
Annabela's Love Problems

Revenge is Annabela's main goal at this time. The disappointment and heartache he experienced would not be able to be cured just like that. Annabela hated Axton so much. The man who broke her heart. Axton didn't show up for the proposal he had promised. Axton was the man who had crushed Annabela's hopes. The man who has sprinkled salt on the wound. The man who had made Annabela's heart like being slashed by the stab of a thousand swords. Until now, Annabela lives in the center of Jakarta. She changed her appearance to be more beautiful and classier. On an unexpected day, Annabela meets a man named Brandon Carlos, a man who is famous for being arrogant and always thinks he is the most perfect. Brandon Carlos is a man who has a handsome face, smart and rich. But, one drawback, he has never been in love. Because his attitude was too cold and domineering, all the women who approached him backed away before taking a step. Until now Brandon is 34 years old, he hasn't even thought about getting married. Who would have thought that his meeting with Annabela made Brandon's world feel different. Brandon fell in love with Annabela at first sight. Brandon was like a madman, he couldn't sleep peacefully. Annabela's face was always in the shadows. Brandon decides to find out about Annabela. He would do anything to make Annabela his. Will Annabela be able to avenge her? And what about Brandon Carlos? Will he be able to melt Annabela's heart?? ................................................................. ............... Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving as many Power Stones as possible. And write your opinion in the review column and comment column so I can fix what's wrong. One Power Stone and comments or reviews from you guys are my motivation to write. Happy Reading!

Linayanti · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Sweet promises

Annabela is a very good girl, she is known as an innocent and straightforward girl. Annabela is not pretty, but she has a sweet face and has her own charm.

Currently Annabela lives with her mother, they are alone at home. But that did not make Annabela discouraged.

Although until now he did not know where his father was, because his mother never wanted to be honest. He always hides the truth.

Whenever Annabela asked about her father, Mrs. Heni would be angry with Annabela. In fact, they often fight because of the problem.

Remembering that incident, Annabela became annoyed. He didn't even want to talk about his father anymore. Annabela was tired of constantly fighting with her own mother.

At this time, Annabela works as a cashier at a small restaurant in downtown Jakarta. Even though Annabela's salary is mediocre. The wages are enough to pay the contract and daily meals. He persisted because this was his only hope.

Axton often forbade Annabela to work, even Axton was able to support Annabela's life with her mother, Mrs. Heni, until then.

Because Axton didn't want to see the woman he loved so much tired. He wanted Annabela to live a relaxed life without having to work hard. But Annabela didn't want to, she still insisted to keep working. Annabela's principle is that as long as she is healthy and able to work, she will continue to work. Annabela didn't want to be a spoiled woman.

As a real man, Axton was eager to make Annabela queen. He would fulfill Annabela's wishes. He will not let Annabela live in trouble.

Axton did come from a wealthy family. Even the Axton Family was highly respected. His family is highly respected by everyone.

Annabela's birthday.

Currently, Annabela is 25 years old. It was time for him to think about the future.

However, Annabela didn't panic too much about her age even though she was said to be mature. She didn't have to worry about getting married, because she already had Axton. A very loyal boyfriend who is ready to take himself to a more serious level.

He even made a promise to himself. She would not marry anyone other than Axton. Axton is Annabela's first love, who can never be replaced by anyone. Annabela's love for Axton was too great, she wouldn't be able to live without Axton. Axton and Annabel have been in a relationship for ten years. They have gone through the bittersweet times of dating.

They are both equally loyal, they both always make time to spend time together. In fact, they have many memories that are very difficult for them to forget.

Until now, Annabela was promised by Axton that he would propose to Annabela on her birthday. Annabela was very happy to hear that statement, her face lit up like a rose in the morning.


Exactly at night according to Axton's promise, he will come to Annabela's house with his family. Annabela and Mrs. Heni have prepared a banquet to welcome the Axton family.

Mrs. Heni and the rest of the family have been waiting for a long time. Tonight, Annabela was dressed very beautifully, she wore a nude colored kebaya according to her favorite color.

Annabela thought that tonight would be the happiest night of the previous nights. Annabela felt that she was the luckiest woman in the world. Because the person he loves the most will come to tie the knot with him.

Since then, Annabela has been spreading her sweet smile, wanting to tell the whole world how happy she is tonight.

Sitting room.

Annabela and the rest of the family gathered in the living room to await the arrival of Annabela's future husband.

However, there was no sign of Axton coming. Mrs. Heni and Annabela kept looking towards the gate of their house in the hope that Axton's car and his family would show up.

The clock on the wall kept turning to show it was 9:00 pm. Annabela, who had been waiting for so long, became restless, her heart became restless. Why hasn't Axton come until now?

Since then, Annabela has been holding her cellphone, several times she has opened it in the hope that there will be an incoming message from Axton. But Axton gave no news at all.

"Why isn't Axton coming too? Is he still on the road?" Annabela thought to herself. "Why do I suddenly feel bad? Did something happen to Axton? I should try to contact him" mixed feelings of restlessness and anxiety.

He then opened the screen of his cellphone which had looked dark. Annabela immediately looked for Axton's contacts and tried to reach him.

"Sorry the number you have dialed is not active" The operator's voice.

Annabela looked tense, her expression complicated "Why is Axton's number off? Arghhh... don't make me think like that." Annabela muttered. He tried to contact Axton for the umpteenth time.

Annabela called Axton several times, but it remained inactive. While the clock shows the exact time at 10:00 at night. There's no hope anymore, it looks like Axton won't come.

Annabela was shaking, her face was pale. He sat on the chair with tears in his eyes.

Mrs. Heni approached her favorite daughter, she stroked her daughter's shoulder "Dear ... what happened?" Mrs. Heni asked.

Annabela who had lowered her face, when she was spoken to by her mother, Annabela slowly lifted her face. Annabela's gaze was pitiful tonight.

Unknowingly her tears dripped down her soft cheeks "Mother" Annabela hugged her mother tightly.

Mrs. Heni returned Annabela's hug warmly, Mrs. Heni understood what Annabela was feeling right now. He won't ask again.

Annabela cried hysterically in her mother's arms. "Looks like Axton won't come, mom," she said. He was very sad about this incident, he felt himself being toyed with.

"You are patient, dear. Have you tried to contact Axton?" Mrs. Heni asked.

"Already mother, but the number is not active!" Annabela answered in a hoarse voice.

"Or... maybe Axton forgot to bring his cell phone?" guessed Mrs. Heni.

"Impossible, Mother. If he forgot to bring his cellphone, he can call me using another number. Doesn't he also know my number," explained Annabela.

"Your daughter shouldn't think like that just yet. We have to deal with this calmly. Remember, who knows something is going on with Axton and he purposely didn't tell you so you wouldn't worry"

He stroked his daughter's hair, trying to calm her daughter's fragile heart.

"It hurts mom, this is the first time Axton hasn't kept his promise. Why did he have to disappear on this very important day without you telling me?"

"You have to be strong dear" Mrs. Heni let go of her arms and held Annabela's shoulders. Mrs. Heni looked at her daughter's face with affection "See mother, you are a very strong and independent woman. So, don't make this problem to make you mentally weak." said Mrs. Heni with a smile. He then wiped Annabela's tears.

"But mother...!" Mrs. Heni immediately put her index finger in the middle of Annabela's lips while shaking her head.

"You can't be weak, sweetheart," he said back.