
MC Fuck, OP, and create harem

Well ... where do I start. Okay, you know that expectation you have when you see that MC will be badass? But throughout history you see that badass is actually hunting women in his harem like a pokemon maniac, although I mentioned something like that in the other chapter.

Now the question of MC OP, I don't think it's bad, but there are times that it ends up being so bad that you already know who will win right? Except if you are going to follow the style of ONE when drawing OPM, then you don't lose your grace, but you end up laughing at how well understood the hero is.

But now about badass here, not all MCs have the term Badass right here, there are some that seem to be that, but it's just an idiot, or else it's stupid, or if that's not it, it's giving the time a chime all, but yes, there are some that are badass like the Garou de OPM, that goes from the opinion of each one, although I can find him badass, you will probably find anything but that.