
The ladies' discussion about their departure.

The two ladies immediately retreated to their mother's room where they found their mother sitting in a fancy recliner in a daze facing the wall. They both shared a look as they internally fought for the unlucky person who was going to shake their mother out of her deep thoughts. Eloise cast a final glance at her younger sister before she took a step forward and touched her mother before she said to her. "Mother, did you not hear what our brother has just said?"

For a brief moment, the flicker in the old woman's eyes was the only indicator that she had regained her senses as she didn't take her eyes from tbe wall. "Yes, I did."

The two ladies scrunched their faces in disbelief and disappointment hearing their mother's indifferent tone. Elena could no longer restrain her emotions as she spoke to her mother. "Is that all you have to say? Brother is planning on chasing us, your two daughters out of the house because of a mere maid!"

"Where is that girl? Did you find out if she has left the house?" At the mention of the maid, the old woman asked her two daughters out of half curiosity and half annoyance. She had never seen her son defend any servant like today so she wondered if that girl was his secret lover or something. It was not something that was uncommon in this times but she didn't like the fact that her son was repeating his father's disastrous mistake of sleeping with other women instead of loving staying with his legal wife!

"We tried to ask the servants about the rotten wrench but no one has seen her after the incident that happened this morning. We couldn't deeply investigate her whereabouts as we fear we might only anger Aidan more." Eloise replied solemnly. She also hoped to catch that maid who had thrown them into this mess and she promised herself that she would surely deal with her when that time came.

"We should investigate her background when we can. I don't like the scene I witnessed today." Their mother said as she admitted with a straight face, not betraying her inner thoughts about the matter at hand.

"If only we could find a way to change his mind. We all know that Aidan never changes his mind easily except he has no choice left." Evelyn said frustratedly. "We have to do something to stop him, Mother!"

"There is no need to take his words seriously as long as Lady Victoria arrives." The old woman said. "He would be forced to let you stay if she is here, so don't be too worried about it."

"Mother is right!" Evelyn's face brightened when she heard her mother's words and then proceeded to leave the room as she said. "I should write a letter to Lady Victoria to hasten her arrival. Please excuse me, Mother."

The old woman made no attempt to stop her youngest child but instead turned to talk to Eloise who hadn't yet left the room. "You should keep a keen eye on your brother for now until Lady Victoria comes. If there is anything strange about his affairs, tell me immediately."

"Yes, Mother." Eloise responded to her mother and left the room after her sister.

That evening, Antoniette couldn't even sleep as she continued to stare at the ceiling from her bed in deep thoughts. She had been mentally scolding herself for stumbling during that tea party and offending her mistresses' guest. The only good thing that had come out of all this commotion was the fact that she had been carried so gently by such a handsome man, Aidan Knight.

Her feet still hurt a lot though, she thought as she flexed her toes and winced in response. She had already discussed with her master and had been ordered to only be cleaning his study so she can continue to earn a honest living like she had originally planned. She wasn't allowed to leave the study or the secret room where she had been placed. All her personal belongings were to be brought to her by the valet so the madame and her daughters wouldn't find out about her whereabouts.

She suddenly became amused as she applied the ointment Aidan had given her as she analyzed the scene that had happened earlier as one that only came from was a fairytale. She quickly dismissed the thought and focused on trying to sleep telling herself, there was no way a man as handsome and refined like Aidan Knight would ever fall for a girl like her.....

In another part of the house, Aidan Knight stood on the balcony trying to organize his thoughts to discover the reason he had stepped up to protect that maid the way he did. Although he could not deny that she was indeed very pretty, it didn't seem like sufficient reason for him to react the way he did. His long fingers ruffled his hair in frustration when he thought of what the local newspapers would write about the incident as he never liked his personal matters being publicized. He could only attribute this whole disaster to his two younger sisters whom he had decided to punish at all costs.

As he was immersed in his deep thoughts, he vaguely discovered that someone was near him before he heard his voice. "How is the maid? Is she doing well?"

Aidan snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at his cousin in a dark glare. He still hadn't forgotten that Finley had also been involved in the conspiracy but the man beside him put up his two hands in defense and said. "I wasn't following you or anything, I saw you going to the medicinal cabinet and figured it was for that pretty girl."

Seeing that Aidan had not refuted his words, he smiled and continue to say. "I knew there was something between the both of you when you arrived and scolded her under that apple tree. You should be careful, dear cousin. Your mother would never allow this affair to happen...."

He suddenly realized that the mood around him was too quiet so he looked around and found out that Aidan had abandoned him on the balcony. He shook his head and muttered to himself before living. "Such a stubborn lad. Fine, let him do it his way then. It's bound to end up in a tragedy either way...."