

let me all give you a quick summary what's this book about? well it's anime fanfics that i found on the internet that i really enjoy. none of these are my creation i just put it here to use the webnovel text to speech feature as i like to listen to stories while doing school work or etc. i'm only writing this summary for the people who found this book by accident and say "OHH! have you have no SHAME!! stealing others people's hard work you despicable SHIT!!" well maybe i'm over exaggerating it but still tho that could happen i'm also writing this to just clear the misunderstanding that may come in the future who know's. So yeah that's pretty much it.

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The eminence in shadow: Eminence of Alexia 24

Chapter 24: What would you do for love?

Alexia, Poochie, and Rose were having a meal together at the local Tuna King. It was a franchise that specialized in tuna sandwiches and was quite popular among the commoners. Normally, someone of Alexia's status would never be caught in such a place. It was just too low brow for a royal princess. But Poochie, of course, loved their food and has whined and complained until she'd agreed to come here with him. (And pay for his food of course.) Rose had needed no convincing. The moment Cid mentioned he wanted to eat there she'd agreed. She always ended up agreeing with whatever Poochie said.

Alexia had to admit it… the girl was good! As skilled as she might be in reading people Alexia couldn't see through the act. As far as she or anyone else could tell Rose had feelings for Cid. Truthfully, if Alexia hadn't already known this was all an act to try and break her and Poochie up she'd have been quite jealous. As it was, Alexia was all too happy to play along. She got to hang out and spend time with her two friends and so long as Rose remained focused on Pooch there was no danger of her being shipped off to the far side of the globe as a bride.

The past few weeks had been a lot of fun.

The last couple of days though Rose had been a bit distant. As they left the restaurant Alexia bought Poochie the extra sandwich he always asked for (he was as cheap and shameless as always) and pulled Rose aside for a word.

"You alright?" Alexia asked. "You seem a little glum."

Rose gave a faint shake of her head. "No, it's nothing. It's just…"

"I think I can guess what's bothering you."

Rose gave her a nervous look.

"The preliminaries for The God of War Tournament start tomorrow. I know you're skipping the first two rounds, but you must be worried about it. You shouldn't be, I'm sure you'll do great!" At least until you face Iris in the primaries.

But to Alexia's surprise the other girl shook her head. "It's not that, my father, the king of Orianna has just arrived and I'm meeting with him tonight."

"Oh, yes, I'd heard that. After being away so long you must be happy to see him."

Rose looked at the ground and fidgeted.

"Not happy?"

"No, no, I am," she said quickly. "I love my father; he is a dear man."

"What's the problem then?"

Rose took a deep breath. "My father didn't come here alone, he brought Duke Doem with him. I… I'm not certain, but I suspect my father plans to betroth me to him."

"Oh! Uh, uhm, congratulations?"

Rose looked anything but happy.

Alexia understood and sympathized. In almost every way nobles had a much better life than commoners. Though there were merchants and bankers who had it good too. Nobles enjoyed lives of relative wealth and privilege. Even someone like Poochie would still be doing well by the standards of where he came from. But commoners had one single advantage denied their social betters.

They could marry for love.

For the nobility marriages were arranged for the greatest possible benefit to the family, and individual wants and desires be damned. Trying to force a love match was viewed as selfish and childish. Marrying the person chosen for you was considered a duty no different than serving in wartime or dispensing justice.

That was doubly true for royalty. Alexia's father was a doting and kindhearted man who loved his daughters. He'd given them both a great deal of freedom and wanted them to be happy. But even so, both she and her sister had a set of approved marriage candidates. If she or Iris chose one of them, father would consent and allow them to marry that person. That was as much 'freedom' as she or her sister would be allowed. If they fell in love with someone else or decided not to marry at all, they would either be forced into a marriage or disowned. They would be as forgotten and dead to father and the whole country as if they'd suffered possession.

Alexia stole a glance at Cid who was sitting at a bench oblivious. Yes, she could absolutely sympathize with Rose.

However, as Rose was in love with her that sympathy only went so far.

"Have you met this Doem before?" Alexia asked.

"Of course, he is one of my marriage candidates. We have attended many dances and balls."

"Do you like him?"

She shrugged. "I don't hate him."

Alexia winced; she knew what that meant. "Maybe you'll grow to like him better over time."

Rose looked over at Cid for some reason. "I doubt it."

"Maybe you're reading the situation wrong, and your father only brought him along to watch you fight in the tournament?"

"It's possible," she admitted. By her tone she obviously didn't think it likely.

Alexia agreed but didn't say so out loud. A king visiting his daughter in another country with one of her marriage candidates? The implication of that was obvious. Alexia had grown really fond of Rose and would miss her if she had to return to Orianna for her own wedding.

Rose's honey colored eyed looked at her with sudden intensity and grabbed both her hands. "Alexia, can I ask you a question?"

Alexia immediately got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Sure."

"What would you do for love?"

Oh, shit here we go again! She gulped and tried to remain calm. "I would do a lot, but I wouldn't go against my father's wishes."

"Even if you knew you would never love anyone else? Even if you knew the other person was your one and only soul mate and you could never ever forget them?"

Alexia could feel herself start to sweat. If Rose hadn't been physically holding on to her, she would have backed up to get some space from the other girl. Screwing on a mask of placid tranquility she replied.

"No matter how strong my love is, it can't be stronger than my duty to my family and my country. If I had to give up on my one true love, I would make that sacrifice the same way I would give up my life on the battlefield."

Alexia saw the other girl shut her eyes and take a long deep breath. "You're right. Of course, you're right. I have an obligation as a princess. It would be unforgivably selfish of me to ignore that for my own happiness." Rose let go of her and hurriedly wiped her eyes. "Thank you for your wisdom, Alexia. Truly you've been a good friend to me."

Alexia frowned. "Why are you talking like this is goodbye? Even if the worst happens, we'll still see each other."

Rose forced a smile that was obviously false. "Yes, I'm sure you're right." She wiped her eyes once more and steadied herself. "I need to go and get ready to see father. Do you mind if I say goodbye to Cid?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Thank you."

Alexi stood there and watched as the two of them talked for a minute. She felt a mix of relief and regret. If Rose was forced to finally give up on the two of them being together that was one huge headache gone. On the other hand, it was painfully easy to imagine herself in the other girl's shoes.

When Rose turned to go Cid called out to her and tossed Rose his spare sandwich. The girl paused and looked very appreciative. Alexia didn't realize she liked the tuna sandwiches that much. She then turned on her heel and left in a hurry.

Alexia wasted no time going up to Poochie. "What did she say to you?"

"Hmmm? Nothing much, she just told me she might be getting betrothed and asked me to believe in her."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Why'd you give her your sandwich?"

Poochie shrugged. "She looked a little down and I thought it might cheer her up."

Alexia grinned. "You know, every once in awhile you can actually be a nice person, Pooch."

"Thanks. So, can you buy me another sandwich?"

Alexia sighed and gave him a couple copper coins.


The next morning Alexia awoke to shocking news. Rose had stabbed her fiancé and disappeared.