyoten so it has the same level but still different in nature with Kyoten, on how to utilize this is not exactly different from Shisho as they only use the already existing path only for base and still adding they're own words so it make the most suited sentence for them, because of this it makes Shihso user less compared to Kaishaku user.

first English is not my native language so if there's grammar mistake i deeply apologize. now this idea is heavily inspired by both jujutsu kaisen and shinza bansou series specifically is domain expansion from jjk and taikyoku and kamunagara from shinza bansou series.

i have this idea been sitting around in my mind for sometimes now I'm considering to write it myself but i don't have the experience and knowledge to do it plus my schedule is pretty full cause I'm still in my second years of college so I don't have many times in the first place plus I'm helping my mother to take my younger brother to school and at home I'm babysitting my younger brother, so if anyone interested in this idea you can use it in your story and you can change it to fit better in youd story

Rourocreators' thoughts