
Another reincarnation

The continuation of i got reincarnated as a villain but i plan to be the protagonist, Arthur accidentally brought the old world, back to his, but this time he won't be killed easily.

West_walker · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs


At first i thought i would be able to create anything i want in this college but... Apparently i can't, because I'm too young, so the best i can do right now is probably buy my own materials.

Also people in this college university often go to missions and dispatches to gain achievements, but getting admitted into this school is already an achievement itself so i don't need to risk myself.

Plus they don't allow me, in the end i just learn magic spells and mana capacity, there are such things in this world as mana circles to improve one's magic capabilities but people with mana circles are rare.

But you would have to be able to afford it to have an enchanter, rune crafter, and insignia artist to be able to create it, costing at least 10 million ud (union dollars) or in short, 1.3437 billion us dollars.

And what's even rarer are people who has magic circles, because the only way you can have one is by naturally having them, and the ancient text on creating one is gone.

My thoughts were disturbed when i heard a knock on the door and i told him to come in, it was one of my roommates liz. "hey arthur, the principal is looking for you."

That's my name, but why would the principal need me, as i headed out liz said to me "hey... Stay safe..." then i nodded in reply.

I entered the principal's office and he was looking at me with a smile, "hey there John, this might be sudden so I'll just get to the point."

She continued "and to put it simply, you are assigned to go to an expedition to clear out a goblin hideout. But don't worry, you won't need to fight. But of course you can deny it but we're short on... Well, people! This often happens and your our last little soldier!"

I asked "I'm only a child though, what use do i have?" she replied "don't worry, your only job is just to watch, afterall first hand experience is the best experience. Unless it's dying."

I sighed and said "i agree, but on 2 condition..."

She looked at me surprised and asked "it depends on your conditions if i agree." i replied "1st condition, i want to prepare with my own equipment."

She raised an eyebrow and said "well that's normal, agreed on that condition." i want to use my sacrificial dagger to get stronger, although it did say the increase depends on the amount of blood, it also depends on the strength difference.

Then i said "2nd condition... I want access to missions, meaning i want to go on missions, expeditions, and such!"

She looked at me with a serious look, then said "you do realise your gonna risk your life... Right?" i nodded in reply.

Then she smiled and said to me "i agree... But on one condition!!! The school isn't at fault if you get injured, or die during a mission."

I smiled and nodded again, i can finally leave this place... I headed outside the office and got my things ready, but only one thing was in my mind... Will i die again and get reincarnated... I don't wanna wait again...