
37 - The search for Litu.

The Curt Kingdom.

"Your Highness, still there is no sign. We've tried all our best to track him down but there was nothing we could achieve. Nothing we had achieved. Seemed like he had gone on some vacation he wouldn't want others to know about."

One of the seven chiefs said. He was seated with three others on the first seat while opposite him were the remaining three.

Twas just the meeting of the Monarch and the chiefs.

Another chief took his turn,

"If my hypotheses are right, I think he suffers from the shock of what happened to them when they met with the Manganis. If it's not because of that, I wonder what would be."

"That can't be so true. There could be a sense in that but that can't be all of course. He had been missing for a week and all you could say is that twas a mere shock. How about if he was abducted or kidnapped by some Manganis? Or you think that is impossible? Shock of what happened!"

The fellow stopped talking. You could tell from the rise and fall of both his voice and knitted brows that he wasn't in for a petty talk like the other chief was.

"Let's not fight over this, let's just figure out what to do."

Another chief called. He was having what was close to a hat on. He was the most gentle of them but he had a beast in him too. But he had tamed it.

"No one is fighting, Ula. No one. Give a contribution or cease to speak. Just want to make your presence known."

The chief who had spoken about the shock of what happened said.

Ula said nothing but the other chief who had countered that speculator hopped on it again. He seemed to be at great odds with that fellow and he wouldn't even hide it before the Monarch.

That's tough.

"You seem to know and always want whatever you say to prevail. Not at this point. Not in this matter. Not when who's concerned is my in-law. You could give all of your opinions to your unborn male child. Do not come here and boss around. Do not!"

The fellow said spitting fire. The speculator said nothing anymore. The place for once was silent.

The Monarch sighed. He observed closely and as soon as he discovered that none of them would say a thing again, he beckoned at one of his attendants and said,

"Call in Litu's wife."

The attendant scrabbled off his presence.

The Monarch already was used to the uproar and disagreements amongst his chiefs. He wasn't surprised anymore. When he started being a king he would talk and talk till they keep quiet. But that time, he had learnt to watch them argue their saliva to a desert then keep quite for his take.

He learnt that lesson from his grandfather. The oldest man in Curt.

The wife of Litu walked in and headed straight to the presence of the Monarch. She knelt but the he told her to stand.

"What did your man say to you before you quit seeing each other?"

The lady said amidst sobs which birthed murmurs amongst the chiefs.

"He only said he wanted to go away for some whiles to get an answer to a question bothering him. He didn't tell me who but I'm sure he went to the... forest. My Lord, what if he's been attacked... or taken by the Manganis again?... What if my Lord."

Tears traced dark dribbles across the boulevard of her cheeks.

"He'll be back. I guarantee that. Go."

He said to the lady as she left. Then the Monarch turned to the Chiefs to brief them on his intentions.