
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub*

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140 Chs

Return to Liuying Gorge

The Shrek Seven Tyrants spent a week in Icebound Forest. They all cultivated, and Ming Yong practiced employing his new skill: Melody and Harmony Domain. 

This God of Music Domain gave him complete control over what one hears. Even telepathic conversation would be blocked if he wanted it to be. This domain had no distance restrictions and could only be broken by another God. In other words, any command from the Golden Generation would fall on flat ears if given under his Melody and Harmony Domain.

Ming Yong had also been given the Third Trial by the God of Music. His newest assignment was to get a complete set of spirit bones. He already had a skull bone and both left and right arm bones. All that was left to collect were the torso bone, and both leg bones. And the other six had promised to help him accomplish this task.


When the seven friends were preparing to finally meet back up with the united armies, a scout from the Tang Sect's Speed Hall flew down.

"Bad news! The Angel Troops are headed for Liuying Gorge!"

The seven looked amongst one another. Ru Shenqi's eyes narrowed.

"We won't let the Angel Troops take the advantage. Otherwise, how can we be Tyrants?"

Three lotus petals flew out. Eight figures shot out of Icebound Forest, taking to the skies. They flew as fast as they could back to Liuying Gorge.

When they were arriving, Tang San and Xiao Wu were beginning their spirit fusion skill, Coexistence of Two Gods. Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's Hell White Tiger was also forming. The Golden Iron Triangle summoned their Golden Saint Dragon. Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda and all of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan's spirit appeared, buffing the spirit fusion skills. They spread out and began to fight.

Then, a lilting and captivating voice ran from behind the Heaven Dou and Star Luo troops, "A Thousand Heavens."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants shot forward, splitting into the pairings for their own spirit fusions.

"The Godly Gong Shakes A Thousand Heavens!"

Bai Shanxin and Gu Xingyun's Golden Heavenly Swift materialized. Shu Jiaxiang and Liao Suyin's Shadow Jade Tarantula appeared. Finally, everyone could see a human apparition with a qin as Ru Shenqi and Ming Yong's Clear Crystal Dragon Qin came into being. With Ru Shenqi being a Goddess and Ming Yong on his way to becoming a God, their spirit fusion skill had evolved almost to the divine level.

Their coordinated attacks launched. Golden Heavenly Swift Rush produced the infamous gravity increase power along with a debilitating cry. This allowed Shadow Jade Tarantula Eight Strikes to hit. Thousands of Spirit Empire's troops went flying backwards. That is, until they ran into the border of the Clear Crystal Dragon Qin Seven Point Trap. Realizing they had no way out, the troops could only await death. Soon, the combined poison from the Shadow Jade Tarantula took their lives.

"A Thousand Heavens Rules All."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants became one and formed their Shrek Tyrants Seven-In-One. Meanwhile, the Golden Generation watched from the battlements of their station along Liuying Gorge. Yan and Xie Yue grumbled.

"We should've had those Tyrants killed before they could do this much damage. How can we stand up to a Goddess?"

Hu Liena's eyes narrowed. After all these years, she had finally cultivated to the ninety sixth rank. Yan was at the ninetieth rank with eight spirit rings. And Xie Yue was finally a ninety first ranked Titled Douluo, known as Moon Blade Douluo. The only God on their side left alive was Qian Renxue, and even she had burned her Inheritance to try and stop Asura God Tang San back then. Hu Liena hoped to win the favor of a God but had had no success so far.

What they didn't know was that Ru Shenqi couldn't use her God powers for a month. If they had, perhaps the tide would've turned.

Instead, the multitude of spirit fusion abilities scared away over three quarters of Spirit Empire's spirit masters of Spirit King ranking and lower. Satisfied, all of the spirit fusion skills ended. Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire had shown their strength. Now, they had won themselves a few moments of peace.

The Shrek Seven Devils and the Golden Iron Triangle approached the Tyrants. Flender laughed joyously.

"Well done, you little monsters! You've truly made Shrek Academy proud!"

Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang nodded in affirmation. "You've done well this time."

Xiao Wu stepped forward. "Xiao Shen, come with me."

Ru Shenqi followed her Laoshi away. They were almost to the back of the camp before Xiao Wu finally stopped.

"Laoshi, what did you want to speak with me about?"

"Ge told me about Qian Renxue's secret appearance. We also know that the Angel Troops are coming. With you Tyrants' strength, us Seniors have decided to give you seven a chance to truly prove yourselves on the battlefield. But… Ge has a few restrictions for you."

"What are they?"

"You cannot use your two Divine Skills nor your God powers. Lastly, you cannot reveal your Power of the Ocean or Power of Haishen Hall or your Penta Divine Pearl Diadem."

"But Hu Liena already knows I'm the Goddess of Nine Stars."

"Still, we don't want to give away all of our surprises."

"Xiao Shen understands. Laoshi, there's something you and Sect Leader should know."

"What is it?"

Ru Shenqi lowered her head, as if ashamed. "I can't use my divine skills or God powers for a month anyways."

Xiao Wu gaped at her. "Why? What happened in Icebound Forest?"

Tears welled in the young God's eyes. She summoned her spirit rings one-by-one. As each red one appeared, her Laoshi grew more and more confused. When the first silver-white ring descended, it was so dim. The next one followed, looking just as dull. But the real shocker was the existence of a third divine ring.

"Y- you got a third divine ring in Icebound Forest?!"

Ru Shenqi nodded slowly. "Where's Sect Leader? I want to tell him what happened too."

Xiao Wu took her disciple along, and the two entered the tent just as the other Shrek Five Devils were discussing a back-up strategy. "Ge."

"Xiao Wu? Xiao Shen? What is it?"

Ru Shenqi revealed all eleven of her spirit rings before beginning to recount the events that happened in Icebound Forest. When she had finished explaining the pros and cons of her Eightfold Samsara, Oscar and Ning Rongrong shared a look. Tang San sighed. Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun remained silent.

"Xiao Shen… you've suffered a lot. And Yong hasn't had it easy either. It's a wonderful miracle that the Shrek Tyrants can still be seven. But from now on, be careful when choosing to use Eightfold Samsara."

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"I will discuss this with Laoshi. For now, just focus on strategizing against the Angel Troops."

Ru Shenqi bowed her head.

"One last thing."

Tang San touched his Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges belt before pulling out a spirit bone. Her eyes widened. It was a right leg bone, exactly one that Ming Yong needed. He handed it over to her.

"Long ago, Senior Bo left me this spirit bone as a gift if I managed to become the Sea God. I could choose who to give it to since I no longer needed spirit bones. This right leg bone doesn't suit beast spirit masters or food system spirit masters so I couldn't give it to the other Devils. I was waiting for the right time to have Xiao Wu give it to you, Xiao Shen, but now that Yong is in need of one to complete his Third Inheritance Trial, do you mind if this Sea Anemone King right leg bone goes to him?"

"Not at all. What does it do?"

"I'm not sure. We'll have to wait and see after Yong has fully absorbed it."

Ru Shenqi nodded before exiting the tent. Oscar and Ning Rongrong turned towards Tang San.

"Xiao San."


"Oscar, Rongrong, what are your thoughts on Xiao Shen's newest divine skill?"

"Bringing the dead back to life is a tricky business," Oscar began.

Ning Rongrong continued, "I fear that Xiao Shen cannot bear the consequences on her own. After all, I have Oscar and our divine-level spirit fusion ability to help me bear the weight."

"Rongrong has a point," Dai Mubai cut in. "Plus, Xiao Shen is what? Twenty? How can she handle such a heavy-burdened gift by herself?"

"The Gods are too cruel," Ma Hongjun said while shaking his head.


Ru Shenqi returned to her friends. She told them of their chance to take on the Angel Troops. Elation lit in every one of their eyes.

But then, Bai Shanxin murmured, "Xiao Shen, your divine skills and God powers…"

"It's fine. I can hold my own even without them. I'm not a one hundred and ninth ranked Third Class God for nothing."

Fang Youyou chuckled, "There's the Xiao Shen we all know."

Liao Suyin rested a hand on her Captain's shoulder. "Don't worry, we've also got your back. You don't have to do this alone. We'll be with you every step of the way."

Shu Jiaxiang and Bai Shanxin nodded in agreement.

Ru Shenqi smiled gratefully. "Thanks guys. You don't know how much that means to me."

Gu Xingyun said, "We're a family. Of course we'll look out for each other."

"That's right," Ming Yong tagged on. "The Shrek Seven Tyrants are now and forever will be one."

Ru Shenqi tapped her storage bracelet. "Yong, Sect Leader gave me something to give to you."

His eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

She pulled out the spirit bone. "This right leg bone comes from an eighty-five thousand year old Sea Anemone King. Sect Leader thinks it suits you well, so hurry and absorb it."

Ming Yong took the spirit bone from her. "Thank you, Xiao Shen. I'll also have to thank Senior Tang San later."

He sat down and assumed a meditative pose, beginning the absorption process. After three hours, the right leg bone had fully merged with him. He stood and nodded towards Ru Shenqi.

"This right leg bone really is quite suitable. It gives a passive skill called Anemone Rejuvenation, which returns spirit power and spiritual power to me."

"Aiya, Yong's taking my place as an auxiliary system spirit master!" Fang Youyou cried in jest.

"Youyou, your skills are too tyrannical. There's no way I could stand in for you. Plus, the Sea Anemone King right leg bone only works for me. I can't transfer the ability to anyone else."

Although Gu Xingyun was jealous, he also knew this was necessary to help his friend pass his Third Trial. So, he clapped Ming Yong on the back and smiled.

"Congratulations. Has your spirit power improved?"

Ming Yong shook his head.

Ru Shenqi cut in and explained, "Now, he's at a bottleneck as a Limit Douluo. His spirit power won't advance until he becomes a God. Then, all of the stored spirit power will finally be released."

"Then you must continue to work towards becoming a God," Shu Jiaxiang said encouragingly. "If you wish to avenge your family and defeat Spirit Empire once and for all, then becoming the God of Music is your best chance."

Ming Yong knew she was right and nodded in determination. I will make sure my parents and older brothers and sister didn't die in vain. I will avenge Gengxin City. I will make sure Spirit Empire knows the power of tyrannical Gods.