
Another Life In Naruto

In a world where the boundary between fantasy and reality shatters, Ethan Nakamura, an American martial artist and former coach, is reincarnated into the legendary ninja village of Konoha. Now living as Haruto Takeda, an orphan with no family, Nathan must navigate the challenges of the ninja academy and the dangers of the shinobi world, relying on his past life’s discipline and perseverance. As Haruto trains alongside future legends like Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy, he discovers a mysterious system that rewards him for his efforts. But the system offers no shortcuts—it only enhances what he has earned through hard work. With every challenge he faces, Haruto becomes stronger, smarter, and more determined to forge his own path. With the looming threat of the next Great Ninja War, Haruto must push his limits and learn to master both his abilities and his new life in Konoha. His journey is one of growth, loyalty, and survival as he strives to rise above his peers and unlock his true potential. Warning: This novel contains content created with the assistance of AI.

litrpgfanfic · Tranh châm biếm
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308 Chs

The First Day in the Top Class

The First Day in the Top Class

Haruto entered the Academy's classroom early, the door sliding shut behind him with a soft click. The room was larger than he had expected, with desks arranged in neat rows, all facing a blackboard that stretched across the front wall. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting slanted beams of light over the wooden floor. Haruto scanned the room, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in the students already seated.

There were about fifteen students in total, most of them quietly chatting or preparing for the start of class. Some faces he recognized immediately—figures from the anime that he had once watched so obsessively back on Earth. Now, these once-fictional characters were real, sitting in the same room as him, living their own lives. He had anticipated this moment, but the reality of it still unsettled him.

Kakashi Hatake sat near the front, his silver hair unmistakable. Even at this age, Kakashi was a cut above the rest, sitting calmly with his arms crossed, his expression unreadable. Haruto knew from the anime that Kakashi was a genius who would graduate early, but seeing him in person made Haruto feel the gap between them more acutely.

Further back sat Asuma Sarutobi, the son of the Third Hokage, with his casual posture and confident expression. Asuma's relaxed demeanor was almost deceptive—Haruto knew Asuma would grow into a powerful shinobi in his own right, but for now, he seemed content to observe the room without much interest.

Kurenai Yūhi sat quietly in one corner, her dark eyes focused on the blackboard as if she were already preparing for the lesson ahead. Haruto had heard whispers about her talent with Genjutsu, and he made a mental note to watch her closely. Genjutsu was one of his weaker areas, and Kurenai's expertise might offer insights into how he could improve.

Sitting near the window was Obito Uchiha, his expression unusually serious. Obito didn't have the natural talent that Kakashi had, but Haruto knew from the anime how important Obito would become. He noticed that Obito's hands were tightly gripping the edge of his desk, likely due to nerves. Haruto could tell that Obito was determined, and while his future was filled with tragedy, right now, Obito was just another student trying to prove himself.

Lastly, his eyes landed on Might Guy. Even before Haruto made his way to a seat, he could see Guy's energy buzzing like a firecracker about to explode. Guy sat in the middle of the room, gesturing wildly as he chatted with anyone who would listen. Haruto's lips twitched into the smallest of smiles. Guy was exactly as he remembered—loud, enthusiastic, and filled with endless determination.

This is the top class, Haruto thought, taking it all in. I'm surrounded by future legends.

Without overthinking it, Haruto made his way to the empty seat next to Guy.

Guy Being Guy

The moment Haruto sat down, he felt the energy radiating off of Guy like a furnace. Guy turned to him, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Hey! You must be new here!" Guy exclaimed, his voice a little too loud for the quiet atmosphere of the room. "I'm Might Guy, the future strongest shinobi of Konoha!"

Haruto raised an eyebrow but nodded, his expression neutral. "Haruto Takeda."

Guy beamed at him, undeterred by Haruto's lack of enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you, Haruto! I can already tell—there's something special about you! We'll be rivals! Training partners! Brothers in sweat and hard work!"

Before Haruto could respond, Guy was already bouncing in his seat, flexing his arms and striking a dramatic pose as if he were preparing to challenge the entire class to a duel. Haruto couldn't help but smirk slightly. Guy's sheer determination and unyielding optimism were oddly infectious, even for someone as focused as Haruto.

He's a bit much, Haruto thought, but he could see why people gravitated toward Guy. Beneath the bluster, there was an undeniable spirit in him. A raw drive that Haruto, in his own way, could respect.

Class Begins

Just as the chatter in the room began to grow, the door slid open with a sharp thud, and the room fell silent in an instant. The teacher walked in, her presence commanding the attention of every student the moment she entered.

She was tall, her posture straight and her movements deliberate. Her dark brown hair was tied tightly into a bun at the back of her head, and her deep green eyes scanned the room with a cold precision that made Haruto's instincts kick into high alert. She wore the standard Konoha Chunin uniform, but over it, a dark green haori flowed behind her, giving her an air of both authority and experience. A kunai holster was strapped to her thigh, a constant reminder that she was not just a teacher, but a shinobi capable of taking action at any moment.

The room was completely silent as she made her way to the front of the class. Her gaze moved over the students, taking in every detail, every posture, every subtle movement. She was assessing them—sizing up who they were and what they were capable of without uttering a single word.

Finally, she turned to face them fully, her hands resting on the edge of the desk. When she spoke, her voice was clear and authoritative, with no room for doubt.

"I am Rika Toriyama," she said, her eyes sharp as they swept over the class once again. "And for the next few years, I will be responsible for making sure each and every one of you becomes a competent shinobi. Some of you have talent." Her gaze lingered on Kakashi for a moment. "Others… rely on hard work." Her eyes flicked briefly to Guy, who was still brimming with energy in his seat.

Rika's tone was cold, but not unkind. There was something in the way she carried herself, something in the sharpness of her words, that told Haruto she was a no-nonsense instructor. She wouldn't tolerate laziness, and she certainly wouldn't let anyone coast through the Academy without putting in the effort.

"You are in this class because you have potential," Rika continued, her eyes landing on Haruto for a brief moment before moving on. "But potential is meaningless without discipline, without hard work, and without the mindset of a true shinobi. If you think that being here makes you special, let me be the first to correct you: You're not."

The words hit like a hammer, the weight of her statement lingering in the air. Haruto sat a little straighter, his attention fully locked on her now.

"There are hundreds of students at this Academy," Rika said, her voice unwavering. "And only a handful of you will go on to become shinobi worthy of the name. That decision rests entirely with you."

Rika paused, letting the silence settle before continuing. "Today, we begin. Over the next few months, you will learn the basics of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. You will study the history of the shinobi world, and you will learn to strategize in ways that may one day save your life. But know this: I will push you. I will test your limits. And I will break you down if I have to. My job is not to coddle you. My job is to prepare you for the life of a shinobi."

The tension in the room was palpable. No one spoke. No one even moved. Rika's presence filled the entire classroom, her every word carrying the weight of her experience as a seasoned shinobi.

"For now," she said, "you are all just students. Let's see how many of you can change that."

With that, she turned to the blackboard and began writing down the basic schedule for the week, her movements precise and efficient.

Haruto glanced around the room, feeling the shift in energy among the students. Some looked nervous, others more focused than before. Kakashi remained calm, unfazed by the pressure. Guy, on the other hand, was practically vibrating with excitement, as if he couldn't wait to be tested. Obito sat stiffly, his face a mask of determination. Haruto could tell he wanted to prove himself.

Haruto took a deep breath and let the moment settle within him. This was the beginning of his path in the Academy, and he had no intention of being ordinary.

"I will push myself," Haruto thought, his resolve hardening as he stared at the blackboard. "No matter what it takes."