
Another fantasy story

second life is not something that all people can have. The choices you make can result disaster for yourself. What would you choose?

020227 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

I try to move my head to where to voice coming from. I see a figure, a man figure in white lab clothes.

He wear a mask or maybe a helmet. I think that describes it better. Well, that's kinda creepy not gonna lie. Wait what are you doing is not the time to think about a helmet.

he takes an injection and

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it hurts it hurts, it hurt, it burns AaaaaAAaargghhh"










I don't know how many days is it, how many weeks is it, how many months is it. The place where he Injects hurts, it burns. I can't even faint. Every time, I faint I'll wake because of the pain.


I'm can't do this anymore. I'm tired. I want to close my eyes...








???: Yes, he seems to be a half one or maybe you can say only halfway there. He hasn't die yet so I think either he is half or he is immune. Yes, I think that will be the best option. Will do!

" Oh, look who is awake now. Let me take that off for you. Now wear this, in around 25 minutes someone will take you. So sit here like a good boy"

He left just like that.

It seems that mister helmet talks to someone above him. I don't know what is going to happen from now on I'm so scared. I think even dying is the better option. I don't know what to do.

"Aarrgghhh" my whole body aches. It's even hard to raise my hand, I use the clothes mister white offer it's a white loose shirt and pants. What I understand is that now, I should wait here for another 25 minutes, and the one who killed my mom maybe is not even a human. Where am I now, a Lab? is it government, mafia, or is it something else.

I look around to see if there is some CCTV that I know of course they have. I planning to maybe grab something to defend myself. No, no, no, no it's too dangerous. Let's get back to reality. Now you are weak you don't even have strength, armor, or even know how to fight. You're just a 10-year-old kid. You can't do anything at all.



I'm stressed and hate myself because I can't do anything. I'm so powerless now.....

Stop, let's gather information from now on. Mister white says something about half or is it halfway. Halfway to what? Now, what is the number again? 12400 no it's 14200. I will find it and kill it.


But is it really important now to gather information? I don't even know if I'll be alive in the next few minutes.

"sigh" my head hurt so bad.




25 minutes quickly pass by. And two armored people come to get me. They use full-body armor.

They grab my hand, handcuff me and drag me out of the room. It is silent, I can only hear our footsteps and my breath. After around 15 minutes we arrive at the place. "Door open" As the door opens, they both push me in and leave just like that. "Door close". I try to stand up with my handcuff and see a white cube room with a white bed, a toilet beside it, and a huge tile in the middle of the room. I walk directly to the bed and lay down.


Around 2 minutes later "Door open" a man with white hair wearing a lab coat come into my room. "Hello boy! It's been a while has it" been a while my butt. It's only been 40 minutes since we meet. " I know you're hungry so I bring you some meal. Please dig in", with a smile on his face. I indeed feel hungry now and there is no other option is there?


"munch munch munch munch munch"



"is good is it, boy"

"yes sir"

"I'll be happier if you call me by my name. Here, read my card name" he says with a smile.

"Sir White?"

"Yes! That's right! Now that you are done eating I'll be leaving!"

he stands up and walks away

"Door open" "Door close"




"Well, that went fast huh" I stand up and walk toward my bed. As I lay down I inspect the room more. And what I got so far is first that there are no windows at all. Even the door has no window. And second is that there are 2 CCTV in the corner of the room. They face each other in a diagonal line. Now I feel so tired.

I want to sleep.






I wake up. Just how many hours did I sleep I feel so energized and btw why do I feel that all the things I do here are just sleeping? Hisao says inside his head of course. He changes his posture and gets up from the bed. After that, he went straight to piss in the toilet of course :) I mean that's what all people do right? Anyways. After he pisses he washes his face and walks toward the bed to sit.

"Why do I feel someone just narrating me pissing. "Whatever" He says ;)

Just as he sits the door open

"Door open"

"Door close"

Guess who's back of course it's sir White.

"Hello, there kiddo!"

I nod my head in return

"So today I bring you some presents but to open them you have to break the cover. You see the present is inside one of these things" He talks as he slowly walks towards me.

" if you can break the cover and find the present, the present is all yours" And now he sits beside me.

I look at him and nod. He then places 3 small circular things in front of me. They all have the same color, green. And so Hisao went to grab the right one first.

hmm, the texture is so smooth and fragile? Also, I feel that the cover is thick. So I guess the present is quite small huh..is it candy?

Hisao try to squeeze the cover a little bit.


Oh, it breaks just like that. And yes, inside the circle is a gummy, The flavor is coca-cola.

"Good job! I'm surprised that you find it on the first try."

Hisao looks at him and nods in response.

"And since you also found it at first try I give you another one". The bigger man move his arm to his pocket.

"Here you go"

"Thank you sir" Ooo it's melon flavor.

"Ok then I'll take my leave" He smiles

The bigger man stand up and leave the room.

"Door open"

"Door close"