
Returning Remnant

A thousand years... A thousand years of popping up in the middle of supernatural warzones, Xianxia cliche BS, getting thrown off course by some idiots summoning me to be a hero or even a demon lord, and every other kind of multiverse nonsense. Although I made no shortage of enemies and even a few friends, plus a cult in one universe, my next world jump should finally land me in Remnant at last. As I made my final preparation, one of my henchmen, yes, I have henchmen, burst into my office.

" Boss! The Bat is here!"

I sighed in annoyance at the news and looked at the one who brought me the news.

" And?"

" I thought you should know?"

Why is good help so hard to find? I waved him off as I ordered.

" Send out an evacuation on all channels. I will stay behind to keep him preoccupied."

" You got it, Boss!"

He radioed my orders to everyone, and they proceeded to escape while I finished my final calculations to leave this universe behind. I sat down in my chair as I waited for my guest, who appeared as he broke through my office window. He landed in front of my desk and rose to his full height. Batman in all his dark, brooding glory, and I greeted him.

" Hello, Bats. What brings you to my humble abode?"

" You know why, Silva Zelretch Branwen. You can not be allowed to use your method of leaving this universe."

My start as a supervillain started by earning Doctor Fate's attention with my arrival, as apparently, I am drawing the attention of interdimensional entities to this world with Kaleidoscope, and unfortunately, I have little knowledge of DC because aside from Batman, I prefer Marvel overall so I have a lot of blanks that I had to fill. I am going off on a tangent, so let's focus on my current situation and what led to it.

I arrived in this universe and got Doctor Fate's attention. He appeared and wanted to stop me from leaving; I kicked his bucket head in; he called the Justice League for backup, and I might have gone ballistic, resulting in a few deaths of so-called heroes. In my defense, I lost a lot of patience with the constant failure of not reaching Remnant, and they did not offer a solution aside from imprisonment after hearing my story. Overall, an antagonistic relationship with the League was inevitable as they were protecting their home from my actions that would negatively affect them.

So for the years I have been in this universe, I have been tossed into an asylum, sealed in another dimension, and placed in a comatose state to keep me from leaving. So I ran out of f*cks to give as I was close to reaching Remnant. I could taste it. I decided to set up shop in Gotham while Batman, aka Bruce Wayne, could beat me if given enough time to prepare. Still, thankfully, he could not stop me from running my calculations and analyzing the dimension to prepare for my next world jump, as I would never forget, thanks to Soul Archive.

Batman and I started at each other, and I asked.

" Is there any chance of you letting me go my way so I can return to my home and the people I care about?"

" You know why I have to stop you, Silva. What you are doing endangers the innocent from interdimensional threats, and you have to be stopped."

I sighed as I knew there was no reasoning with him or any member of the Justice League to them, I was a threat, and while some may sympathize with me, but that is all they can do. They cannot help me, as only the highest levels of science and magic can allow me to leave this universe without Kaleidoscope, and that is out of my reach in this universe. However, this was also to my advantage as every hero and villain was under the impression I needed artifacts or advanced technology to leave when I actually didn't need anything but time, and I fed that idea with my actions.

Part of the reason it took me so long was that I needed to stay and study every new world to make a sort of map for the multiverse so I could backtrack to the rest of my family and my friends in other universes. I focused on the hero before me and asked.

" So, where is your backup? I know you would not face me alone, Bats."

" We're right here, Silva."

A new voice called out from my window, and I saw Superman flying there along with Wonder Woman, the Green Lanterns, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Fate, and Shazam. I suddenly heard from behind me.

" Jeez, I am usually the first one here, and yet I am the last one to show up. Sorry, I'm late to the party, guys!"

Flash then appeared by Batman, and I said to the Justice League with a bit of venom.

" I am not sure if I should be flattered or annoyed that the top powerhouses of the Justice League are here to stop little old me."

Superman then told me with an even tone.

" Surrender Silva, and maybe we can help you."

I felt fury boil my blood at what he said, and I coldly retorted.

" I made that mistake once, and I learned that all of you are incompetent or unwilling in the field of interdimensional travel, so save your breath."

They could not or would not help me for their own reasons, so I made a choice after learning this fact. I decided to follow my path no matter who stood in my way, whether villain or hero. Doctor Fate then created a golden film that enshrouds the area, and he reported.

" I set up the space isolation ward so he can't escape."

That is practically protocol for handling me as I generally prefer to run away than fight, as I gained nothing from taking on these heroes. I could not access my dimensional storage where I kept most of my weapons, so I only had my claws, Aura, Semblances, Magic, and Divinity to fight with, but that was fine, as that was usually enough. Especially now that my calculations are complete, and I just have to slip away now. But first, a little payback for delaying me from returning to my home in Remnant.

I let out a massive blast of dark energy that nuked the surrounding area and left nothing but a crater in my wake. I looked around and saw the Green Lanterns raising a shield to protect the more fragile members of the league. Hardly surprising since I tended to destroy most of my surroundings in a single blast as a warning shot. Superman came at me to ram his fists into me, but I grabbed his fists and held my ground as he pushed me back. I conjured black lightning that zapped the man of steel and made him cry out in pain, as even he couldn't shrug off my most potent attacks.

I tossed him to the approaching Shazam as I felt an annoying buzzing in my mind as Martian Manhunter was trying to attack my mind. I can block him out to a degree, but not forever, so I sent a black fireball to burn him, but a green construct blocked my attack. The Green Lanterns are usually on defense duty since taking my attacks directly is ill-advised for all but the hardiest members of the Justice League. Wander Woman came at me, and I used Flash Step to get behind her and grab her hair as I hit her back with my claws coated in divinity.

Before I could land another blow, I found myself sucker punched by Flash, and Wonder Woman broke free and then kicked me away. I was then met with explosions courtesy of Batman and his projectiles, then got a swift uppercut from Superman. Before he punched me again, I grabbed his face and hit him with Dark Wrath at full power and point-blank range. I should have blinded him for a while, but Shazam came in to finish what the man of steel started by knocking me away, which was a mistake.

I crashed into the golden film surrounding the area and sunk my claws into it, then used Transmutation to weaken the ward and push through it, as I did not need to win this fight to get what I wanted. Unfortunately, Doctor Fate was not going to let me escape as he worked with the Green Lanterns to pull me back with their combined energies, but I broke free with a burst of dark energy. I was back where I started, and Wonder Woman came around for some payback.

As she tried to punch me, I grabbed her fist and looked at her angrily before headbutting and kicking her away. Flash came back around, and I braced for the hit as I could not land a blow on him, yet after he came at me with a barrage of fast punches, I created a barrier without him noticing to trap him with me and give him no room to maneuver. I struck his legs and broke them, so he was out of my hair. Superman then came at me, even while blind, to get me away from Flash, and as he tackled me, I took away another one of his senses, his hearing, by blasting his eardrums with dark energy as he could not shrug it off like some many attacks before.

Dark Wrath works great against tough and durable guys like the Man of Steel, as it was almost conceptual destruction but weaker. After knocking Superman away, Batman threw some bombs at me that smelt... Off. Probably a chemical compound to knock me out, but unfortunately for him, I could easily filter that out with Magic. So I sent a blast of energy at him next, but the Green Lanterns protected their comrade once more with their green constructs. This was a battle of attrition, and eventually, the Lanterns would run low on power and need to recharge, which would be my chance to deal with them.

As I got ready for the long haul, I then heard Doctor Fate chant in some unknown language with an artifact in his hands I was familiar with, Pandora's Box. He had trapped me in that box once before, but that could work to my advantage as he thinks I had someone help me escape rather than me doing it on my own. In the end, I will win because they won't kill me, but I can't let them think otherwise, so I try to stop Doctor Fate only to be blocked by Shazam and the Green Lanterns.

Wonder Woman then used her Lasso of Truth on me, and I sneered at her as she should know better than to use this on me.

" Really? Haven't you learned from the first time around?"

I was stronger than her by several levels, so I pulled on the lasso and swung her at Batman, then Shazam before making another attempt at Doctor Fate. The Green Lanterns blocked me once more, but I guess their earlier uses must have taken more out of them than I thought because this time, I managed to tear through the green constructs and hit the Lord of Order with a blast of Dark Energy. The ward broke down after I hit him, and I immediately took my chance to leave with Door to Darkness to the other side of the world.

Leaving the Justice League behind, I felt relief and started to laugh as I had won. I grinned as I opened a multi-colored portal and saw a familiar broken moon. I rushed through and felt it; I was finally at Remnant. I just need to check and see if it is my Remnant. I took out a black container from my space storage and opened it to reveal my Scroll. I powered it up and accessed the CCTS, as I had enough bars, then checked to see the previous winners of the Mistral Regional Cup.

Pyrrha won four times in a row, so this is not my Remnant, but I am in the right neck of the woods, so I can find my World Line without too much difficulty. After taking a few hours to catch my breath and unwind, I ran my calculations and easily found my Remnant, thanks to my compass I made with Snærkló to divine my World Line. I opened another Portal to see the Emerald Forest and walked through. Thankfully finding parallel World Lines is far easier than traveling to other universes, so it only took me a few hours to run the numbers.

I walked through to my World Line and rechecked my Scroll to see if this was my World Line. Yep, Mai Bals Itches was a Champion of the Mistral Cup, so I am home at last. I sighed with relief, then made a call to Electra, Lucifer, and Lilith to see if the System User was dealt with, but I then heard a familiar.

" Hello, there."

I turned to see Cinder, and I remembered that I was in the middle of Beacon's initiation test. Meaning that... This fiery backstabbing witch is now my partner for the next four years...

Just my luck.