

let me all give you a quick summary what's this book about? well it's anime fanfics that i found on the internet that i really enjoy. none of these are my creation i just put it here to use the webnovel text to speech feature as i like to listen to stories while doing school work or etc. i'm only writing this summary for the people who found this book by accident and say "OHH! have you have no SHAME!! stealing others people's hard work you despicable SHIT!!" well maybe i'm over exaggerating it but still tho that could happen i'm also writing this to just clear the misunderstanding that may come in the future who know's. So yeah that's pretty much it.

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Overlord: The Witch and the Sorcerer

Chapter 15: Arrival

After more than a month of constant traveling, they were finally here. The walls of the imperial capital stood before them, as mighty as Renner was told they were.

The wait was long. They almost spent two full hours before they reached the front of the waiting line. Before the great gate, they were magically and physically checked. Of course, the guards were suspicious of them at first, and with good reason, considering how many magic items Satoru brought with him. It didn't take long for him to explain his situation, and fortunately rumours of his shop already reached the imperial city of Arwintar. The guards let them in but assured them that their presence would be notified to the higher ups.

And so, they finally entered the city. Renner was impressed by the mighty architecture. You could clearly see how different it was from Re-Estize's. Here they preferred elegant, round forms for their structures, a welcomed change from the squared forms she was used to. Also, considering they weren't even in the high district yet, the streets were pretty clean compared to her capital.

'So, it seems it is true… the emperor has some brain in his head,' she thought, as her gaze fell on Lakyus. The noble had a wide mouth as she looked around her in amazement. A small, true smile came to Renner's face 'You will never change Lakyus… always amazed by new things… always eager to learn more…' she thought.

In that moment, something came to her mind. A very bothering thought. She just smiled. Not some fake smile, a true one. But what bothered her most was that the smile wasn't addressed to Satoru, the one who made her heart beat so fast. No, the smile was for Lakyus, a girl she only used as a toy and as general entertainment.

Why did she do that? She herself didn't know the answer, and that bothered her. There was no way she liked Lakyus, or at least not like she liked Satoru. The girl was just a little above the general level of normal people in her eyes. Her loss would not affect her. She doubted she would even shed a tear if she died, but still then, why? Why did she smile?

She looked once more at the older girl next to her. There was nothing different about her than usual.

'This is… bothersome'.

{Satoru's P.O.V.}

The undead magic caster known as Satoru looked around himself. He didn't know what to expect when he reached the capital of the empire and he must say, he was pleasantly surprised. Most of the architecture was exquisite and even from here, he could see both the imperial palace, also known as the White Palace, and the Great Arena.

He certainly made his research before coming here, but he mostly limited himself to economy, politics and magical laws when researching information about the empire. He had no idea what to expect from the city itself until now. Of course, he knew of famous structures like the Great Arena and Magical Academy. He planned on visiting both.

He felt some nostalgia crawl out from inside him, but for several minutes he failed to figure out why, until it finally hit him. The structures and architecture reminded him of his old Guild Base, Nazarick. To be truthful, Satoru tried not to think about it too much in the last year he lived in this new world, mostly because the Guild itself reminded him of his lost friends and the old rotting world.

The thought of his friends arriving in this world crossed his mind sometimes, but he just pushed it back. That idea was nothing but a childish dream he told himself often. He spent many nights already analysing all the data he had.

First, he arrived in this world once the servers were supposed to shut down. The fact that none of his friends were online, or even using the VR at that time was a big point in disfavour of his hopeful dream. Second, he had no idea why he ended up in this world at all. For all he knew, his friends could have been transported to other worlds as well. Third, even if they were in the same world, he could not simply go around the whole globe searching for them. Who knew how big this world was or how many unknown dangers he could meet along the way? If he knew for sure that they were there, he could risk it, but with such odds against him, he may just die for nothing.

The undead overlord shook his head to make all those misleading thoughts go away. He needed to concentrate on the imminent future right now, not on unlikely possibilities.

{1 hour later}

Satoru just finished paying the smiling innkeeper before him. The woman has been most cordial with him and his group, as expected of a high-class inn like that. You may ask yourself why an ex-salaryman like him would go around spending a lot of money in inns instead of saving it.

Well, the reason was twofold. First, he wanted his companions to have a nice place to rest and acceptable hygiene after so many days of constant traveling. He didn't want any of them getting sick. Second, not many low-class inns had places where you could put your horse or cart, and even if they had it, it was often completely unguarded. While he didn't have anything great to lose on his cart, Satoru would have preferred not to be robbed.

He paid for three rooms: one for him, one for both Lakyus and Renner, and another for Gazef and Brain. The latter two promised to pay him back as soon as they could. Satoru appreciated the sentiment.

He must admit, his opinion of Brain got better during the trip. Judging from the tips he gave to Lakyus, he was a talented and experienced swordsman and not a common thug as Satoru initially thought. He certainly had a particular animosity when it came to Gazef though. The two of them often bickered about swordsmanship and training. He learned many things just by listening to their discussions.

After a quick dinner, they all retired to their respective rooms. It was quite late, after all, and they wanted to be fresh for the next day.

And now he sat on a chair in his room, reading one of the books the Guildmaster of the Magician Guild gave him for more information on the empire. He planned on reading it during the trip, but things went differently from what he initially expected. The only source of light in the room was the magic lamp behind him, not that he needed it to read, but it still felt natural to use it nonetheless.

Half an hour later he heard someone knock at his door. A little irritated at the interruption, he went to open the door only to find his two young blond traveling companions waiting outside his door. Both were wearing their nightgowns, a light blue one for Renner and a white one for Lakyus.

"Can we come in?"

Asked the princess with a small smile. Satoru just gestured for them to come inside and closed the door behind them as they entered.

"So, what brings you here? You should be sleeping."

He said to the two girls. Lakyus blushed a little.

"Well we…"

She began before being interrupted by the younger girl.

"Couldn't sleep. We are very excited about finally reaching the capital."

Finished the princess, as she looked around his room as if searching for something. Lakyus just nodded. Satoru sighed.

"And what can I help you with. Do you want me to use magic to put you to sleep?"

He asked ironically as he sat on his magically reinforced chair once more.

"Not at all."

Said the princess as she approached him. She placed her hands on his lap and smiled mischievously at him. Satoru quirked an eyebrow at her behaviour. Before he could question the blond girl, said girl jumped and landed on his lap, shifting her small body until she made herself comfortable with her back laying on his stomach and her head on his low chest.

Satoru was stunned at the sudden invasion of privacy and personal space. 'This isn't very princess like… but she is still rather cute like this…' As he thought that, he patted her head, making her shift even more against him, as if seeking more of his touch.

Meanwhile, Lakyus just watched astonished by her princess' unladylike behaviour. Her eyes went from Satoru's mask to the princess, to Satoru's lap, and then again Satoru's mask.

"Why, instead, don't you tell us a bedtime story?"

Requested the princess. 'Bedtime story? I know nothing about bedtime stories… my mother used to tell me legends about Japanese folklore, but that is hardly something akin to a bedtime story…' He thought for almost a full minute before he finally decided to speak.

"Then why don't I tell you about Grendel the Great Dread and the Strongest Hero?"

He rhetorically asked. At the mention of a hero, Lakyus immediately closed the distance between them and stopped before him, glancing once more at Renner. Then, in an instant, she jumped and landed on Satoru's lap as well. After all, Renner was small and hardly occupied half of Satoru's lap. The noble made herself comfortable on the magic caster's lap before laying her head on his chest as Renner did.

'This is… I think that it might be better to let them do as they want… I don't feel comfortable at all…' he thought, looking down at the two girls on his lap waiting for him to begin his tale.

He finally gave up and began telling them the lore he remembered about the raid boss Grendel and the Strongest Hero who would aid the players during the raid.

Lakyus lasted only a bit more than half an hour and even Renner went down after almost an hour of him talking. Her eyes closed and her breath became heavier as she fell asleep alongside her friend. 'Finally!' thought Satoru in relief, but now another problem arose from his situation. What would he do with the two of them? He could not return them to their room. If someone saw him carry them around like this, something horrible could happen. Luckily for him, there was a quite big bed in his room as well.

Slowly and gently, he stood up, making sure he had a firm grasp on both girls and calmly transported them to his bed. He laid them next to each other on the mattress before grabbing a blanket and covering them with it.

"Sleep well."

He whispered as he turned off the magic lamp, plunging the room into darkness. For a moment, he could have sworn he saw Renner smile at him before the light disappeared. He simply shook his head and returned to his book.

{Renner's P.O.V.}

Before waking up, the third princess of Re-Estize felt suffocated. Something was blocking her from moving. She tried to shift her body to get free, but whatever it was that forced her in that position didn't seem affected by her struggle.

Finally, she opened her eyes only to find the peaceful sleeping face of Lakyus a few centimeters from hers. The young noble's arm was tangled around her and didn't allow the princess to move. 'Why is she in my bed anyway?' she wondered, trying to recall what happened the night before. It took her only a few moments before her brain began to reorganize her memories, giving order to the random scenes she remembered.

They decided to visit Satoru in his room, mostly because she missed his touch, but of course she gave Lakyus an acceptable excuse. Then she managed to get on the magic caster's lap. The joy and happiness she felt in that position were nothing like any she felt before. 'Who needs a majestic throne when I have Satoru all to myself?' she asked herself. She remembered Lakyus joining them. She was more surprised than angry at that moment. She didn't expect Lakyus to have it in her to act so boldly.

Satoru proceeded to tell them a story about some monster and the hero who vanquished it. She wasn't listening. She preferred to enjoy her position. Then Lakyus fell asleep pretty quickly after that, but she resisted. She endured her body's need for sleep just to be able to spend a little more time with her beloved Satoru. She didn't resist that much either apparently. 'curse this body of mine… why can't I grow faster?' she rambled inside her head.

She looked around as much as Lakyus allowed her and noticed they were still in Satoru's room. The little light entering the room from the window indicated that it was still early in the morning. But she didn't care. She just wanted to get free from Lakyus' arms and get up, but as soon as one of her hands went for Lakyus' face, she stopped midway.

Her eyes were now fixed on Lakyus' chest. She already noticed how it grew in the last 2 months, going from a washboard to a low hill. Of course, she knew how a woman's body was supposed to develop but she had no idea of what it felt like. To be completely truthful, she was curious. After almost a minute of hesitation, she gently brought her right hand on Lakyus' breasts. They did indeed grow. Not to abnormal levels, but she was still young after all. The princess continued to touch and experiment for a little bit, enjoying the sounds the sleeping Lakyus made as she touched her. She almost jumped out of her skin in surprise when, after squeezing gently her breast, Lakyus moaned loudly.

After that little experimentation, she finally decided to wake up the noble handmaiden. She brought a hand to her face and gently began to tap her cheek.

"Oi Lakyus! Wake up!"

She whispered in a commanding tone. It took a good half a minute to make the noble open her eyes. She gave her a confused look.

"R-Renner… good morning…"

She said in a sleepy tone, before glancing at the window.

"Isn't it a bit too early… to wake up?…"

She asked as she closed her eyes again.

"I wouldn't have woken you if you didn't trap me here."

The princess retorted, earning a confused look from the young noble.

"I don't under-"

As she said that, she seemed to notice the position they were in and how she was hugging Renner against her own body. She blushed madly as she removed her arms from around the princess.

"I-I-I a-apologize R-Renner… i-i don't kno-"

The emerald eyed noble stuttered out before being interrupted by the younger princess.

"Don't worry about it. You are quite warm and soft, after all. I didn't mind you at all."

She said making the noble blush more if that was even possible. She internally smirked at Lakyus' reaction. 'She is an amusing one indeed… now… where is Satoru?' she asked herself, as she scanned with her icy blue eyes the empty magic caster's room.

{Satoru's P.O.V.}

It was early in the morning when Satoru left his room. The two girls were still sleeping. Since the night had been very quiet and they were in the high district, it was very unlikely something would happen.

He enjoyed the fresh air of the morning. A blessing if compared to the depressing sight that was his old world. His destination wasn't so far from the inn, anyway, and it only took a couple minutes to reach it. The great palace before him had at least 5 floors and the whole thing was surrounded by an enchanted fence. It greatly resembled an private high class Japanese school like the ones he saw in old photos or books.

This was the Imperial Magic Academy of the empire, the center of knowledge and magical study. A place Satoru wished to visit since he first heard of it. In the book he read, it was written that the academy was initially thought up as a place to be dedicated to talented commoners that couldn't afford to pay for private tutelage. The founder was Fluder Paradyne, the strongest human magic caster known and the current Imperial Court Mage since 150 years ago.

That was someone he would like to speak with. Who knew how much information he could gather from such a long lived human.

Unfortunately, just by reading about the academy, he understood how centralized and nationalized the magic market was in the empire. It would be almost impossible to do what he did in the kingdom without coming to an agreement with the emperor or someone in charge of the magical market.

If he did it by himself, he would be constantly fighting against the government that could just easily raise taxes on private magic item selling and ruin his business. But even if he didn't manage to put up a shop there, it didn't mean he couldn't achieve other objectives. Managing to create a link between him and the magic academy would already be a great achievement.

As these thoughts went through his head, he stepped through the gate and began to walk toward the main structure. The guards didn't try to stop him, but their gazes still followed him, searching for any suspicious movement. Once he entered, he was pleasantly surprised by the exquisite decorations. Banners of the empire were everywhere, and magical lights illuminated the great hall. Many ancient looking libraries, protected by enchanted glass, adorned the white walls. All in all, the structure was as beautiful inside as it was outside.

Satoru advanced toward one of the receptionists who sat at the very end of the hall. Since it was pretty early, only a few people could be seen walking around. Satoru was surprised that there was even someone stationed as a receptionist so early in the morning.

"Good morning, sir. May I ask what brings you to the magic academy today?"

Asked the middle-aged man acting as receptionist. Satoru lightly bowed his head in respect.

"Good morning to you. I am a magic caster coming from a distant land who recently took residence in the Re-Estize Kingdom. After hearing from an acquaintance of mine about your great academy, I decided to come here to visit it, if such a thing is allowed."

He explained in a cordial tone. The receptionist nodded.

"I see. May I trouble you with a request, sir? Could you please remove your mask? I do not want to sound rude, but we take security very seriously at the magic academy and would like to know the faces of all those we allow in."

The receptionist explained in a calm tone. Satoru hummed.

"I understand your concerns, but unfortunately my order does not allow us to remove our masks in public. Doing so would result in us being banned from using magic ever again."

Satoru explained. The receptionist seemed troubled and not quite sure how to respond.

"If you need identification, I am Satoru, a magic caster of the 5th tier. You may have heard of me in the last months."

Satoru tried to use his name to pressure the receptionist more. It seemed to work, as the man's eyes went wide in recognition of his name.

"I-I seem, Sir Satoru. While our policy would not allow such a thing, I will consult my superiors about your request. Considering your… fame as a magic caster, we may be able to arrange an agreement for a visit."

The man replied. Satoru nodded.

"I thank you for your understanding. Once you have an answer, please send someone to the Marvellous Cinnamon inn and leave it to them."

He said, receiving a nod from the receptionist.

"As you wish, sir. Can I do anything else for you?"

He asked professionally.

"No, thank you. Have a nice day."

Answered Satoru, quite satisfied with the exchange.

"You too, sir."

{White Palace}

{Jircniv's P.O.V.}

The emperor waited in his private room. While he was waiting for his grandfather figure to arrive, he was checking some paperwork. He knew that if he left it there, he would just regret it later.

He checked the military reports on his desk with caution. Everything must be perfect if he wants his purgation to succeed. Fluder may be against it, but Jircniv knew that the more time he let those worms bathe in false power, the more damage they will do.

Of course, not all nobles were incompetent fools. There were still those who earned their ranks, but they were mostly generals honoured with title after doing some great service to the country.

Most of those nobles wanted nothing to do with their useless peers and many even openly resented them. That is why most of his power lied in the army and why he was so preoccupied with their reports. At the moment, the legions were gathering around the cities of the most influential nobles he needed to remove, ready to strike together. Once the heads of those nobles were on pikes, there would be nothing stopping him from terminating minor houses. Of course, a short period of chaos would follow but he was already prepared to fill all the power holes his actions would leave.

The only thing he needed now was a good opportunity. He thought about doing it during the last harvest of the season. Re-Estize will not be able to gather troops fast enough to take advantage of the chaos. Otherwise, they would risk a famine during the water season due to the lost harvest. Yes, that was a good plan. Even if those idiots managed to get some territories with a surprise attack, he would destroy them once the water season arrives.

As he thought that, someone knocked at his room's door.

"Come in gramps."

He said, not even raising his gaze from the document in his hands. He heard the door open and close immediately after.

"So, news about our guest?"

He asked as he slammed the Emperor's stamp on one of the documents before putting it away in a corner of his desk.

"He has just arrived last evening and he is not alone."

The old man's words caught his attention. The emperor put down the documents in his hand and looked up at the old magic caster, waiting for him to elaborate.

"Apparently, he has four companions with him. Two blond girls, a little younger than you, who appear to be of noble birth, and two grown men. These two are the concerning ones."

Fluder said as he paused, making sure he had the full attention of the young emperor.

"One appears to be the famous martial artist Brain Unglaus. The other we are not sure about, but some seemed to recognize him as Gazef Stronoff, even if that is quite unlikely."

He said, as the emperor bit down on his lower lip in frustration. He hoped to catch the magic caster alone. It would have made things far easier. 'If you want something, you must work hard to get it' Those words returned to his mind in that instant. It was one of the first lessons Fluder taught him. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Very well, then. It seems our game will not be so one sided as I hoped."

He said, as his brain began to envision a parallel plan to the one he thought of before this new development occurred. He remained silent for some minutes before sighing. There was no other way. He had to get new information about these four companions of his. Once he understood who they were and what they wanted, then he was sure a plan would be forgeable. There was no meaning in planning when you had four wild and unknown cards on the table after all.

"Obtain all we can on these four. We must know who we are dealing with. Most importantly, confirm if this second man is really Gazef Stronoff."

He ordered. Fluder nodded and went for the door, but the emperor stopped him before he could leave.

"And send in my best scribe."

He added, before standing up from his chair and reaching his favourite window, the one that gave him a full view of the capital below him, from the poorest to the richest district.

One day, many years from now, when his hair would turn grey, he dreamed of looking out of this same window and seeing a golden and prosperous city under him. A place where people would thrive, a symbol of the golden era he would bring upon the empire. They will remember him, yes, they will all remember him as the greatest emperor to ever live.

But for now, that was nothing but a distant dream. There was still so much to be done. He heard a knock coming from his door. He turned and returned to his desk before speaking.

"Come in."

As the words left his lips, a young man in the middle of his twenties entered.

"You called for me, Your Majesty?"

He asked bowing. The emperor smiled.

"Yes, indeed. I have a missive for you to write."

As he said that, the scribe immediately went for one of the small tables in his room and put down his instruments. In less than a minute, he was ready to begin. 'Efficient and quick… just how I like them…' the emperor joked.

It went unsaid that his personal best scribe was a commoner. A well-educated commoner, but a commoner nonetheless as many of his other close servants. The nobles would call him weak and a disgrace for the empire. Fools, all of them. Only an idiot would surround themselves with people whose only worth was in their name. He cleared his throat, before starting to dictate his missive.

"To the honourable and most prestigious magic caster Satoru…"

{Satoru's P.O.V.}

At the moment, Satoru was relaxing in his room, Renner and Lakyus playing a card game on his bed. They had just finished having dinner together half an hour ago.

Considering everything that happened, their first day in the capital has been quite pleasant. Both Gazef and Brain didn't have much to do apart from training Lakyus and arguing among each other. He spent the remainder of the day, after visiting the magic academy, exploring the city with Renner. The third princess seemed to have enjoyed their walk together. Well, it was expected, since after so many years in the capital she would be eager to see something else for once.

As those thoughts crossed his mind, he heard a knock coming from the door. Without hesitation, he went for the door and opened it, revealing a distressed innkeeper.

"S-sorry to disturb you, my lord, but… one of the personal messengers of His Majesty Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix is requesting your presence."

At her words, Satoru internally screamed 'why does this keep happening?!' and as usual, his [Emotional Suppression] kicked in and stopped his burst of emotions. He sighed, looking back at the two girls who just looked back at him puzzled.

"I understand. Please lead the way."

He said in defeat.

'Not like he could say anything else…'

The woman nodded before guiding him to a room not far from his. She remained there as he entered and closed the door behind him.

Sitting on one of the elegant sofas was a man in full decorated armour. It was indeed a messenger, judging by his fancy red, gold and black cloak. The soldier immediately stood up and advanced toward him, his steps elegant and calculated.

"Are you perhaps Lord Satoru?"

He asked in a cold tone.

"Yes, that would be me."

The undead magic caster confirmed. Then the messenger took out a letter from his cloak. The envelop was black with golden borders and in the middle was the seal of the Baharuth Empire, two gryphons facing each other.

"A letter from His Majesty Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix, addressed directly to you."

He said, as he offered the letter to him. Satoru grabbed it and looked at the messenger for a few seconds.

"I was ordered to await an answer from you."

He explained, as Satoru broke the seal on the envelop and took the letter out, unfolding it.

To the honourable and most prestigious magic caster Satoru.

I, Emperor of the Baharuth Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix, welcome you to Arwintar. I have heard many tales of you during these past months, and I am eager to find out if they all are true.

It is for this reason that I would be delighted if you, and your esteemed companions, could join me, and a few others, at dinner tomorrow.

Of course, I will provide the required transportation and for any other need you might require.

Awaiting with trepidation, your answer.

Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix, Emperor of the Baharuth Empire

As soon as Satoru finished reading the letter, only one thought was going on loop in his mind 'God damn it! Why me?!'