
Another Stupid Isekai

This is an Isekai styled story, written from the point of view of the protagonist. Discover the secret of the new, unknown world with Peter, as he sets his first steps in an empty, ruined city. Meet new people from all around the globe. Fight, laugh, and cry.

MasterHexer · Kỳ huyễn
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948 Chs

T.D.o.N.B: Unexpected Guest

I got up early, then began preparing breakfast. I guess the little noise I made, in the current situation of my family, was enough to wake everybody up.

I had no idea where, but the two kids kidnapped by the cartel were also in the house, and they came out to eat with us, although Tihana had to actually go there and ask them too. This situation allowed me to find out that she actually could speak Spanish, which I didn't know.

- Morning everybody - I threw as they all sat down, then moved glasses with the orange juice I was pouring in just a moment before.

- Morning - replied Tihana, the other kids shyly joined her on that.

Celestine didn't say anything.

- I guess we will talk now, won't we? - I asked then. - How about I start? What are two guests exactly doing here? And when did you learn to speak Spanish?