

ANONYMOUS is a shadowy and mysterious figure whose identity remains concealed behind an ominous mask. Driven by a relentless desire for power, he becomes aware of the existence of the powerful elemental rings - Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and energy. With a malevolent ambition, ANONYMOUS sets his sights on collecting all the rings, each possessing a distinct elemental force, for his own nefarious purposes.

ShivaramJayapalan · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Deception's Grasp

As Makoto and Jinx continued their journey through the dimly lit expanse within Arimate, absense of purpose guided their steps. The midnight hour shrouded them in a veil of quietude, punctuated only by the distant rustle of the wind and their own footsteps. The mysteries that surrounded them seemed to grow more profound with each passing moment.

Jinx's watchful gaze caught the glint of Makoto's ring—the singular ring on his finger. A furrow creased his brow as his eyes flickered to the empty space where a second ring should have rested. His curiosity piqued, he turned his attention to Makoto, his voice tinged with mild amusement. "Where's your other ring?"

Makoto's lips curved into a sheepish smile, his eyes meeting Jinx's with a mixture of guilt and playfulness. "Hehehehe, you caught me," he admitted, his tone lighthearted.

Before they could delve further into the conversation, a sudden disturbance seized their attention. Jinx's instincts went on high alert as he sensed a shift in the atmosphere. A figure emerged, concealed in shadows, and Makoto's heart pounded in his chest as he took in the sight before him.

It was a copy—a chilling imitation of Makoto himself, manipulated and controlled by ANONYMOUS's malevolent power. The copy's lifeless eyes stared back at Jinx, devoid of emotion or recognition. The deception had been masterfully orchestrated, a clever ploy to catch them off guard.

Jinx's muscles tensed, his senses sharp as he prepared to face this eerie doppelganger. The copy's voice echoed, the chilling laughter sending shivers down his spine. "Hehehehe, you caught me."

The words were a haunting echo of Makoto's own confession just moments ago. The deception was surreal, a reminder that ANONYMOUS's power extended beyond the physical realm, delving into the realm of psychological manipulation.

Before Jinx could react, the copy lunged forward with a speed that belied its lifeless appearance. His instincts kicked in, and he moved with precision, his fire ring blazing to life. Flames erupted, casting an intense glow that illuminated the area around them.

As the copy's hand reached out, its fingers inches away from Jinx's throat, he acted. A torrent of flames surged forth, engulfing the imitation in a blaze that consumed it entirely. The copy's distorted laughter transformed into anguished screams as it writhed within the inferno, its form disintegrating into smoky tendrils that dispersed into the air.

The flames eventually subsided, leaving behind only ashes and the lingering heat of their battle. Jinx's heart raced, a mixture of shock and awe coursing through his veins. He had been moments away from the copy's grasp, a sobering reminder of ANONYMOUS's capacity for deception.

The real Makoto, however, remained in peaceful slumber, unaware of the events that had transpired. The copy's laughter echoed in the air, its sinister tones serving as a haunting reminder of their adversary's influence.

Jinx's thought if he was a copy under ANONYMOUS's then where is the real one.

But as Jinx's eyes flickered back to where the copy once stood, he froze. The ashes of the imitation shifted, swirling in an unnatural dance. Slowly, the tendrils began to reform, coalescing once more into the eerie visage of the copy. The anguished screams were replaced by a haunting silence as the copy's lifeless eyes fixated on Jinx.

The battle was far from over, and Jinx braced himself for another round. The copy's presence was a stark reminder that ANONYMOUS's power was relentless, its grasp unyielding. With the realization that the imitation still stood, their fight was far from won.

As they stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, the night remained still, the echoes of the copy's laughter slowly fading into the silence. Jinx pressed forward, united in their quest and bound by the unbreakable bond that had seen them through countless challenges. With every step they took, they moved closer to unraveling the truth and unmasking the darkness that sought to engulf their world.

to be continued.......

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