
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Tranh châm biếm
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280 Chs

Beginning White

Within a flying saucer above a world that was a shadow of its former self, the main computer of the vessel activated as various lights appeared, along with electronic sounds, when a feminine voice called out.

[ Creator, please wake up, it is morning in the Central Sanus time zone.]

" Five more minutes, Electra."

A tired masculine voice replied, which made the electronic feminine sigh, and the next moment lights of the flying saucer lit up to reveal the lab-like area. At the center was a floating individual that was sleeping in zero gravity. He was a massive man at 7'7" with short pale gray hair that was almost white in color and a pale complexion, and a broad well-muscled body. The most notable feature of the individual was that from his shoulders down, his arms were covered with fur in a snow leopard pattern. The bright lights of the lab forced him to wake up and reveal his piercing gray eyes with annoyance.

This was Silva Branwen, who was nearly eighteen years old as he considered new Year to be his nearest equivalent of a birthday since he was unsure of his exact date of birth from being born to the Branwen Bandit Tribe. The snow leopard man yawned as he complained.

" Electra, remind me why you are getting me up now of all times?"

[ Creator, you asked me to remind you of this exact date in preparation for your attendance at Beacon Academy, which will happen three months from now.]

" Ah, right; thank you, Electra."

[ I live to serve, Creator.]

Silva stretched as he floated, then ordered.

" Give me a status report on the satellite project."

[ Understood. All satellites have a stable orbit around Remnant's Exosphere and maintain an uninterrupted connection to one another. I ran the test while you slept, and the connection between the satellites and ground receivers is stable. Everything is operating within its parameters. The satellite project is a success, Creator.]

" Well, Arthur is going to be happy to have a reliable form of communication that is not reliant on the CCTS towers. Make preparations to return to Remnant."

The snow leopard man shifted his weight to move onto the chair in front of the main computer of his flying saucer that doubles as his mobile lab. He got into the chair and fastened himself in as Electra asked.

[ Creator, where would you like the reentry to happen?]

" Near Menagerie, so I can give Arthur the good news first, then head back home to Vale."

[ Understood, reentry will begin shortly.]

Silva yawned once more and rubbed his eyes as he stayed awake for almost 48 hours before he went to sleep. He had been busy for the last few years with his major projects, mainly getting the Menagerie Department of Research and Development up and running along with treating Summer Rose and Wulf Terra from their Grimm-ified states. The snow leopard's recent satellite project was something set up for long-term gains to help with various other projects. The Artificial Intelligence Assistant alerted her maker.

[Creator, Lucifer, is on the line wishing to speak to you.]

" Oh? I guess he ready knows how to use the new communication system already. Put him through, Electra."

The central computer revealed a fair-skinned young man with ear-length white hair and black highlights with golden eyes. Below his eyes was a mask that covered his face and neck with dials on the side, and as he spoke, a white sound meter stock appeared where his mouth would be. Lucifer is one of the digital idols Silva made to bring some of his favorite songs from Earth to Remnant. The male digital idol said calmly.

" Father, I have a query."

Silva wryly smiles as Lucifer and Lilith often ask him various questions, if only for his opinion, if nothing else. The snow leopard said as he waited for the preparations for reentry to finish.

" Ask away, Lucifer."

" Do you have any intention of spreading this new form of global communication?"

" Currently, no, since it still needs to be tested, plus I don't want to waste my time competing with the CCTS even if it would be one-sided, as I can't be bothered."

" Maybe so, father, but there is no denying that your method is superior since maintenance is a non-issue in the void of Remnant's Exosphere and out the reach of the Creatures of Grimm. Plus, they are completely self-sufficient by being solar-powered."

Silva is also taking into account the eventual return of Magic and the Gods since Salem has no plans of collecting the Relics to end the world anymore. Although she still wants her ex-husband to squirm, while she does blame herself for her children's deaths, she also blames Ozma for his actions, leading her to be infuriated. Electra then notified the snow leopard man.

[ Creator, reentry will begin shortly.]

" Thanks, Electra. Anything else, Lucifer?"

" Currently, no, father. I look forward to your return."

" See you soon."

Silva ended the transmission and braced himself for re-entry.


I can't believe all that I have done these past few years; these were my thoughts as I saw Kuo Kuana. The originally cramped and underdeveloped city now looked drastically different from the past. It had three levels of foot traffic, the waterways for aquatic faunus, the ground floor, and the skywalk that stood above the ground floor. Along with these new paths, the residences of Kuo Kuana also changed as they now stood at a minimum of three stories high to accommodate everyone in Menagerie.

While still crowded, Kuo Kuana is still in a better situation than before in terms of living space, thanks to the mass production of construction bots from MDRD. Plus, the anti-desertification implementation has been helping increase the jungle expansion as it has already increased by 50% in these years, which earned no small amount of gratitude from Ghira and the rest of Kuo Kuana as that means more living space that is not desert. I walked through the newly paved streets to MDRD to see Arthur and inform him that the satellite communication array was up and running.

I entered the main lobby and used my security key card to enter the labs to find the good Doctor working on his Paladin project. He is working on making it more secure and user-friendly to outfit the Menagerie guards to combat Grimm better, with little chance of it being "borrowed" by the White Fang. I walked up and greeted him.

" Hello, Arthur; how is your project going?"

" Well enough, I suppose, Silva. Increasing the security protocols with biometrics is overkill but guarantees to prevent anyone from taking any Paladins out on a joyride. Plus, outfitting it with a simulator program does make training pilots a bit easier. Still, I need to increase the torso size to accommodate all the processors for these upgrades, then revamp the legs for the additional weight, along with recalibrating the targeting system."

He went off on listing various issues with changing and updating the Paladin's design, but he enjoyed the work since I am generous with funding. I am also working out a pilotable robot to test a few ideas but more on that later. I need to inform Arthur about the good news.

" Arthur, I have something to give you."

" Oh? What have you come up with now, Silva?"

I handed him the satellite phone and explained what it was and how it worked. The doctor sighed before saying, as he examined the phone.

" First, it was that hydroelectric dam for Kuo Kuana; then it was leaving our world's atmosphere, and now this. You certainly ensure that there is a seldom dull moment."

I shrugged as I was doing my own thing for my benefit first, then Remnant, as I had my priorities straight. For now, I need to see what these next few months hold. Is canon gone or still in play? Only time will tell.