
Another Modern Family Story

OC - Main Character (Alex and MC) Starts with Near Ending of Season 5 (Mitch and Cam Wedding)

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Chapter 5 The Wedding 2

Chapter 5 The Wedding 2

"Ah, So is a wedding going to happen or not?" Ryan asked Alex, but the latter one is on pause or spaced out since after Ryan held her hand when the firefighter said there might be wildfire and is not letting go.

"Alex, Alex are you Ok? You spaced out there" Ryan said to Alex who came out of her supper and replied "Ugh, I Don't know" while still holding his hand.

Cameron and Mitchell didn't take well to the Fire Marshal telling them they had to evacuate. They begged to stay an hour, but the marshal told them they were quite close to the flames.

But after talking to them or more specifically begging, they got 30 minutes to complete their wedding.

'Well truly a Shotgun Wedding'

Because of the 30-minute time they needed a hand so everybody helped from Alex to Alex's mom and even me.

While trying to make the wedding happen in 30 minutes suddenly Sal, Groomsman BF, who was also one to get them married, announces her water has broken. So her fiancé took her to the hospital.

But fortunately, Phil had paid $35 to get ordained online, so he could step in. He told them that.... many times...all to no avail.

Then soon some bad news and good news came. The bad news was a wind shift killed the thirty minutes they had. The good news was a fellow planner knew of a place not far away that wasn't about to be turned into a kiln. Unfortunately, the shuttles were off at another wedding, so everyone had to take school buses.

I walked around and saw Alex with her Mom walking in hurry. I approach them "Hello, Alex, Miss Dunphy".

"You must be---" Claire asked.

"He is my wedding date, Mom"

"Date?" Claire looked toward me.

"Yes, ma'am also a new neighbor, don't worry, I live near your house, Ryan Summers, and finally got to meet you"

"So, what you guys are dating now? Is that it?" Claire looks toward her daughter.

"Uhm, Is that- the "

"Not now Miss Claire but if with your blessing I might, who knows"


"Ready guys the bus is about to move," said some guy, because of the emergency, her mother did not say much.

Soon Alex and Ryan went inside the bus and sat together. While sitting together Alex show me a video of Luke and Manny getting 'married' when Phil read off the wedding vows to them and they happened to say, "I do." We still laughed after seeing it many times.

Meanwhile, both Jay, Alex's grandpa, and Gloria had to be on damage control because of what each one said to Merle and Barb, which lead to both latter asking for a divorce from each other.

Haley was still upset that Andy was trying to go back to his girlfriend, who dumped him, in order to patch things up, and Alex and I having way too much fun about the fact that Luke and Manny got 'married' when Phil read off the wedding vows to them and they happened to say, "I do."

And after Ryan and Alex got to talking got to know about each other. Surprisingly they have much more in common than they think. Both are overachievers, and most of the time, Ryan gets her humor, both are competitive, Due to Alex's outstanding abilities, her parents sometimes tend to pay less attention to her concerns in favor of her less capable siblings, and others never properly receive his parents' care, and both are highly intelligent and excels in many co-curricular activities.

After both of us talked, we look into each other's eyes, seeing what the other party wanted, they moved their head a little closer to each other their lip was about to meet each other but suddenly the driver pulled the break and instead of kissing their head bump into each other.

"AH, Sorry, are you Ok?" she shakes her head. Is it yes, or no?

Somebody announces that we arrive and soon people started climbing down from the bus.

After landing and looking around, it looks good.

On the good side, the new location for the wedding was beautiful.

Naturally, Mitchell was unhappy with Jay since they were already on shaky terms. On the good side, Claire had the rings and the wedding license, so that couldn't be screwed up.

She WAS missing a daughter, who made her way to the coffee shop where Andy was still waiting for his flight. He complimented her on her attire and immediately apologized for saying such an obvious line. And then gave her another line. But this wasn't superficial Haley; this was a Haley that wanted him to come to the wedding. She didn't think Beth, Andy's girlfriend, wanted anything to do with him.

"You don't know Beth."

"I think I know Beth. In fact, I think I've been here a few times. Let me guess, you write ten letters for everyone she writes. She ends the phone call first. You give her little reminders your birthday's coming up because deep in her mind, she's already forgotten it. She gives you just enough to keep you on the hook."

It was almost time for the ceremony. Cameron was relieved because he thought Mitchell would freak out at all the bad signs of the day and Jay having to convince him none of this was a sign not to get married.

After all, there was fire, dark skies, and a flood if you count Sal's water breaking. Although the wedding party coming in who supposedly canceled might be.

Well, most of the time we were both together, but Alex had to check on her mother because Hayley is not there.

"Thank god you are here, dear, I think we should talk about what happened on the bus"

"I swear mom, we did not kiss"

"What Kiss?"

"I mean, this is not the place to talk about? You are in stress now mom, Take rest, Bye"

"Wait, I know what I heard, I might be stressed but I am not deaf, I know kids this age get their puberty and their hormones and--"


"Ok, ok but are you serious about it, it might hurt you in the end, I don't want you to be like me when I was your age."

"Don't worry mom, you know your Alex, she doesn't do bad choices"

"Sure, dear, tell him, if he ever dares to hurt you in any way, I will haunt him down till the end of the world," said both hugged it out.

After separating she came back and said the thing her mother said, after hearing it I looked toward her and gave her a gentleman's Nod and she returns it.

Soon we walked hand in hand toward the seat.

A few minutes later, again some problems occur.

"You don't see this as a sign? A swarm of Lucases?" said Cameron.

Apparently, there is a Plan C? Have the wedding at Cam and Mitch's. So, we went to Both Grooms' Houses.

Alex while looking for her sister, confronts Haley about texting Andy.

Alex wants to make sure Haley is serious about him and not just playing around.

"Here's the thing about nice, quiet dorks like Andy, you get over us faster than we get over you." Said Alex to Haley.

Haley gets a call from Andy, who was convinced by what Haley said but wonders if she meant someone specific. Haley told him she meant, in general, he deserved to be happy. He said goodbye...and told the taxi to drive away from Mitch and Cam's house.

Claire finds Phil in the bathroom, who has been trying to incorporate a magic trick into the ceremony. He found a couple of confetti can shooters in Lily's closet, so he thought that would be a neat trick. And Claire didn't want to stop him.

He reaches for her, and the shooters go off, knocking Claire into the tub with the water running. Problem one after another.

After solving many unforeseen problems, The ceremony finally began.

Lily was the flower girl with only one flower, and the arch under which they'd be married was being held up by 2 helpers.

Claire looked like she could win a wet t-shirt contest "What is…." "Yeah, like I'm the problem.", and Jay was outside on the phone not knowing the ceremony had begun. Cam offered to go get him, but Mitchell said they should just go. Cam stopped him.

"Mitchell, is this how you want to get married?" Said Cam.

"It's not ideal, no. People don't have any rice to throw because they're chewing it raw out of starvation. And half of our guests are on the lawn and (a scream from outside) there go the sprinklers." Mitch said.

"OK, let's just call time of death on this." Said Cam.

"You're right. (to the guests) Everybody, thank you all so much for dealing with all of this today. It means a lot to us but unfortunately..." said Mitch.

JAY said after(entering) "Stop, you can't do this."

MITC is mad as a volcano said "Yeah, way ahead of you, Dad. Thank you for stopping by…"

JAY said "What I mean is you can't get married like this. You two deserve the kind of wedding you've been talking about non-stop for the last nine months. Now, what are we all standing around for?"

Jay takes everybody over to his country club, has everything catered, and even gets a new string quartet. Jay found Mitchell at the back of the chairs ready to walk up and Mitch wanted him to get to his seat.

"Actually, I thought you and I should take a little walk."

Jay escorts Mitchell down the aisle. And Merle couldn't let Jay get away with that, so he goes to escort Cameron down the aisle...much to Barb's delight. And Gloria didn't feel like being left out, so she helped escort Mitchell as well.

Phil started the ceremony. (Vitamin String Quartet cover of "Home" by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros plays as they walk down the aisle.)

PHIL said "Thank you all for being here on this happy occasion. They say the best marriages contain just a little bit of magic. (no magic trick, he just takes Claire's hand) Believe me, I know."

Alex and me Sitting in the car, holding each other hand while looking at the lovely couple getting married. Feels you with the emotion and that music is not helping either.

CLAIRE as a best man gave a toast "I remember it like it was yesterday. The day Mitchell came home from the hospital. In a VERY unfashionable white diaper with three strands of raggedly Raggedy Andy hair. We were inseparable. I was his big sister, his big brother, his nemesis, his protector, and his best friend. I was his first partner. And I loved every minute of it. So naturally, I was a little picky when it came to WHO was going to be replacing me. And then I met this Cam. And sure, he was warm and funny and loving. I wondered, was really everything I wanted for my brother. Was he really the best person? No, ***I'M*** the best person. And now, I'm pleased to raise a glass and introduce you for the first time on our fourth try, two great husbands, Mitchell and Cameron!"

'It truly brought tears to my eyes' Alex offered me a napkin after I nearly cried because of her mother's heartfelt speech. Family is the first to come while lasting forever.

As for Luke and Manny, Luke wasn't happy about the way Manny was looking at Haley.

LUKE said to manny "Just don't do it in front of me, OK?" 'Wow, they are acting like a married couple of something'

Lily was staying with the Dunphy's while Mitch and Cam had their honeymoon, and Alex and I wanted to know if she missed her dads. After getting to know everyone slowly, I offer my assistance but more my Alex asked me to, she need some mature people to be with or she might get crazy.

A few days after the wedding, I met Alex a couple of times, we went to some of the dates, so I pop the question.

"Alex Dunphy, would you allow me to be your boyfriend" Well I didn't get the answer immediately but soon she said yes. That pause of 3 sec felt like 3 years.

Next couple of Days.

LILY said while looking and Luke and Manny bickering "It's like they never left."

Well after the wedding finally ended, I got to meet, all the Dunphy, firstly Phil whom I already know, gave me the nickname Ray, so I gave him one too Phi. And when he found out I am the one who made the bubble burst he nearly went crazy.

Secondly, Luke is energetic and asked my phone to play B&B. Thirdly, Haley gave me some tips on what Alex liked or not, but the topic suddenly changed to some guy name Andy or something.

And last but not the list Claire the mama bear, we had a long talk, more like an interrogation but after finding out I am also a genius like her daughter and already have money in the bank and the additional factor of my past, I don't like to use my past as the defensive shield but if it gives me an edge, So.

Since then, she calls me to eat dinner with them sometimes. And sometimes I Bought her the most expensive wine I could find here. Alex told me her mom loves Wine.

AN: Sorry Everyone Late for the Update, a MAssive work load has been making me not have much time for any other extra curricular activities. This month is gonna be like this. i had to use my weekend to write this, hope you guys understand and i might have to stop or put on hiatus some work.