
Another fantasy story

second life is not something that all people can have. The choices you make can result disaster for yourself. What would you choose?

020227 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The Beginning

Father, here is your drink.

PLAAAKK!!! (ouch)


I'm sorry...didn't notice that it was still dirty...


"xxxx, is better you go to the room, ok?". I nod and run to the room. In there is dark and the sound of the scream, laugh, pain, all of it is clear. There I just lay down, close my eyes and wait until everything went down.

After around 20 minutes, I open the door slowly and check if he is still there. As I open the door I just see mom laying down on the floor with a nosebleed, I hurry up get a tissue and wipe that off.


xxxxx, you there?

Yes, I'm here mom. "My dear xxxxx can you please hug mom and say everything is okay". I look at her then hug her and say "Everything is okay". I keep saying that a couple of times then, we go together to the bed and sleep.

I woke up by the light of the sun and see my mom washing the clothes. I walk to her and say "Good morning mom". She smiles back at me and answers "Good Morning xxxxx" with a smile on her face. I look at her and help her with the chores. We eat, take a bath, clean, and wait till that man is back together. I can look at how scared and nervous mom's face even though she tried to hide it, I can see the sweat she's having. I sit beside her and hoping that this will help her.

Clock ticking, I can say that old man is late. Then there is a loud noise, you can guess who is it. The door opened and he came with a scary face and a bottle on his hand. I know what gonna happen. So I say to mom, "mom, do you wanna run away together?". She just smiles at me and says "xxxxx, is better you go to the room, ok?". I look at her and ran to the room.

It's already 10 years since I'm in this body. I was born in this world again with a new body, a new name, and a new family. xxxx, is the name I was born with.

Yes, this is my second life. I don't know how I know that this is my second life, I don't really remember my first life but, I just know that this is my last chance...


Last chance to what?




I wait for mom in the room, I hug her and after that, we sleep together.

I woke up in the morning to find my mother's body on the ground not moving...I ran to her and check if she still breathing and find that she was gone. I don't know what to feel, I am not sad nor angry.

Night comes and he, my father comes to see mom's body on the floor with his son beside her. Then..... he starts to panic.

Then he quickly runs away. I don't know how many weeks have passed maybe 4-5 weeks. I stay in that house waiting to die every day. Then one day , 2 polices come into the house and see me with my mother's body beside me.

One of the police officers is terrified and the other one don't say anything and rushed to me, he offer his hand to me and we walk to a car. I was brought to a police station. There I was given a drink, food, and snacks. I soon as I see it I eat as I'll never eat again.

After I finish eating, I try to find the police officer who offers his hand to me.

I wait for hours and finally, I found the police officer and he once again offers his hand and says "let's go home, kid". I take his hand and follow him to his car. I didn't ask anything nor that I care where am I going. I just want to sleep.







I follow him to a black car, I go into his car and put on my seatbelt. As we drove to his house. He asks, "Kid are you hungry?"

No, sir I already eat a lot at your office. "O! that's good to hear. And please don't me sir, call me Lawrence".

Yes, sir Lawrence.

He smiles and continues to drive (So his name is Lawrence).

Later we arrive,

I take off my seatbelt and follow sir Lawrence into his house. His house is nothing special, a living room to watch tv and rest, a kitchen to cook, a bathroom, a bedroom, and an office to work in.

Well, I don't see a dining room. Perhaps because he lives alone or perhaps he never eats at home? As I stood frozen at the front door inspecting his house, he look at me and call me. "Kid, come here." I walk toward him. "Kid, go take a bath first, and this is the towel you can use. I will go out to buy some clothes for you". Okay, sir Lawrence. He smiles and takes his leave.

I take off my clothes and look in the mirror. I look skinny, pale, and lifeless. I also have seems to be Japanese. And with a child's body, I look even smaller than I expect.

I take a shower, and when I finish sir Lawrence is already waiting for me at the door. He gives me a white shirt, grey pants, and of course underwear. "Kid, I also buy you a toothbrush, you can brush your teeth while I take a shower". I nod and put on my clothes. He looks into my eyes, smile, and go into the bathroom. After some time I knock and say, "sir Lawrence I'm going to brush my teeth!"

"Oh, okay."

After we both finishes doing our stuff. Sir Lawrence help me dry my hair. Now that I look at him. Sir Lawrence is quite young, maybe around his early 20s. With his blond hair, beautiful face, gentle eyes, and a good body. I bet he is every woman's crush.

"So what's your name kid. I can't call you kid all the time."

"Oh, my name is Hisao"






Is getting dark and we prepare to sleep. We sleep in the same bed....ngl iy felt kinda awkward. Well, we are both a guy so yeah...but, sir Lawrence sees me as a 10 years old boy. So maybe that's why he sleeps like a rock next to me.


Well, I guess I will go to my sleep too.

I woke up from my sleep with a big yawn. "Good morning, Hisao!", Good morning sir Lawrence. As expected of the police, he is already in uniform at this hour. But, is weird for me to be a deep sleeper. I was always a light sleeper because of that man, now that I think about it. Where did he go?

"Let's have breakfast together shall we".

I nod, make the bed, and go to the kitchen. There I see sir Lawrence with his coffee, he says "well umm... because I don't have a dining room.... l-let's eat in the living room". Honestly, is kinda funny seeing a police officer embarrassed for something like this.



I nod and walk to the living room and sit on the floor by the table. Then, sir Lawrence serves the breakfast. Is a warm sunny side egg, with 2 slices of bacon beside it. Now, that I think about it, when is the last time have a eat a proper warm meal.

I look at him and say "Thank you sir Lawrence for the breakfast". He looks at me, smiles and says "You know, Hisao. You're more handsome if you smile. So smile more okay!".


I guess this is my first time smiling after a long time. I nod and eat breakfast together.