
Anime verse: Multi-verse travel

A guy reincarnated as Yuu Izumi's Brother in Shikimori San is not just Cute. Let's follow Itsuki Yuu on his travel to the multiveres and beyond.

Al_Senpai · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs


Hello everyone! This is your Author, Meowske_kun!

As you've noticed, I haven't uploaded any updates yet regarding on this fan-fic but don't worry, I'm not planning on dropping this or anything like that. I still have many ideas inside my head but for now I would announce an hiatus.

And the reason for that is because my phone just broke last month and it's currently unusable. I keep requesting for my mom to buy me a new one but unfortunately we still have no budget yet, so that's why I will put this into a hiatus state for now.

Seriously, I'm just a beginner writer but i didn't expect that many would read my works. To all of you readers reading my work, I would like to express my utmost gratitude specially to those who commented and gave extra ideas, ( though there are many harsh comments ) those were very helpful for my development as a new author.

I don't know how long this hiatus will last, but I assure you my readers! by the time I receive my new phone I will immediately write and upload the updates!!

That's all for now, See you again next time!

sincerely yours! Meowske_kun

PS: If your wondering why I was able to post this announcement. then it's because I secretly used my sisters phone just to post this! 🤫